Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Dreary Day

 It was a dreary day yesterday, but the good news is that we got some rain about noon and then again in the evening.  1/4 inch the first round and more than that the second time it rained....I will check that rain gauge in the daylight!  

Far Guy says I will be back to mowing lawn again soon. 

I have been on lawn mowing vacation since the grass went dormant from lack of rain. 

I finished up a project I was working on, did some laundry and some picking up and putting away. I had a  video visit with a Doctor and after that we went to the landfill and to recycle and then to town to pick up a prescription.  

It was a day.  We need more rain to help out the trees, they have been losing leaves due to heat stress and no rain.

Far Side


  1. Glad you finally got some rain. It's been a strange weather year all over the world.

  2. It's pretty dry here too, as we haven't had a rain of any sort in over 10 days. There were storms that circled around the city yesterday, but nothing in the forecast. I've got to get out an mow though, as I've been watering my new sod regularly.

    Sounds like a very productive day to me.

  3. Dreary here too yesterday, and very grey outside today again. We're not out of the drought yet but did have some good rains in July. We need more.

  4. We have had SO MUCH rain. It rained and stormed all night long last night and is still coming down. But we're told we're still in a drought situation too. More is predicted every day for the next 3 days. We had planned to hitch up the trailer to take it in for some work, but I don't think that will happen in the mud and muck. There is no appointment, so we can drop it off anytime.
    Blessings and hugs,

  5. Oh how I envy the rain. I have mowed 3 times all season, two were just to cut tall weeds.

  6. Good that you got rain. We've had rain but not enough to do any good.

  7. There were storms yesterday but they basically missed us here. There may have been a quick sprinkle, but we mostly got really gusty wind. I think quiet days are good ones. :)

  8. That is the way it has been here, But finally, we got some rain!

  9. It has rained nearly every afternoon for several weeks. I’ve never seen this area so green.

  10. We are now in an extended drought, no rain in sight. More and more scary fires.

  11. Oh good. You got rain. Here too the leaves are beginning to dry up and fall.

  12. Glad you got rain. It has been dry in places.

  13. Mowing is a pain, but it sure beats brown and crispy :-/.

  14. That photo shows that you got a downpour. Our all day sprinkle gave us about two tenths of an inch. Some people south of us made national weather new with over four inches of rain.

  15. I love rain. We've gotten just enough to keep things green and more than we usually get in the summer. Glad you got some finally! Iowa has been dry too.


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