Saturday, October 28, 2023

It snowed

 It snowed a bit but it mostly melted when it hit the ground. 

I went over and visited Baxter.

He is a little lonely. 

My sister in law, Beth has been in the hospital the past few days.  She has been really sick.  UTI and Ischemic Sepsis. No fun.  She is a little improved but is still having pain.  She got great care in the ICU as our niece Stacey was on duty. Hopefully each day will see some improvement and next week she will be able to come home.

Far Side


Sandi said...

Oh, sweet Baxter. Glad you are able to keep him company.

Sara said...

Sepsis is very scary. Hopefully your SIL will continue to improve and go home soon. We expect to see a dusting of snow today. Since we're driving to Sioux Falls for a swim meet, that dusting is all we need.

Maebeme said...

Oh, I do hope your SIL Beth, will recover soon and be home with her family and Baxter. I'm sure he appreciates the company.

We had a skiff of snow yesterday and most of it melted, though the temperatures are still quite cool. Hope you don't get any more for a while yet.

Latane Barton said...

Hope Beth gets to feeling better real soon. Hospitals are no place to be (except when you need them) as she evidently does. but, still... there is nothing like being home.

Wanderingcatstudio said...

It's warm again today here, but this will be the last of it they say - the weather turns tonight. I'm trying to get the last bits of garden stuff done.

Sending lots of good healing juju to your sisterinlaw.

Tired Teacher 2 said...

Wishing Beth good health! Snow here this morning, too, but not as much as other areas.

Betsy said...

I'll definitely be praying for Beth and a full and fast recovery. Sepsis is so dangerous. My big brother was in the hospital with it during the summer. It's good that you live so close to Baxter to visit and keep him company. He must miss his people.
And so it begins. A skiff of snow before the dumping arrives. Yuck. We're supposed to get some flakes tomorrow morning.

Linda Reeder said...

That's scary stuff. Sending my best wishes for a good recovery to Beth, and to Baxter for getting his people back.

Rita said...

Still have that covering of show here because it's been too cold to melt.
I hope Beth gets better soon!!
Nice to see Baxter. :)

DJan said...

A harbinger of things to come. I do hope your SIL is able to come home soon.

Galla Creek said...

Oh, I hope Beth is better today. Snow?!!

Debi said...

Prayers for Beth for a speedy recovery.

The Furry Gnome said...

No, no! We don't want that yet, even if it did melt!

L. D. said...

I am surprised to see the lake. I guess you really are not landlocked. Hope she gets better soon.

Granny Marigold said...

Nice that it was just a bit of snow. Gets you into winter mode slowly.
I hope your SIL gets well quickly.

Val Ewing said...

Oh my! I sure hope Beth improves soon.

We had a trace of snow here yesterday also [Saturday].

diane in northern wis said...

So sorry to hear about your Sister in law, Beth. I was in the hospital in August for the same thing. My liver and kidneys started to be affected by the sepsis but I pulled out of it in time. Praying the same for Beth. God bless you for being such a kind visitor. said...

Poor Beth and poor Baxter although I think Beth has the worst end of it. I pray she recovers soon. I hope they are able to control her pain. I don't like anyone to suffer at all but I know there is plenty of suffering in our world.