Sunday, October 1, 2023

Fall color and a mission

 Yesterday we went for a trail ride.  We had a purpose.  Far Guy gathered together some black dirt a small shovel and a hoe.  We thought we had grass seed, but looked high and low for it.  Fortunately my baby brother had some.   My Father's grave site needed a bit of grass seed and since the weather is now rainy it is a good time to plant some seed.  We can travel to the cemetery using forest trails. 

The road work that started in June is now finished and the road is open.  We can now go to Detroit Lakes or Fargo without going on the detour.  The vehicles you see all have trailers that have ATV's or UTV's for riding the trails.

The leaves are peak and in some places past peak. 

The trail up to the cemetery.

We accomplished our mission. We met twenty ATV/UTV's along the way enjoying the colorful leaves. 

 Far Side


  1. A beautiful trail ride. Our leaves are still in the early changing color stages.

  2. I'm not a huge fan of ATV's because they can be so noisy, but I can certainly understand the appeal of riding the trails.

  3. Pretty. A pleasant way to spend the day and also get something accomplished.

  4. How pretty! Perfect day for your trail ride. I didn't know it was so popular that it could actually get crowded--lol! :)

  5. This is killing two birds with one stone.

  6. It is a neat road to the cemetery. The leaves are beautiful there. Ours are just barely starting to turn.

  7. OH, that looks wonderful! The leaves are so beautiful.

  8. What a lovely day. So glad your brother had grass seed! Now you will find yours.

  9. What a beautiful ride that must have been.

  10. Tend his grave with love! There’s a closeness to him there on your knees.

  11. How wonderful you can take these trails - the fall colour of the leaves is gorgeous :)

  12. I really enjoyed looking at your photos with the trees changing colors. Here in the south, it will be end of October mid November before we see any change. When you mentioned Fargo – is that North Dakota? My husband cousin’s husband was from Fargo – he talked about it often and missed it so much. He took my husband hunting there several times.

  13. The trees are just gorgeous there. Ours aren't turning yet but I'm sure they will be next week. We're going camping with Dennis's cousin and his wife and our minister and wife next Sunday through Wednesday and the lows are supposed to be in the upper 30's. Today is 93 and we have the A/C going. Only in the midwest!
    How wonderful that you live so close by that you can tend your Dad's grave. It does give comfort doesn't it?

  14. That was a nice idea to plant grass where your Dad is resting. I bet it will look nice in the Spring. The road to the cemetery is so lovely with the colorful trees. Glad the roadwork is all done by you.

  15. Those leaves are gorgeous, our are ... past their prime and turning rusty brown and falling like crazy. But it was a good quick show while it lasted.

    What a great place to take your UTV.

  16. I'm sure trail rides are fun any time of the year but Fall must surely be the best!! I like the trees turning colours and keep looking for some up here. So far there haven't been a lot.

  17. Oh my gosh...I do love Fall colours so much

    Thank you for sharing your gorgeous pics

    Phoebe x

  18. My favorite time of year in Minnesota! Glad you could get out and enjoy the colors!


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