Friday, March 15, 2013


We got another four inches of snow. The snow is getting really old.  Another storm is headed our way and I heard a rumor of an old fashioned blizzard for next week.  An old fashioned blizzard is one of those where the wind blew the snow so bad that you couldn’t see the barn and had to leave the house with a rope tied around your waist so you could find your way back to safety.

Squirrel stealing seeds March 14

This bold little fella visited us yesterday.  He/she must have heard the weather report too.

Archie and Helen March 14 2013

Far Guy’s Uncle Archie and his wife Helen came out for a visit.  You can see how tall the snow banks are.  They are standing on the walkway to the house. We had a nice visit.  Archie’s old stories are fun to listen to.

Here is the mountain of snow in the yard.

Mountain od snow

I wonder if it will ever melt:)


  1. Underneath all that snow lies spring.

  2. Morning Connie, I hear ya, very cold and more snow today, is Spring ever coming???? That is a funny Squirrel hanging eating there.......Blessings Francine.

  3. Great shot of the acrobat! I am hoping that all this snow stops soon over there in Minnesnowda! :-)

  4. So what happened to Spring. I don't want any more snow. Ours has started to melt slowly which is good, because otherwise we would flood. Sure hope the weather forecasters are wrong about you getting blizzard. The only blizzard I want to see is at Dairy Queen. Have a great weekend.

  5. Ouch for all of the snow. I hope it is gone soon!!

  6. That is a lot of snow for this time of year. First day of spring is next week.

  7. I guess I shouldn't tell you that we are looking at temps in the high sixties and maybe even low seventies this weekend. My husband is going to do some painting outside. Your pics of the snow are beautiful. Reminds me of a Norman Rockwell Painting.

  8. Oh Connie...sigh...that's just becoming too much to bear isn't it?


  9. Think how green things will be when it warms up! Just keeeeeep thinking that! Love the first shot by the way!

  10. I feel for you. That is a lot of snow. We've had about 3 1/2 inches of rain since Monday night, so I guess if that had come as snow, we'd be right there with you.
    Is the snow stick totally buried? Hope it starts to melt soon, but not fast enough to cause flooding.

  11. I am amazed at how tough you Minnesnowdians are. You stay there instead of fleeing south. I'm sure surviving develops your character. That's what we were always told when we complained something was TOO tough when we were children. And parents are always right...or are they?

  12. Living here in the south along the gulf coast I cannot living in that much snow. I guess you get used to it but thats a lot of snow. Hope it begins to thaw and the weather guys are wrong about another blizzard.

  13. Lovely photos ! Oh I hope no more snow for you guys enough is enough isn't it ? Glad you had a nice visit . The temps and winds are cold here and just small patches of snow left here and there but we have been having light snow flying around and seems to be melting on contact . Still finding signs of spring popping up here ! Have a good weekend !

  14. I love the image of the squirrel. Great capture. The snow...not so much. I've spent the last 6 winters in Hawaii. I live in upstate NY and the snow we get there is more than enough for me. I attended college in North Dakota, so I know what "snow" is, but I don't miss it one bit.

  15. Courage. It will melt, though no guarantees it will melt SOON.

  16. I could not take it...I have a horrible time...but your snow will bring wild flowers like we never see here!


  17. I remember hearing those stories of the rope...too much snow for me!

  18. Into every life a little snow must fall. You certainly got yours this year. Don't worry snow melts. It might be a little messy but it will melt.

  19. Great capture of you little intruder and Far Guy’s Uncle Archie and his wife Helen. Think of how great all that snow is for your plants!!!

    Don't hate me, we hit 80 today but snow is predicted for Monday. It's never dull 'round here!

    God bless ya girl and have a super weekend!!! :o)

  20. I should move to MN. For the snow. The whole Packers things would be a bit awkward ;-). Nice to catch up with you! Great squirrel shot!!!


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