Thursday, October 12, 2023

Busy Wednesday

 A very old friend stopped by on Wednesday morning for a visit.  We lived next door to each other in 1972.  We had a good visit. She is a talker! 

I cooked up the tomatoes that I had frozen. I had a hunk of roast beef cooking all morning, I peeled and chopped...rutabaga, carrots, cabbage and potatoes and put them in the fridge. 

I had an eye appointment in town.  I will see a specialist....I may have a secondary cataract. Old eyes.

After the appointment we did some grocery shopping and stopped by and saw my Mom.  She has been ill with pneumonia and still has a really bad cough.

Back at home I  put the tomatoes through a strainer that captures seeds and skins.  I chopped up the roast beef and added all my is soup! I had some for supper...Far Guy passed, I gave him fair warning so he stopped by Subway in town for a chicken sandwich.  He will eat soup once a year and yesterday was not the day. 

Far Side


Ed said...

Soup season is soon upon us!

Betsy said...

You had a busy day! Sorry about the cataract. That's no fun at all. The soup does sound delicious. I'm not a huge soup person either but I'll normally eat it, unless it's split pea. Yuck! My favorites are baked potato and broccoli cheese. Neither are low calorie of course! :-)
I hope your Mom is improving. I'm taking Mom for her flu shot this morning. It's that time of year.

Sara said...

Hope your mom continues to feel better. I had to chuckle about the soup. My husband will only eat 2 kinds of soup - chicken noodle and beer cheese. And that is only if there are no veggie surprises in the soup. His favorite is chicken noodle soup with dumplings, but his mom always made the heavy dense dumplings, and I grew up eating light fluffy dumplings so we don't really agree on it. And I must admit that I'm not any good at making soup from scratch, no matter what flavor.

Red said...

I'm guessing the car interior is a 1929 model A Ford. Am I right?

Far Side of Fifty said...

Red, Yes it is a Ford...and you might have guessed the year there was no sign saying what year it is:)

Tired Teacher said...

Today is prime soup weather - cloudy, dreary, and threatening snow. I think I’ll have chili tonight.

Terry and Linda said...

Soup isn't Terry's favorite, but I like it

Sandra said...

Mark was once iffy about soup but now he likes it. I'm sorry to hear about your mom. Hope she gets better soon.

Linda Reeder said...

Would it help if you called it stew? It sounds a lot like what I call stew.
Scary about your mom. I hope she is continuing to improve.

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

Talk about a bare car not much in it compared to todays cars. I hope your mum is still improving

Maebeme said...

Far Guy has company in his lack of enthusiasm for soup. My son is very much the same way, so I rarely make soup.

I do hope your mom is feeling better soon. said...

I love soup...well, that leaves more for you! Sorry to hear about your Mom. I hope your eye gets fixed, that's no fun. We have crafting to do!

Jenn Jilks said...

Yes, I have a secondary cataract, as well.
Take care!

DJan said...

I had no idea what I was looking at until Red told me. And I too am hoping your mom starts feeling better soon. I have old eyes too, BTW.

diane in northern wis said...

Gosh I'm so sorry to hear about your Mom. Sure hope she feels much better soon.
Oh I love soup....would love to have some of yours!!!!

Galla Creek said...

What does rutabaga taste like. I’ve never had it.

Rita said...

I love soups but Dagan and Leah have little interest at all and would agree with FarGuy--lol!
I hope your mom gets well soon! Scary to have her sick like that.
I didn't know one can get cataracts again. How unfair!! This getting old stuff can really be rough.

Granny Marigold said...

I hope your Mom gets over the remnants of pneumonia. Your soup sounds good. Too bad FG isn't a fan. Soup is one of few ways we actually eat our veggies.

Far Side of Fifty said...

Galla Creek, Rutabaga is a root veggie. It tastes a bit like potatoes/turnip but has a warming quality:)

L. D. said...

I would eat two bowls full. It sounds like a good soup for fall and winter. We should look into that as I need high protein and minimal carbs.

Val Ewing said...

Secondary cataracts. Uffdah.

Rich eats what I put on the table ... mostly. Yesterday I made Mahi Mahi and veggies. He ate it but asked me not to do it again. He prefers fried bluegills. LOL.

Love the interior of the car!

thecrazysheeplady said...

Too funny. Who doesn't love a good soup? ;-)

Anonymous said...

I know a woman who's had cataracts removed 3 times. Guess it can regrow. I am supposed to have them done. Went on the Internet and it stated that if you have any autoimmune disease you should not get the Vivity lens. Hence, I am on the fence but in the meantime the cataracts keep growing. You only get two choices (the Vivity lens and the panopticon lens.) Oye vey.

Roz M.