Wednesday, August 16, 2023

My Brother's Bears

 My baby brother has a bear over at his place. 

So far he has not made it to our house.  BUT...

He made it close to my other baby brothers house! 


Far Side


  1. Between the deer and racoons, I have enough wildlife disturbing the outside of my house. I don't need a bear!

  2. Of course when I saw the pic, my mind immediately said, "Lions, and tigers, and bears - - Oh my!"
    It is frightening when they get so close to the house.
    My heart still aches for you dealing with the RA and Lyme's. You may have thought about and discussed this already but have you considered getting someone to come help a few hours each week to do some of the housework? It is not what any of us want to do - - give over part of a home to an outsider - - - but it would give someone else a bit of income. Also, it would let you keep your energy for something you might enjoy doing more.

  3. Oh my! It looks like a relatively young bear. Likely on it's own for now. I hope it isn't doing a lot of damage.

  4. Seeing the bears must be a mix of interesting and scary. Are they very large?

  5. I know they can be a BIG problem, but I am so jealous of your bears! I just love them. Of course, I'd probably get myself into big trouble if I lived where there were bears.

  6. wow! I have never seen a bear.

  7. Bears are a tad scary. Although, I'm sure it's just trying to fatten up for winter

  8. We used to have lots of bears in and around our campground in Washington. I rarely gaeve them a thought during the day, but at night I watched out quite well. We saw them fairly often, hit by cars alongside the highway.

  9. Oh my! this year we've had racoons, skunks and just the other night a fox. and I'll take them over a bear any day. When I was little we lived in very small mining town and each apartment had a little stand next to its back porch for two garbage cans. There was a kitchen window right above it and we spent many a time watching the bears toss our cans around to get the covers off and look for edible delights. They were fun to watch from inside but I hated that we had to be indoors by dusk because of the danger of bears. And they came out every single night in the summer time!

  10. Looks like a healthy bear. All kinds of critters have been wandering into town this summer, keeping the Game and Fish wardens busy.

  11. Well, that could be troublesome. They'll have to be so careful about leaving anything around that the bear might consider food, and then be wary whenever they go outside. Not fun.

  12. It's hard to tell from a picture how big that bear is but in any case I know it would make me hesitant to go outside after dusk.

  13. We have black bears here and I saw one when I first moved here but not since. My neighbor said she saw one by the lake but I've always had dogs so they don't come too close but now I have no dogs so I keep an eye out when I'm outside. I scared the ground hog yesterday when I came around the corner! LOL!

  14. YIKES! I am scared enough with our skunks. Our camera picks them up on our front porch overnight and now I am afraid to open the front door after dark. I'm not sure who would be more scared, me or the skunk, but either way, it won't end well.

  15. That is a problem for sure. In the older days in Minnesota they would skirt our roads but were not out and about with the living spaces. Our fox is our new thing to have. Eats up rabbits and leaves the waste behind.

  16. All I can say is I'm glad there are no bears in our area! We darn sure have coyotes though.

  17. How far do your brothers live from you? I hope you don't see it at your house ever!!! Stay safe.

  18. As I recall you took down all your bird feeders, so I hope that is still the case. It look like a juvenile out on its own. Hope it heads farther away from people or you might have to call (or your brother) to have them pick it up and move it somewhere else. Lots scarier than raccoons and deer doing damage.

  19. My Mom has a story about a bear who was rubbing its rear end against her sliding doors she just got out of the shower and walked outside another door and whipped her towel off and yelled at it.

    It ran off. She said that nekked screaming old ladies were scarier than bears.

    However, that said, she was very cautious about leaving anything out that they would find eatable.

    I've nearly walked into one picking berries.

    Hopefully this one won't stick around!

  20. diane in northern wisconsin, my brothers live close to me.

  21. I wouldn’t “won’t you be my neighbor” to that big guy.


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