Thursday, October 26, 2023


 It is my other baby brothers birthday today.  We will have root beer floats later today...his favorite.

Here he is on his first birthday in 1961. 

 My parents had that chair for a really long time.  There is a photo of me in the chair in 1952 and when we cleared out Mom and Dads home in 2022 the same old chair was in the garage...threadbare but still rocking.

Happy Birthday Jody!

Far Side


  1. Happy Birthday to your brother Jody!
    Furniture was certainly built to last back then, even if the fabric wore out.

  2. Happy birthday to your brother! He was sure a cutie!

  3. I love root beer floats, too! No one can say the chair didn't get good use. Happy Birthday to your brother.

  4. Oh, I love root beer floats. No better way to celebrate! My brother of this age passed away. Celebrate big!

  5. I love root beer floats too!! Cheers to many more trips around the sun!

  6. Root beer floats! Yum!
    Old chairs are so cool.

  7. Happy Birthday to your brother. Jody.
    Those old chairs were comfortable and built to last.

  8. Happy Birthday to your brother.
    I have an upholstered rocker somewhat similar to that one. I looked for a replacement but nothing felt as comfortable so I had the old one reupholstered. I sit in it every day.

  9. Happy Birthday! Sweet photo!

    I have a chair in my dining room that is in pictures of my mother and her sister taken in the 1930's. Not upholstered though.

  10. Pictures bring back good memories. Your photos show the old drapes with the large flower pattern. I have similar photos.

  11. Happy birthday to your brother. I hope he enjoyed his root beer float. I haven't had one in such a long time so he can always drink one for me, too.

  12. Today he is still a youngster. I do remember 1960 and things were pretty slow at that time. My parents made three moves so I didn't have any old furniture to ditch. I did have a large tv watching chair with drink holders and the works. It had been shredded in the back by the Maine Coon cat.

  13. Happy birthday to Jody. I still remember trips for root beer floats in a frosty mug at the A&W drive in on a hot summer night. They are delicious! :)

  14. Hooray for celebrations! Birthdays have even more significance since 2020. It is good to be above ground!

  15. Happy Birthday to your brother. That chair got a lot of use I'd say. We love root beer floats too. Just had some tonight.

  16. Happy Birthday to Jody! He's the same age as me. I was also born in 1960. Dennis's favorite sweet is rootbeer floats too. We don't have them often but sure enjoy them when we do.

  17. Happy belated birthday to your brother! What a cutie he was...but I guess we all were at that age! LOL! I hope he has a great birthday....root beer floats....yum!


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