Thursday, August 24, 2023

Same old stuff

 It was warm yesterday and I mowed our lawn out front...only the weeds were growing, the grass is going dormant again.   I attacked some miserable ant hills and took care of some weeds amongst the rocks.  When I came in my entire head of hair was sopping I had to wash it before I had a nap.

Far Guy worked on his car and did some woodcarving.  It was a warm and humid day but we had  no wildfire smoke.

Showing off her white tail.

Far Side 


  1. I finally had to break out the weed eater and start trimming around things in our lawn. The early summer weeds that I took care of with roundup have found their way back again.

  2. No smoke is a good thing! We just had unbearable humidity with the heat. Thank goodness there was a breeze or it would have been -- worser than awful.

    We haven't mowed for a while and we'll let the weeds grow until we get a cooler day. I think we've mowed 4 times this summer.

    Stay cool.
    Love the doe shot!

  3. You may have mentioned it before and I can search but what do you use for ant hills?

  4. I found the answer - - searched your blog and the internet for the mixture of Borax and sugar. Thanks for helping!

  5. Today is supposed to be out last really hot day. Tomorrow's forecast is only 98! It's definitely the dog days of summer. I feel for the kids back in schools with no AC.

  6. My grass is brown. Won’t spend hours mowing this weekend. It’ll be 100 plus today. I walked early and am glad I did.

  7. Is the doe trimming some bushes for you? :)

    No smoke here either and the sun is out this morning. It's going to be a nice day.

  8. It's really overcast here this morning, but hot already. Or still hot is more accurate I guess.

  9. Glad of the no smoke.
    What an awful day to do yard work.
    Stay cool and take it easy. :)

  10. Sounds like you worked up quite a sweat. BE careful and don't overdo it.

  11. In keeping with our weird weather summer, we had over 4 inches of rain last night with tornados that fortunately stayed up in the sky. Today is a scorcher, around 100 degrees, not counting humidity. Fun times.

  12. It's a routine. that's what keeps some of us going.

  13. You have stamina! It's still sweltering humidity today.

  14. Warm and humid here today too. No walkies for Penny! We've been lazy all day today (ok, and yesterday too). Hope we get a break in the weather soon, we had HUGE thunderstorms all night last night. Longest batch of lightening I've ever seen.

  15. I am going to brave the heat and go for sandwiches for supper. It is mystery night for us. I couldn't work outside for very long.

  16. The poor air quality due to smoke has mostly gone here too for which I am so thankful.
    Our tiny piece of "lawn" is totally brown and crispy. No doubt eventually we'll get rain and it will green up.

  17. Saw plenty of deer in Michigan last weekend. The deer are becoming domesticated these days!

  18. So far we have been lucky and have missed all the hot weather most people are getting. Where our daughter lives it was 100 degrees yesterday and their air conditioning decided to quit. Yikes.


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