Saturday, July 17, 2021

Hanging out

Yesterday we hung out at the garage sale all day.  We had some customers even though it was a warm day.  Today we have shortened the hours as it is supposed to get real warm and we need our naps. 

We had a picker come by and buy a bunch of stuff.  I don't care if they resell "stuff."  Better at their place than ours. 

For supper I steamed those Crawfish...yum...but I have forgotten how much work they are to eat.  They had good flavor.  Not as good as in the Gulf Coast...but still good.  So much for our foodie adventure!

Towards dark we went to town stopped by DQ and then drove over to the  Church parking lot...the fairgrounds is right across the highway.  We ate our ice cream and watched the rides. 

This one gave you a two minute ride and one time over the top...sometimes two times...the two times was probably screaming girls...and they wanted to hear them scream again. 

It was a good date night! 

Far Side


  1. Glad you had some people come to the sale even with the heat. Hope today goes well and you manage to stay relatively comfortable in the heat. Glad you had an enjoyable date night.

  2. I think pickers and junkers would come to my place when we have an auction and sales. After all, who needs 4 aluminum boats? Who needs two tractors that need work? My husband's collecting might bring back rewards some day.
    Sound like it was a good day.

  3. Ha! I think we were at that same fair, around 2 ish. THEN we went to DQ. We’re from Deer River.

  4. I would have gone on the rides!

  5. That would me my kind of date - no rides for me! I didn't do them when I was a teenager either. :)

    Continued good luck with the garage sale.

  6. We like to so and 'sit' and 'watch' stuff. Tally still talks about when we sat and watched the highway people remove a large street light and put up a new took TWO HOURS! She is still horrified :)

  7. I'm glad that people are stopping to buy things from you. But...the date night sounds even better. Much like ours. DQ and going for a ride or sitting in the park. We don't do fancy! :-)

  8. That’s the way I like carnival rides. From safely on the ground looking up! :)

  9. I used to live for scary carnival rides as a kid, until the spinning type stopped agreeing with me around 13 or 14. I still loved rollercoasters for years after. The last one I rode was the Batman ride, when it first came out at Six Flags. Someone had to ride with my oldest kid (over 20 years ago). It was fun but after that, I watched safely from the ground. Glad you enjoyed date night & moved more stuff!

  10. I look at those carnival rides and my stomach churns just looking at them. Yep, having ice cream across the street is as close as I'd care to get too. :) I'm so happy you two had such a good day and nice evening. "Date nights"... I can't even conceive of such a thing, it's been so long. ~Andrea xoxoxo

  11. I find garage sales a long and boring day. I wish a picker would come by my place.

  12. That was a good date night! I like people watching, especially at a fair.

  13. I’m with Cynthia - I like my carnival rides only as a spectator. Sounds like an excellent date night. We went to parade this morning as it’s rodeo week here in Mitchell. Probably the first time in decades that we both went to this.

  14. A very long time ago I enjoyed those wild rides. If I remember correctly I was one of those screaming girls.

  15. What a fun adventure. I loved DQ ice cream. There is not substitute for that taste. I really liked the hot fudge sundaes. Carnival rides are magical to watch.

  16. I agree with everyone, what a fun date night! And I agree with everyone again about the carnival rides, I love to watch them, and all the people but don't think for a second I'll get on one! ....I'm chicken! 😊

  17. Glad your garage sale is going well. I think going to the DQ and then watching the rides at the Fair would be fun too! I think ferris wheels are a lot of fun, but I don't like the rides that send you upside-down. That would make me sick! Glad you had a good Date Night! You guys are fun!

  18. I like those rides, or at least I did at one time. It's been a long time. It does look like it was a very good day all in all.

  19. It would be fun to go to Dairy Queen then watch the rides. No way would I get on either of those rides. I always enjoy going back to look at your posts I've missed. Our coffee maker stopped working yesterday so we had to go buy a new one...Now we are looking at microwaves. Always something!

  20. I haven't been to the fair in several years. Served my time for over 15 years as a 4-H superintendent working sun up to sun down in a hot barn cleaning the barn, putting up exhibits, supervising judging, supervising the projects, supervising the junior fair board, tearing down exhibits, cleaning the barn. After resigning I stayed away so I wouldn't jump in to help. I am still a little leery about wandering too close. Eating ice cream across the street might work.

    I was just telling someone about my favorite part of the fair last week. When I was leaving the fairgrounds at night there was a stand that had a cooler of hot sweet corn. They would reach in, peel the husk and dip it in butter so I could hold it by the husk handle and eat it as I walked to the rear of the parking lot across the road, dripping butter down my front as I walked in the dark to my car. It was so delicious and that no one could see me was a bonus.

  21. I couldn't figure out what the first photo of the carnival ride was. It looked like some sort of fancy camera on a tripod. Then I realized it was much bigger than that. Perspective is everything.

  22. Had to grin and thought that sounds like us...would rather watch than actually ride the rides. ;) Fun and DQ.

  23. We recently watched the rides at the Red River Valley Fair while we were waiting for a concert to start. They had quite a few what I call big rides. I think I would enjoy a ride on the ferris wheel!


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