Wednesday, July 21, 2021

A day

 It was a day yesterday.  I sorted through some stuff in the garage and sprayed some Ivy and Thistle before the smoke descended on us from Canada. 

My Dad was diagnosed with a blood clot in his leg...the Doctors think that is the source of his pain...and that his Cellulitis is better.   He was released from the hospital and my baby brother brought him and Mom home.

Son in Law Andy's Mom had a stress related heart attack...scary for sure.  It is their 50th Wedding Anniversary this Saturday and a party is planned...hope it still happens. 

Far Guy brought his woodcarving project into the house...he would rather carve outside but that is just not happening this week. 

I crocheted in the afternoon while watching The Mole on Netflix.  Supper was ribs, baked potato and fruit. 

I am real tired of summer...the smoke, heat and humidity...

Far Side


  1. The weather there has been beastly, I agree. I wonder what fall and winter will bring?

    Hopefully your dad will feel better. I'm sorry he was in such pain.

    Our air quality is probably better than yours, but we still have that and a new term I have never seen before.
    Haze. Widespread haze for the next 3 days? Interesting.

  2. Sounds like you had a bad day yesterday. Sending you a BIG HUG!!! Hope today is better. Praying for your Dad.

  3. In my single days, I brought my wood carving inside. I didn't mind the pile of woodchips in front of the easy chair and would just vacuum it up before guests arrived.

  4. Glad your dad is home. Blood clots are scary. I am not a fan of this summer either, for many reasons...

  5. Glad your Dad is home, though sorry he has a blood clot... Hope it doesn't cause any issues. Sorry about your son-in-law's Mom too... Hope the anniversary party can go ahead on the weekend.

    Bringing the woodcarving inside sounds like a good plan under the circumstances.

    I'm with you on being so done with Summer heat. We're having a heatwave here that's led to the met office issuing their first ever amber alert for hot weather in the UK (they've only ever had to do severe weather warnings like that for storms in the past). I hate hot weather as a rule anyhow, and it's hotter than it usually gets here, so I'm really not enjoying it.

  6. It has been a brutal summer. Still praying for your dad. It seems blood clots area common side effect of all the mRNA vaccines, sadly.
    We had ribs for supper last night too, with a side of cole slaw.

  7. Glad dad is doing better and they got to the bottom of his pain. Hope he is back winning at Bingo soon!

  8. Terry thinks like you...tired of summer. Not me! I'm so glad it is here. I'm enjoying every moment for it doesn't last long enough. I'm so glad your Dad is home. Home helps heal much better than a hospital.

  9. Dennis is still in Spokane this week and will come home tomorrow. He said the air is brown there. Ugh. Here it's just hazy in the mornings but at least we can't smell the smoke. The weather guy tells us the haze is from all of the fires though. It's hot, hot, hot. Supposed to be upper 90's by Saturday and 100's early next week. I hope it's better for everyone soon. It's been a fairly miserable summer.

  10. Good to hear your Dad is home. Hope Andy's mom recoveries quickly, in time for the celebration.

    I'm not over summer yet but it won't be long is this weather keeps up.

  11. Glad they found that blood clot in time. You are having smoke while we have cloudy skies but mostly clear. For now.

  12. Ya, the smoke gets to you. We've had one or two air quality the last few days but it's going to be an ugly summer as far as smoke goes.

  13. This smoke has to be horrible for you there. A friend has been posting photos from their family lake week (somewhere near Staples) and the smoke was so thick it looked like fog. Ugh!!! Good to hear that your father is home again, and hope the blood clot is breaking down.

  14. I miss summers when the sky was clear and a brilliant blue and when the mountains were visible.

  15. Far Guy sure doesn't need to breathe any of that smoke! I'm glad your Dad was able to come home but a blood clot is a bit scary too. I imagine he is on blood thinners and hope he is careful about not falling or getting hurt. Tom is on blood thinners and I had to take him to the Emergency Room last week because we couldn't stop the bleeding from a minor wound.

    I sure hope Andy's Mom gets better soon and can enjoy her anniversary. You two take care!

  16. Sorry about blowing our smoke your way, but glad we don't have it yet this year.
    I hope everyone gets well enough to enjoy the big anniversary.

  17. I am sick of these bloody cold mornings with my runny nose and cold ears that acher

  18. Oh I'm sorry you're tired of summer. Well, at least we're halfway thru it now. We have had one day of smelling the smoke so far. I never like it when temps go past 79 degrees! And don't like humidity either. Praying that your dad will be all better soon and the blood clot will be gone. Praying for Andy's mother too. Ribs sound great...wish I lived closer!!! :)

  19. I'm so sorry to hear about your Dad and your son-in-law's mom. Those are both scary things. I hope evryone will be OK!

  20. I have two older window air conditioners and wrote a not to a Woodward neighbor. Asked if they needed an extra one and she said they had none. They get em.


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