Thursday, August 17, 2023

Eye eye

 My baby brother has completed his cataract surgeries, one last week, one this week. He said yesterday his vision was fuzzy...he had the surgery in the morning.

Me too... I had my annual eye check up and the Dr always dilates my eyes...and it last for hours and hours...oh the light makes everything fuzzy and gives me a headache.  I have to go back for a couple more tests in a couple of weeks.  Nothing drastic with my eyesight anyways.  

Far Guy did some errands in town, he picked up the grocery order and went by the bank and was still able to sit with me while I waited in the Doctors office. 

Fun times.

Far Side


Rita said...

Yes, that dilation takes quite a while to wear off. Nice to hear no issues there. You have enough to deal with.
Love those flowers!! The more colors the merrier. :)

Val Ewing said...

I hate it when they dilate the eyes! I have to get a ride to the dr's office and back then.
I hope your brother's vision clears up right away. The day of the surgery every thing was blurry for me and wonderfully clear and bright the next morning.

Maebeme said...

I do hope your eyes have adjusted from the dilation. I'm with you, it's not comfortable. But I'm fortunate that I don't get a headache from it.
Best of wishes to your brother too.

DJan said...

I do hope your brother's eyesight settles down soon. And yeah, like you said, fun times. (not)

sillygirl said...

I hate getting my eyes dilated - it lasts for me for hours and hours BUT last time they told me I could have just half a dose! It was much better! Some of us are just more sensitive.

Wanderingcatstudio said...

I hate those eye drops!

Red said...

Baby brother's eyes will clear and he will be amazed at the difference in sight.

Betsy said...

I'm glad all eyes in this post are doing well. Baby brother will soon be amazed by what he can see. I don't get headaches from the drops, but the effects last for hours. I always used to schedule my appointments late in the day because there was no way I could go back to work after getting them.
I hope things are all better for both of you now.
Blessings and hugs,

Sara said...

I've often thought that losing my eyesight would be the worst thing. Cataract surgery sure made a huge difference for me. I always dread having my eyes dilated because it seems to take so long to return to normal.

Tired Teacher 2 said...

Sunlight is painful after dilation!

Terry and Linda said...

I've been having eye is a tad scary. There is hope with the new medication on the market it will either stop or at least slow down Getting old is NOT for the faint of heart!

Sandra said...

Mark has an eye appointment tomorrow. I will schedule one when he gets himself sorted. One appointment after another, isn't there.

Linda Reeder said...

Tom's double cataract surgery has been successful, but he's having to wait too long for his optometry appointment to determine what glasses he needs. He' making do with over the counter reading glasses, but they aren't quite right.
It takes a while for eyes to settle down after surgery and dilation.

Henny Penny said...

So true! I talked to Shelby today on her way to a doctor appointment. She said well, I'd better go in, it's 2:15, my appointment is at 2:30 but they want you here 15 minutes early so you can sit and wait on them. I've recently found out that I have Glaucoma in my left eye. I didn't know steroid injections could lead to Glaucome. Like you said, fun times. :)

diane in northern wis said...

Glad you're getting all of your appointments done. Wow....those flowers are soooooo beautiful. Whoever is caring for them is doing a wonderful job.

Miss Merry said...

I thought it was time for my cataract surgery, but not ripe yet - just have crappy eye sight. I did order new glasses, again. My neighbor has macular degeneration and has been having big issues. Vision problems are no fun.

Baby Brother will be glad of his surgeries! Hope you feel better soon.

Terra said...

I like those flowers, they look like Million Bells.

Granny Marigold said...

I hope your brother's eyesight is a lot better once the fuzziness wears off. My cataract surgery made no difference at all. It was disappointing. said...

Those flowers are beautiful! Glad you're getting everything "checked out" How's the RA medicine working?