Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Spring is not here yet

Spring might be right around the corner..maybe.  In Minnesota anything is possible. Most  likely we will have snow the rest of this month and into April.

All good things come to those that wait. Whining does not work. Spring is on it’s own schedule..just because Spring officially arrives in ten days or so..doesn’t mean it will visit Minnesnowda.March 11 the yard

Snow banks in our yard March 11 2013

Everyone I have talked to is sick and tired of moving snow.  In town the sidewalks are like tunnels..one of these days I will get photos. 

Saw half the neighborhood in the grocery store, and got caught up on most of the area news. Who died, who was sick, who could still not eat regular food, who got their hips done, who had extensive dental work..old people news. You know it has been a long winter when the menfolk are standing around the grocery store visiting. I noticed that almost everyone’s grocery cart had chocolate of some sort too.

I heard that chocolate followed by a nap would make day light saving time tolerable.  I love self medicating myself with a tried and true remedy.

The ditches are full of snow now.  Every time the wind blows the snow will blow across the road.  Then depending on the temperature there are drifts across the road or ice forms as the snow thaws and refreezes.

Ditches are full of snowYesterday the roads were good.  I have seen drifts along this road that were taller.

When I rode the bus back and forth to school I loved to sit by the window and scratch a little peek hole in the frosted up window with my finger nails.  First scratching up and down and then side to side..or cupping my hands together and breathing on the window so I could see outside. If it was really cold I held my thumb on the window until a tiny peek hole appeared. There were old short telephone poles (6 feet tall) along this road, and some years you could have walked along and touched the tops of the poles.  I have not seen snow like that in a long time.  This was also the stretch of road that had a deep ravine where water would collect in the spring and water would run across the highway…near the old farmstead where the lilacs would bloom in the spring:)

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  1. To much snow still, please pass the chocolate, :) Francine.

  2. My aching back this morning from shoveling say you got it just about right...:)

  3. That blue sky should help! We've got a lot of rain on our schedule for the next few days. If it were colder, it would make your measly amount of snow look puny! :-)

  4. Yikes, your snow piles are higher than mine. I think everyone I know is tired of winter and shoveling. Chocolate and a nap sound really good to me.

  5. Spring is headed your direction along with the ducks. We had four to nine inches of snow in Southwestern Ohio last Wednesday but it's gone now except for some of the tallest piles made by the snowplows.

  6. WAY!! too much snow for me!! I hope you are melted out soon.

  7. Ahh, the bus ride to school. Thanks for the walk down memory lane...

  8. WOW ! Still a lot of snow there ! Our snow is gone for the most part we have brownish green grass . Oh that's what the winters were like here when I was a kid on the school bus when I was on the farm and yes I did the same thing to the bus window to look out oh the memories , thanks for that ! The climate here has change so much we get less snow earlier springs and milder temps in the winters now ! March here can also be a unpredictable month st times. Hope Spring arrives there soon ! Have a good day !

  9. Oh the days, of riding the school bus............ I hope you have a slow stead melt soon, real soon.

  10. I spent too much time on school buses going up and down on our hills and all of it was gravel roads. I had a car finally to drive my Senior year. I remember that if you don't clear the windows of frost that one could never see out. Drawing pictures was good sport though.

  11. You have such fun posts. Love the self medicating idea - me too! You all are sick of snow and we are praying that we get some! sigh

  12. DJan already made my comment for me:) We are under the same weather system as her. We have a rainfall warning. We delayed our run until tomorrow, thinking that it can't be any worse then.

  13. Girl, ya still need some high water waders to maneuver that snow of yours! 'Should make for some good crops and gardens this year, huh?

    I too remember scrapin' off Jack Frost for a peep hole on the bus. Funny!

    You have a blessed and safe day sweetie!!! Your pics make me wanna hug my fireplace close! :o)

  14. You have a lot more snow Up North than we do down south. I hope it melts soon.

  15. Spring is in control of when the snow melts...not us. It's hard for us to wait. Your snow does look beautiful.

  16. I know too much snow...it's just the end of winter that is the hardest time. Soon you will have spring again.

    We are foggy, and white...don't blame it on my cleaning up the garden the other day..it was warm, and we thought this was it.



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