Thursday, March 21, 2013

Spring is lost

Spring must have gotten lost.  It is lollygagging around down south or out west and forgot about us here in Minnesnowda.

Chance looked for Spring.  I told him it was here.

Looking for spring

He looked really hard out into the woods..he couldn’t spot Spring either..maybe it is stuck in a snow bank someplace.

Looking for stpring in the feeders

Perhaps the little hungry birds have found Spring?  Nope nothing but bird seed in that feeder.

The snowplow wiped out our mailbox.  Chance and Far Guy were very nervous..mail is their “thing.”  They were really worried.  They finally came up with a plan to use the same post as our neighbor..somehow their mail box survived.  It was unbelievable..we have had our mailbox on one of those swing away arms that swivels..when it was sheared off of it’s base 3 feet away from the road.  That snow plow driver should be fired.  He pushed snow way off the road..he practically had to drive in the ditch.  Forget about using the snow banks as visual markers for where the road will end up in the ditch..he is an idiot. 

I know Spring saw the stop sign and stopped.

March 19 blowing snow I wonder what Spring will do when the sign gets covered up.  Maybe then she will arrive:)

Blog Signature


  1. That photo of the snow piled up at the stop sign that's illegal for our plows to do that on any road sign . What a jerk wiping out your mail box I would hate him to plow near a fire hydrant then ! Hope spring shows up there soon . Oh Chance you will find spring I bet it will show the first week of April for you ! At least the sun is shining ! Have a good day !

  2. Morning, have not found Spring here either, where oh where is it?...........Love Chance looking for Spring, hope he finds it soon, Blessings Francine.

  3. No Spring here either - 8 degrees this morning. I would complain to the city or whoever not only about your mailbox but also about where he is plowing and covering up road signs. Cute picture of Chance looking for Spring. Sure hope he finds it.

  4. Your header is pretty, but not what I expect when I think of spring. Love that picture of Chance, hopefully looking for spring! :-)

  5. Spring is lost here too although we have not had all the snow that you have.
    Love how Chance is sitting there looking for Spring. I hope he finds it soon.

  6. What would happen if you put in a complaint about your mailbox? Obviously it would have been visible, it wouldn't have been hidden in the snow bank, right? Very frustrating for sure.

    I'd say Spring is just about here on the west coast of Canada. The daffodils might open today, and I did see some blooming closer to the ocean yesterday. And they certainly aren't early, if anything they are on the later side.

    Hope Chance finds Spring for you:)

  7. Spring is lost here too. Love that photo of Chance in your header.

  8. Spring hasn't found its way here either. We don't have your snow though. The county has knocked down our mailbox twice in the 20+ years we've lived here. Apparently if you call, they have to replace it. On their own time frame though.

  9. Aw man, sorry about the mailbox! I'm betting the plows are having a hard time trying to figure out where to put all that snow!

  10. I'm encouraged because the chickadees have been singing Dee Dee Dee for a month already. The snow in our yard and in public parking lots is that deep, where the plows have piled it, but I've never seen it piled around a stop sign. I also wonder if the plow guy knows what he is doing. After roads are plowed here by the county guys, they come a day or so later and use the wing blade to push snow away from the shoulders of the roads. We don't have to worry about the plows sheering off fire hydrants: there are NONE on country roads. And I still rather see the white snow of the countryside than the black snow+dirt (SNIRT) in cities. And I'd rather have the snow season last longer than average than the mud season start earlier than average. Even though we've had some terribly cold nights lately, our house has been very warm. Then bright sun warms it up past 75 degrees on most days and the deep snow piled around the house keeps the basement warmer than it was last November. (We don't heat our basement.) I love love love the sun on the bright snow this time of year.

  11. I bet Chance will keep looking for spring until he finds it, Border Collies are like that, never give up.

  12. Spring hasn't arrived in Wyoming, although it is trying. This morning was overcast, and I was happy that we might get rain. Ha! Only a few drops and the clouds moved on with the wind.

    Tell Chance that I understand his impatience with Mother Nature.

  13. I'm not sure what that same guy was doing way down here but later he told me (twice) he never hit my mailbox. "At speed the flying snow can knock about anything over".... "Phooey", I said. :(

  14. For sure spring isn't in the west so don't blame me. Today we have minus 5 C with snow and blowing snow. When spring comes it will be with a bang. At this time of year it can get very warm.

  15. Nope. Not down here, either. Although I'm sure our kind of "freezing" would be your kind of Spring :)

  16. Oh, that is too much snow! Poor Chance; I know he will be glad for better weather and a ride thru the country with you and FG.

  17. I have been thinking of you in Minnisnowda as we welcome spring here in Seattle. Today was a typical March day, a high of 50, sunshine and rain/hail/snow squalls, depending on what cloud you were under. March here is "unsettled".

  18. My guess is the snow plow knocked Spring into the next state!
    You can probably complain somewhere, for all the good it would probably do.

    Great photos and hungry birds. Chance looks very diligent.
    Have a great Friday! Maybe it will warm up a bit. ♥

  19. We aren't home yet, so I don't know how our mailbox faired!! Last year we had to replace 18 atv signs on some of our routes, as the snowplow took them out. Frustrating!!!

  20. Just so you was here last week and then left....we got 6-9 inches of snow last night! LOL! Of course....I was loving it because we don't get it here very often but Spring definitely high-tailed it outta here yesterday!

  21. We in the South are thinking that you in the North stole our spring weather now - - - or you are trying to equalize the temps because it is VERY COLD here this week with a few flurries. There are lots of flowering trees that are going to be very upset before Friday.


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