Wednesday, July 14, 2021


We were invited to go fishing.  Far Guy fishes...I do not...I took my camera. 


Loons on the lake, there are two pair; one pair has one baby and the other pair has two babies. 

We were trolling along and all of a sudden a Loon surfaced right by the pontoon.  Exciting...It was diving and swimming under water...I have not seen that before!  Wow!  

It has a fish! 

Later we saw it trying to feed two babies...

There was some Loon talking going on....the fuzzy youngsters didn't seem real interested in the fish...Sunfish again?  Perhaps they are at the teenage stage...they should be about 8 weeks old. 

It was a fun evening (Monday) out on the water.   My brothers each caught other baby brother filleted them out and sent them home with us...we had them for supper last night!  They were very good.... coated with flour first, then dipped in egg, finally in Ritz Cracker crumbs and fried in a bit of bacon grease.  That is how I fry fish.

Far Side


  1. Great photos!
    Have a blessed day!

  2. Yummmmmoooooooo... I love fried fish and the way you fry them sounds deeelicious, Connie!! ~Andrea xoxoxo

  3. What a fun day! How exciting to see the Loons. And yes, you fry your fish the "right" way.

  4. The loon photos are beautiful. I don’t fish either. Your fish recipe sounds tasty.

  5. That's how I do it too. We no longer fish but I wish I could convince him to go out and do it. We have nice areas to fish from a dock on the river or one of our manmade dams that have a stocked lake in it.

    Sounds wonderful. It has been ages since I had a good fish fry.

  6. The markings/pattern on the loon are beautiful!

  7. Yes! Fish for supper. What an awesome adventure, getting to watch the birds & see babies too. Karen

  8. Glad you had a good time and had a nice dinner out of it too! :)

  9. One of the things I miss most about the time I spent living up north is listening to the loons talk to each other.

  10. Great way to spend a summer day.

  11. What a wonderful day. Great shots of the loon. I like to fish (trolling is my favourite way - so nice and lazy), but I would have my camera too to do both!

  12. Fresh caught fish - YUM!! I would have been with you, having a camera in hand rather than a fishing pole. But I do love to eat those fish when someone else catches them.

  13. Looks like a fun time out there. I like the sound of your fish fry. Sounds delicious.

  14. We JUST got our power and internet back this morning! I've been reading along on my phone but not able to comment.
    I do miss the Loons on Loon Lake in WA. I miss a LOT about Spokane. It's hard to move after so long in a city.
    Fresh caught fish are SO much better than what you get in a store. I haven't had crappie for years. Yum.

  15. Fresh fish fried in bacon grease sounds delicious! What a nice evening out on the lake! The loons are beautiful birds.

  16. Sounds like heaven and looks even better.

  17. I grew up on a lake in lower Michigan, but none of us ever fished. Oh, as kids sometimes we'd take some line and a hook and put a piece of canned corn on the hook and fish off the dock. Caught a lot of little sunfish. Threw them back in. I didn't like touching them so used mom's potholders. Never told mom. :)

  18. Nothing like the sound of a loon across the water. :)
    Haven't been crappie and sunnie fishing since I was a kid with my dad. Nice memories, even though I couldn't do anything but hold the pole. Grossed me out to put worms or minnows on a hook or take the fish off. I would have been much better off with a camera.

  19. My Uncle and Aunt would fish in your area years ago. They tried to northern or walleye for the first week then fished for crappies to be sure they had enough fish to bring home.They were staying there when there were real log cabins, outhouses and of course bears.

  20. Loons are such elegant birds and I love their calls. We used to hear them when we went camping. Them and the coyotes.

  21. Fried fish is delicious. I use flour and cornmeal to coat the fish after dipping it in milk. Fabulous loon photos!

  22. Fishing with your camera is my kind of fishing! I love the pictures of the loons and also the beautiful sounds they make. I imagine teenage loons can be just as difficult as other teenagers! ; )

  23. Loons are so beautiful and loon song is wonderful. Lucky you.
    Thanks for sharing how you fry fish. I don't have any fish to fry, but I have done a similar preparation for clams, except I use Panko instead of Ritz crackers.

  24. I don't like fishing, I do like your photos

  25. Loons are my absolute favorites! How nice that you got such up-close pics of those beauties and their young ones. I love the haunting sounds that loons make. We have a pair on our lake and this year they have one baby....I hope it makes it to adulthood...many times they are eaten by the bald eagles that soar around here! Glad you had a fun time on the lake!

  26. Loons are very shy so you were fortunate to see these activities.

  27. Such a good picture! I only remember seeing Loons at Pearl Lake in Michigan. Funny, I don't remember ever seeing them in Minnesota all that time I spent there. They are a very pretty bird! And I love their song.

  28. I like floating, much better than fishing. They are too wiggly for me. I’ve never done a freshly caught fish fry. I would love to watch loons & photograph them, bonus from a boat!! Lucky you! Nice shots!

  29. Mmm, fresh fish! And loons, with baby loons as a bonus. What more could you ask summer for?


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