Friday, October 27, 2023

Rainy Day

 It rained on snow yet.  We hear it snowed up North.  Jen said it was "really slow rain that was white."

I did errands in town while Far Guy had his infusion.  I had so many errands that I had to do a few after Far Guys appointment. 

Beaver pond in the Smoky Hills.

It was a dreary cool day, I spent some time with Baxter and then had a nap.

Far Side


  1. How quickly the forest looses its leaves. Still, it is quite pretty there.

    Beavers sure are busy creatures. I know in some of the trout streams here they remove their dams once in a while.

    Naps are good. I had one yesterday while it poured down rain! Over and inch! Goodness, at least it soaked into the ground.

  2. I'm happy to hear the snow missed you.

  3. It's cold here this morning. Below freezing for the first time. When are you heading north for the winter?

  4. We're expecting some snow tomorrow, but west of us and north of us has already gotten a little snow and icy.

  5. Because I live on the northcoast of Ohio, our temperature reached 80 yesterday. And the forecast is 27 and snow by Tuesday. I hate doing the laundry when I wash sweaters in the humidity and then tank tops in the freezing temps.

    The tank top was because I dressed as Santa for my grandson's trunk or treat (grampa was the Grinch). What would usually be comfortable in late October was stifling in the high temps. I had to stop at the grocery store on the way home and stripped off the costume to go in the store. The whole town was treated to me in a tank top. I hope it did not scar children too badly.

  6. We had rain yesterday, too. It's cold and blowy today.

  7. We had snow last night. I wondered if you got any your way. Since it is 28 degrees at noon I don't think it is going anywhere too fast today. Glad you got all your errands done, anyways. :)

  8. It's cold here and thinking about rain...the s word is even on the weather people's lips

  9. Nice to get all the errands done then take a well-deserved nap.

  10. Naps are wonderful things. Seems to have become a routine here!

  11. A nap is always wonderful on a dreary day. Have a great weekend!

  12. Slow white rain? Hmmm. I think I'll keep hoping ours stays in the mountains. :-)

  13. Nice photos, good no snow yet, it is another grey, cold day but no rain here as yet

  14. Your light looks winter like. The beavers were busy as usual. We had a good rain last night, more than most of the state.

  15. Think this was our last warm day. I burned a bush pile. Cold air will be here tomorrow.

  16. Naps are good on a dreary day. WE are having cold sunshine.

  17. WE've had so many dreary days that the other day my husband "This is getting old." He's not wrong... we need a little sunshine!

  18. Any time I'm out and about doing errands, I'm really not good for much after I come home. It wears me out.


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