Tuesday, August 29, 2023

King of the hill

 The twins were playing on the dirt pile. 

I am not sure what they were doing up there. 

Do deer play King of the hill?   Maybe...perhaps the weeds growing on to of the dirt pile were tasty or maybe they liked the view from up there. 

Far Side


  1. The fun times of youth - - very glad you got to witness that.

  2. Fawns do seem to play and scamper about, so they probably love that dirt pile. So cute. Our neighbor kept seeing a set of twins this summer and I finally saw them last week but wasn't quick enough with the camera.

  3. I like to think they were playing King of the Hill!

  4. Aww, they are so cute. I wouldn't be surprised if part of the attraction is the fun, as well as a food source nearby.

  5. Playing, for sure! Such fun to see.

  6. Probably just something different they had to check out. The tasty weeds were a bonus--lol! :)

  7. They're so cute with those big ears. Great pictures!

  8. Young animals can quite often be very playful.

  9. I always think that fawns are much like toddlers. Playful and scampering around everywhere. The one looks like he's watching you and wanting you to come play.

  10. You got a good picture of the two of them!

  11. Playing king of the hill with they older brother hurt a lot. It gave him a good excuse to abuse people and he felt good about himself. I keep watching for my wandering foxes but nothing out there when I look.

  12. So cute! We used to call it King of the Mountain....but guess who's Queen? LOL!


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