Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Fall stuff

 We raked a bit and blew all the leaves from the rocks on the East and West sides of the house and from under the back deck.   Far Guy vacuumed out Ranger Blue.

I mulched the leaves that found their way into our yard ...again.  Then I went next door and finished that property for the season.   Far Guy hosed down my lawnmower,  put "stuff" in the gas and put it away for next year. Yeah me...I made it through the year.

Toward evening we went for a Ranger Blue ride into the Smoky Hills.  We saw no one...we saw the beaver swimming in his pond.

The road to the old fire tower. 

The view from the road up there. 

It was a nice day 60 F or 16 C eh! 

Baxter and his folks visited toward evening.  They had a bear at their house that took down bird feeders.

Far Side


  1. Well it surely looks beautiful there! That S thing will come and change it again!

    One of my boys had a job in North Central WI for the spring as a fire watcher in a tower like that. He kind of liked it. He took books to read and enjoyed the views.

  2. My husband is looking forward to putting away that lawn mower for the winter too. But our maple trees have a LOT of leaves to drop yet. Just thinking about having a bear pulling down bird feeders - how scary!! We've only had raccoons, deer, turkeys, and squirrels pulling ours down this year.

  3. It was a nice day for outside projects and you got in a Ranger ride (that is even better!). The bears must have all become "lake bears" this year - haven't seen a one over here this year (yet).

  4. I love your posts, telling of your everyday activities and visits from family. I especially love how close you all live to each other that you can just drop in and visit. In this crazy world we live in, that is VERY special. I'm sorry about the bear visit. They do like to cause damage don't they?

  5. This is beautiful. I have not been to northwestern MN.

  6. Sigh, those chores are fast approaching. I saw the words "hard freeze" for the first time in our weather forecast for the upcoming weekend.

  7. A little road trip is always so relaxing (or Ranger Blue Trip) :)

  8. ha - I did my last mow on the weekend and Dave winterized my mower for me (cleaned, oiled and drained of gas) I forgot to do it all last year, and he had to clean/fix the carb for me in the spring, so I think he's just making sure he doesn't have to do that again.
    Your leaves look great. It's supposed to be high teens/low 20s all week here (celcius) - where was that weather when I was on vacation two weeks ago????

  9. The view is wonderful. Nice to be able to get out amongst nature. Mulching leaves probably counts but isn't as much fun.

    The snow fell here last night. Hope it stays away for you for awhile yet.

  10. You are all done with leaves while we are just beginning!
    What a lovely blue sky ride.

  11. Seeing no one makes for a good ride.

  12. You are much warmer than we are today. It's surprising how different your temps are from day to day. And we are having an extended rain event.

  13. It is so neat that you have trails to ride with Ranger Blue. What a gorgeous view!

  14. End of the season for you--mower away. Nice!
    They're expecting snow west of us but might be none here. Colder, though.
    Stay warm! :)

  15. Bird feeders have to be much higher up on a rope pulley system. They don't seem to sense stuff higher up. For backpacking you put your pack upon poles.

  16. What a nice ride. Sorry you've got bothersome bears in your neighborhood. Rained all day today here.....even heard some thunder with lightning....but no S yet....thank God.


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