Thursday, March 28, 2013

Spring Break

Some of the area high schools are on spring break.  Some of the grand girls were home from school yesterday.  Grandpa needed to see off we went.

Maddie is resting up during spring break.  She had Mono and it is taking her a long time to recover.  She is really tired.  This week is better at least she can swallow and is not crying.

Maddie and Ziggy

Maddie and Ziggy

Savannah and Luna

Savannah and Luna

Someone had a video project at school.  They decided to video cats getting baths.

Paige was not real happy that someone bathed her cat without her permission. All the cats looked wonderful after their baths! 

Paige was in school..her school was not having spring break. 

Savannah and Skittles

Savannah and Skittles.  Skittles is Paige’s cat.

I would have gotten a photo of Bailey..but as soon as I saw her I made a hissing noise and off she went to hide.  When she lived here with us..I sprayed her with the water bottle every time she tried to jump on the I sprayed the water at her I made a hissing noise.. cats never forget.  I am not on Bailey’s list of favorites.

Chance watches all the cats..sometimes they hiss at him..if they would run he would chase them.  He loves the grand girls and had a fun time visiting them..his tail wags ninety miles an hour:)

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  1. Ouch! I had mono at 17 also. No fun...;(

  2. Morning, beautiful girls with beautiful kitty's. wow, that last on is huge....Easter Blessings Francine.

  3. I always thought that was the height of masochism, giving a cat a bath! They do look nice, though. :-)

  4. The girls have grown so much and are so pretty. You know I enjoyed seeing their cats, too! I've never attempted bathing a cat!

  5. Your granddaughters are beautiful. I love the pictures of them with the cats.

  6. It took a lot of courage to bathe those cats! I would like to have seen a video of that!

  7. The girls all look so lovely and cats love to hold a grudge!

  8. Love seeing the girls and their cats. I hope Maddie is feeling better soon.

  9. Lovely looking girls and kitties . Oh I do hope Maddie gets better and feels better soon ! All our grade school kiddos had their spring brake last week . Our collage and UNI kids will be off for the summer in a week or two ! I do like your header very pretty ! Have a wonderful Easter weekend !

  10. Beautiful girls! Glad Maddie is resting; hope she feels better soon.

  11. Aren't we luck? Grandchildren make life ever so much fun!

    I hope Maddie is feeling better soon!


  12. I'm sure the "before" and "during" didn't look as wonderful as the "after." I'm presuming the photos are part of the "before" scene. Those cats sure look apprehensive. Well...all except for Skittles. Maybe Skittles presumed upon safety, since his/her owner wasn't there for the grand event.

  13. Good times when the grand kids visit.

  14. Oops... lost my comment. I hope you don't get both!
    I think the girls are all gorgeous.. and the cats are beautiful, too.
    I chuckled about Bailey... we had a cat that used to growl at Mr. Dreamy. I don't know what he ever did to her, but you are right, they don't forget or forgive!
    Happy Easter to you and your's

  15. How do you bathe a cat? I mean, don't they hate it and scratch you all up? Is there a technique? They do look great and big! Granddaughters are all beautiful! What a fun Easter for you!

  16. I'd be packing a water bottle if I had to deal with cats too!! You certainly have beautiful granddaughters


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