Thursday, October 19, 2023

Something is missing

A number of squirrels are back.  The bums chase each other and the birds away.  


This one looks like a rat.  Notice anything peculiar? 

His/her tail is just a nubbin.  It will not grow back.  Sometime squirrels are in a bad fight or they have been attacked by a predator and lose their tails.   Their tails are useful for balance and for keeping them warm in the winter.  

The Juncos are back as are the Blue Jays...all are hungry. 

I had my eye appointment, he just wanted a second look at one eye.  I walked around grocery shopping with my sunglasses on.  I also got the RSV far so good. 

Far Side


  1. Hopefully you won't have any reaction to the RSV shot!

    I don't see many tail-less squirrels around! That is odd!

    I did get to see Cedar Waxwings yesterday morning, that was a delight!
    We are supposed to get snow-mix next week with rain so I imagine we'll see the Junco's soon enough here too.

  2. That poor squirrel looks all out of kilter! I'm glad that so far you're feeling fine after the vaccination, lets hope that continues! My arm is finally not sore after my flu shot last Thursday. It was about four days before I could sleep on that side. Dennis was the same.
    Take care and stay warm.

  3. I will be getting my flu vaccine before the RSV, but I'm glad to hear you are doing just fine after yours. That is a truly weird looking squirrel.

  4. I usually see a couple of tailless squirrels after a hard winter. I have always assumed they froze off like what happened to our outside farm cats from time to time. But we've had a couple mild winters in a row and they are all gone. I assume because they couldn't keep warm or flee predators. They sure look funny without tails.

  5. I did notice it was missing it's tail. I imagine that may make it more susceptible to attacks by predators.

    I'm not feeding the birds this year, and I'm missing seeing the regular visitors.

    Glad to hear the vaccination has gone well so far.

  6. I haven't seen a tailless squirrel before.

  7. We seem to be over run with squirrels again too. Little pests!! I need to get my flu vaccine and probably the RSV one as well. Hopefully next week.

  8. Squirrels may be cute but they are a nuisance.

  9. The squirrels can be such jerks but I do love them. No Juncos here yet.
    But it's always BlueJay city here

  10. Poor little squirrel- it does look a little thin too. Bet it doesn't make it through the winter.

  11. Poor little squirrel. So far mine have all there tails. YAY

  12. Poor squirrel friend! But he does look like a rat - ugh! Happy Thursday to you!

  13. Years ago we had a short tailed squirrel that we called shorty. He/she was around for quite a few years. That was back when we actually fed squirrels.

  14. Poor squirrel. They irritate me as they can empty a bird feeder quick. Now, they’re focused on my pecans. That squirrel probably won’t survive the winter.

  15. I don't think I have ever seen a squirrel

  16. That squirrel is a survivor. Now the big test is coming, though--surviving the winter.

    I hope you don't have a reaction to the shot! :)

  17. Lots of squirrels and also chipmunks this year. That tailless squirrel is going to have a hard time. No Dark Eyed Juncos yet for us. I just got my Covid shot and will be getting the flu shot later this month. I will be interested in your experience with the RSV shot as I don't know anyone (yet) who has gotten it.

  18. Poor little squirrel! Got in a rough fight it looks like. Maybe he will be ok during the winter.

  19. I didn't even realize that it was a squirrel. I thought maybe a new kind of rat. If that squirrel depends on its tail to keep warm in winter things won't go so well.

  20. Let us see how long it takes for the juncos to get down here. I will try to remember this date and take photos for sure when they get here. I am so tired of sparrows.

  21. That poor squirrel~I've never seen one without a tail. We have Blue Jays here year round. Where do yours come from? North of you? Canada? I didn't thing they were migrators. I have not seen any squirrels here. But the groundhog is busy eating acorns. They hibernate so, like the bears, he's evidently "beefing up" for Winter.


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