Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Happy Halloween!

 We are hopeful that we will get a few trick or treaters.  It snowed here yesterday...enough to make everything white.  We have great candy in individual bags! Our neighborhood kids are getting too old to trick or treat anymore. If no one shows up we will have enough candy for the entire Winter!

Sadie is hopeful that she will see some ghosts and goblins.

Photo taken by Jen.

Far Side


  1. Beautiful photo! That looks terrific.

  2. What a great photo. Ours is a secure building so no one can get in unless we buzz them in...so no trick-or-treaters here. I'm planning to go to Brad & Mandy's and pass out candy while she takes Piper out for awhile. Brad is out of town for work so they're down one adult. :-) I enjoy seeing the costumes but I think they'll be covered by coats tonight.

  3. Great photo! We don't get any kids here.

  4. Our youngest one still wants to go trick or treating so we won't be home again. Maybe in a year or two, we might make the transition to just handing out candy but we live out on the edge of town on large lots so houses are spaced out quite a bit so I'm guessing any trick or treaters will be few and far between.

  5. Cute photo of Sadie and the ghosts.

    It's pretty cold here this morning, but we're warming up to the freezing mark so I anticipate we'll see some children arriving at the door for candy. I sure hope so, as I have enough chips and candy bars for 40-50 kids!

  6. Happy Halloween! Hope Sadie gets to share candy with lil' ghosts & goblins.

    Our grands will visit for a spooky hunt in our "forest" this weekend *^* our fourth annual. It has becoming tradition. The older they get, the harder it is to come up with new BOO scenes!

  7. So are you up North for the winter?
    I haven't had any trick or treaters here so haven't bought candy for years. :)

  8. Our kids are getting all grown up too. Young is more fun, but we'll borrow fun wherever we can.

  9. I hope a few stop by! We made our bags for my youngest grandson's trunk or treat. It was fun to see the preschoolers in their costumes.

  10. I live way off the street. I used to get my grandgirls, but now no one.

  11. Great picture of Sadie looking out the door hoping to see some trick or treaters.
    What an easy way to make ghosts!

  12. Sadie is just the best. I like Jens spooking ghosts. It is fun but I just didn't do it this year. Three houses of old people in a row who didn't turn their lights on this year.

  13. Love that photo and those crazy ghosts and Sadie the watch dog! Happy Halloween.

  14. I love the entrance and Sadie looks so cute waiting!

  15. I don’t mind handing out sweets to small children with a mummy or daddy in charge, but we started getting a lot of really pushy rude teenagers so these days we don’t have a pumpkin and firmly draw the curtains to deter visitors. I must say though, there seemed to be a lot fewer children out this year.

  16. Those ghosts are darling and Sadie waiting for the Trick or Treaters...so sweet. Nitty and Annie used to lay by the door and wait for them and get so excited. They both loved kids....they were tired of their old lady owner! LOL!


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