Friday, July 30, 2021

Bingo Group

 There were 16 of us at Bingo last night.  My Dad was not sure that he would feel up to going...but he did...and Mom went too.  All of my baby brothers children were there and one of my other baby brothers children.  States represented were Minnesota of course, New Jersey, Maryland, Washington and Oregon.  People from Oregon and Minnesota were winners.    Dad did not Bingo...I was hoping he would.  BUT he had a good time and it was good for him to get out of the house.   His broken rib is painful for him. 

Dad is struggling more with his memory...but he still knows how to play bingo:)

Far Side


  1. I am happy to hear that your Dad went to Bingo. It is important for his mental health to get out and do things. Sorry to hear he didn't Bingo. Praying his rib heals soon.

  2. When I broke mine, it was nearly three weeks before I could lay down in bed and probably another three weeks before I could lay on that side or roll over.

  3. I'm sure he was tickled to have so many of his family come along to Bingo. He got to show you all off to his fellow Bingo players.

  4. That's a fun way to spend some time with family. Wishing your Dad a speedy recovery.

  5. I'm glad he can still enjoy Bingo. And being with you...that is priceless!

  6. A broken rib is no fun at any age! Your dad is a real trooper!

  7. You may not have won Bingo, but having a family gathering was a winner.

  8. Sounds like a wonderful family night out on the town! Glad Dad felt up to going, glad mom was able to go, too. Praying he gets some relief from that pain.

  9. It sounds like it was a really nice gathering, even if Dad didn't win, I'll bet it helped keep his mind off his ribs.

  10. It is good to have something to look forward to each week.

  11. That must have been such a fun evening with the various members of your family from five states!!!

  12. I'm sorry that your dad didn't Bingo last night...but I'm glad to hear that he went. Sounds like a lot of kith and kin there to enjoy the hours together. Hope he is feeling better soon.

  13. Having fun is more important then winning

  14. Oooh...that flower is my favorite!

    Glad your dad got a chance to be out of the house with so many people he knows. The broken rib must be challenging, though.

  15. Seeing other people is so important. As a side note now..our county health department is asking vaccinated people as well as those not vaccinated to wear masks indoors at gatherings. Our Summer Tourism is sending our county into a spike of Covid Delta variant. Glad you were able to take your dad to Bingo and he got to see everyone.

  16. Your family represented at Bingo, fun!!

  17. Glad you had a good time with family! All my siblings are gathering at the AL lake house (coming from NC, GA and AL) but I opted not to go given the spouse of one of them refuses to get vacinated, and the covid is dangerously high in AL where only 30 some % of the people that live there are vacinated. Even though I am, as they are learning more about the varient I decided not to risk it. But I resent that I can't be with them. :(

  18. That's quite a group. Glad everyone had fun, especially your Dad.


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