Sunday, October 29, 2023

Apple time

 I made Apple Crisp.  I should have followed a recipe, maybe next time I will.  I just dumped some butter, oatmeal, brown sugar, cinnamon, baking soda and flour together for the crisp part.  It was still good...but it could have been better. Apparently measuring is important! 

The apples are from niece Katie's apple trees in North Dakota. 

Far Guy and I visited my Mom in the Nursing Home and Beth in the hospital yesterday and then we went out for lupper.   Mom is doing okay, her memory fails her sometimes, Beth is out of ICU and is feeling better but not good enough to come home yet. 

Far Side


  1. I love apple crisp but my recent trials and tribulations with making desserts turned out poorly with apples.

    Sepsis is pretty nasty stuff, I hope Beth feels better and heals up quickly.

  2. Apple crisp is one of my favorite desserts. I measure ingredients, but not exactly. I always add lots more cinnamon and butter than cslled for.
    So glad to hear that Beth is better. I'll keep praying for her and for your Mom. Losing your memory is so frustrating for her. Our Mom is in the same place. She knows she doesn't remember and gets mad at herself.

  3. Yum! I've got a pile of apples to use up so Dave is getting an apple pie tonight

  4. crisp. I don't make it very often as my son doesn't eat it and I feel obligated to eat the whole pan (not in one sitting).

    Glad to hear Beth is feeling some better, continued best wishes as she heals.

  5. Apple crisp is pretty forgiving. I have trouble getting the crunchy topping right sometimes. It must be a relief that Beth is out of ICU. Sepsis is so dangerous!

  6. You and I use the same apple crisp recipe. I just do it! Little this and that but always oatmeal.

  7. Never had apple crisp don't now what it is other then some kind of apple dish, I do know measuring or not measuring can be hit and miss for some itis mostly miss but there are those who never measure and everything they make turns out great, how annoying are those people...........

  8. I'm so glad Beth is out of ICU! Such good news!
    Better luck next time on the apple crisp. It couldn't have been that bad, though. ;)

  9. Honestly I wouldn’t add baking soda. My recipe just uses flour, sugar and fat for the crumble and whatever fruit you fancy for the filling.

  10. Great news about Beth. I hope her healing progress continues well.

  11. The kind of apple used in a crisp can make a big difference. The ones we got (free) are super for applesauce and apple butter but fall apart in a crisp. Which we don't mind (much).

  12. Apple crisp in one of our favorite fall snacks but I haven't made one yet this year. Glad to hear that Beth is improving. Keeping her in my prayers.

  13. I haven't made apple crisp for a long time. I guess i only made desserts for special occasions now, for other people to eat.
    We squeezed a lot of apples today at our family cider bee. A blog post will happen sometime.

  14. I love apple crisp. I guess I should make some.

  15. I always think I know better than a recipe. This is not true, LOL. But your apple dish does sound very good.

  16. I forgot to comment on your snow! Things are happening early this year....we have a frost advisory for tonight and we will be below freezing at night all this coming week! Usually this time of year we're in the 60's. At least it won't rain for the Trick or Treaters.

  17. It seems like I am commenting on the previous post. Glad to hear Beth is out of ICU and that your Mom is doing well other than memory fails which I have all the time...especially when my daughter says "remember when" and I don't! LOL!
    The apple crisp looks's definitely that time of year for it.

  18. I would love to have an apple tree here. The deer would love for me to have one too.

  19. I remember how great crisp tasted. There is a lot of food I miss. I talked to a fellow diabetic and I said how much I missed pecan pie. She agreed it was the best. Lots of whipped cream is a dream also. I bet yours wasn't that bad. You had all the right stuff to make it. Could just blame the apples.


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