Friday, July 16, 2021

Thursday on Friday

 Wow this week went really fast.  Grocery pickup was uneventful...they are still out of various items...some of which I went into the store to check...and they had cherries and pears...go figure.  Town is still real busy with tourists.   Main Street was full of cars....couldn't find a parking spot if you wanted one. 

I took my Dad to Bingo.  I got a bingo so we were encouraged...I just wish Dad would get a bingo. 

The paper shredder bit the dust this week too...two appliances...I wonder what will be next.  The new microwave works will warm stuff up, bake a potato, pop popcorn and defrost meat...:)  I added a paper shredder to my wally world list and it was delivered to the vehicle... :)

Found some Crawfish at the Butcher Shop...frozen...they are thawing out...we will steam them one of these nights. 

A old friend  (age 67) died recently.   She opened a freezer and fell backwards hit her head and died the next day.  One just never knows. 

Far Side


  1. I am sorry to learn about your friend’s unexpected passing. I wish your dad could bingo too. Thanks to you, I purchased outshine bars yesterday and I love them!

  2. Is that Verbena? I have flowers like that!
    Yes, falling over and death can happen to any one of us without any notice, so enjoy each day we can right?

  3. Go figure on the grocery pickup. Seems to be the norm these days. Glad your new microwave is working and that wally world had a paper shredder. My hubby's antique mantel clock broke it's main spring(scared the crap out of me), so it is going in for repairs. Have a nice weekend.

  4. Sorry about the friend who died.

    I've known that happen with groceries here too. I also had one time where they said something I ordered wasn't there, so offered me asubstitute. I accepted the substitute. And the original thing was what turned up.

  5. Pretty flowers! I'm so sorry to hear about your friend passing away. I hope your dad gets a bingo soon too. Have a great weekend. :)

  6. My condolences on the passing of your friend. One never knows the hour or the day....

  7. I'm always confused by the gaps on store shelves that seem to change weekly. I made a Wally world trip yesterday for a friend. They are moving today, from their house to a smaller town house. She gave me a list and I was very surprised that I managed to find everything on her list.

  8. So sorry to hear of your friends passing. Definitely unexpected. New appliances come with all kinds of bells and whistles these days. Hope your dad gets to shout out Bingooo soon!!

  9. I'm so sorry about your friend. My brother was a groomsman in a wedding where the groom fainted during the wedding from the heat, hit his head and died right there. The insurance company didn't know what to do about it. Was he married or not? Turns out the minister had just pronounced them "man and wife" and she was made an instant widow. So tragic.
    Our grocery shelves were very empty at Walmart on Monday too. 4 gallons of milk left. 3 dozen eggs. Not much meat at all. Scary times.

  10. Oh! My Goodness! What a horrid shock for the family. For her...that's a quick way to go.

  11. I'm sorry to hear about your friend. What a dreadful thing to happen - falls can be so dangerous as we age.

    The verbena is gorgeous!

  12. Hitting your head is a real danger when we're older. It has led to more than one premature death. Sorry to hear about your friend and you're right: you just never know.

  13. I am sorry about your friend. It is a shock when someone dies...and even more shock when it is a sudden death. I haven't used the Kroger option to shop on line because my daughter's second job is working at the deli at our local Kroger. When the pandemic was at its worse she bought me what I needed and I paid her for the food, etc. when she dropped it off. She has been a hugh help to me.

  14. Holy toledo.... just innocently opening up a freezer and died because of it. 67 years old is young. Sheesh. I'm staying out of my freezer today! ~Andrea xoxoxo

  15. I am so sorry about your friend. I had a dear church friend in her late 60's. She was at her 90 year old mother's house and something fell under the table. She went under to get it and really cracked her head. Shortly afterward she started getting forgetful and quickly got worse and worse. Her daughter noticed and took her for tests; she had been having a brain bleed that lead to loss of brain tissue. Within a year she was in assisted living, then passed. She and I planned many of the activities for our ladies group - she had great ideas and took me along for the ride. I have had to step back. It is not the same without her.

  16. Sorry about your friend's unfortunate accident and death.
    Too bad your small appliances are needing to be replaced. Things just don't last very long, do they!!!

  17. I'm sorry about your friend. That age is young in my book. Congrats on the bingo! You have mentioned having trouble finding Lime Outshine Bars. Do you have a Target in your area? I have discovered they carry them. I love the strawberry and tangerine. ; )

    1. We have a Target about 60 miles away:) I like Tangerine too!

  18. Our Walmart actually brings our things by as they were desperate to keep selling things. They have a delivery company that delivers the shampoo in the morning and the conditioner in the afternoon.

  19. That is a shockingly sad death. :-(

  20. I better watch my step next time I reach for the Ice cream. Maybe this will give me incentive to quit that bad dairy habit. I have yet to enjoy crawfish. Similar to catfish, I don't know exactly how to cook them up. You would think the Fisheries Biologist should know, but... there are so many other tasty seafoods out there.

  21. I know it passed in a flash, shopping day here hoping everything is there

  22. Oh so sorry to hear about your friend who died. You're so right....we just never know what's coming next. Better keep saying our prayers! Those pink flowers are so pretty...are they in your yard? So glad to hear you got a Bingo....sure hope your dad gets one soon. Yes the tourists are all over here too....hard to go out to dinner anywhere without a looonnnngggg wait! Have a good weekend you two!

  23. I'm so sorry about your friend! Life is just too darn short!

  24. Beautiful flowers! That isn't good news that the grocery store isn't filling the entire order when they have the items. Hmmm. Stay cool, it sounds like it is going to warm up!


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