Monday, July 12, 2021

Quiet Sunday

 It was a quiet sale day, I got some more sorting done in the garage and washed my baby brothers Gator.  We got rid of several big items...a plow, disk and an old hog feeder.  Several people were interested in the plow and disk so we had more company!  

In the evening we went for a ride. 

The sun was fire red most likely due to the Wildfires in Canada.

The neighbors Sorghum field.  Sorghum looks like corn but much shorter.  It will be baled once it is dry.

We have a busy week coming up...Tuesday is the only day we have as a free day. 

Far Side


  1. I hope your busy week goes smoothly, without one single hitch, Connie. Take good care of yourself & Far Guy do the same. ~Andrea xoxoxo

  2. Sounds like a pretty good Sunday. Also, sounds like you needed a quiet-ish day with the week you have coming up.

  3. Glad you are getting rid of lots. Have a great week and be sure to rest up on Tuesday!

  4. Did you raise hogs? My hubby did the first few years we were together. Piglets are so cute. Nice that you sold some larger items, now you have more space. I've never heard of Soprghum. I feel like I say that a lot on your blog, lol. Always learning about new things from you :) Enjoy those little pockets of free time, throughout your busy week.

    1. Flowers are prettier and smell a whole lot better than hogs!

  5. We noticed the haze in our area yesterday in the distance. I wonder if there were wildfires somewhere. Karen

  6. I was asleep before sunset last night. But the skies are something else and the smoke has added colors. My cousins are fishing in N. MN somewhere and said the air was terrible? Hopefully it isn't too bad there?

  7. Sounds like your day many have been quiet but it was productive. I like those kind of days.

  8. The smoke from the whole west is so thick here a person can't see 1/2 a mile. Eyes burn and it's hard to breathe, but, no matter, we still have to be outside working. Sigh.

  9. OOOOOH. Maybe I've seen sorghum and just thought it was corn in a dry season! Now I'll know!

  10. Smoke from the California and Oregon fires moved into Wyoming yesterday.

  11. It's good that some of those big items are going, going, gone!

  12. It's odd that we aren't seeing the haze here, I guess the winds are blowing it to the southeast of us. I'm sure we'll see smoke in the air here soon as there are several fires burning in the northern part of the province.

    Have a good week!

  13. It's true that smoke from Canada changes the skies around here, too. But so far this year we've been spared. Glad to hear you got those big items sold!

  14. Congratulations on the success with your garage sale. If you have a busy week I hope that doesn't mean too many doctor's appointments. That is what usually makes a busy week for us. I sometimes think retirement just means you have a new job of regular medical appointments! Rest and relax when you can this week!

  15. Although I can't actually see it there must be smoke or haze in the air because my eyes are worse than usual. Wildfires seem to be a yearly plague further north of us.Enjoy your free day tomorrow.

  16. I have never seen a soprghum field! Here in our corner of Ohio we grow corn, wheat, sugar beets and more and more soybeans. I love to see the tobacco fields when we travel south down 75 to Georgia. A few years ago we drove to New Orleans and saw sugar cane fields!

  17. Quiet Sundays are so lovely..............

  18. I love the evening sky. I miss the Sun setting over Lake Michigan. We used to head to the Beach every night to watch it. Here in Iowa, we enjoy watching it set over the corn. Not as romantic, but still rather pretty.

  19. Glad you’re finding homes for your extra items.

  20. Glad your sale is going well. Better enjoy Tuesday as it's your only quiet day this week. Hope all your other appointments and things go well! Monday and Friday are my two quiet days this week....will be glad when I get to Friday! Daughter just had 7 sweet baby ducklings hatch at their house in many colors! Hope they all do well! Have a great evening!

  21. I had no idea what sorghum looks like, so thanks for that description. I did see some around here a while back and was wondering, "what's wrong with that corn?!"


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