Monday, March 4, 2013

Monday March 4, 2013

Another winter storm with a wide range of snowfall predictions is headed our way.  I think they named this one is supposed to bring us somewhere between 8 and 12 inches of snow.  We will see.

March can be a fickle month.  The sun was shining on Sunday, slowly moving the snow off of my garage.  We have been watching this snow shelf for days. Snow shelf on my garage

It finally fell off late in the afternoon.  The skies turned darker as the clouds moved in. 

The road home March 3

Ready or not..and yes we are ready..the storm will head in early Monday and might be over sometime on Tuesday…maybe.  The roads have been in great driving conditions even if the ditches are full of snow.

I am thankful for whatever moisture we will get. 

I just finished a historical novel that talked about the dry years in the 1930’s when the dust storms would come out of nowhere and the dust would pile up as high as the fence posts.  Linda Winter-Hodgeson wrote Two Groves Of Trees  a family history novel that took place near Wheaton Minnesota.  It was a great read:)

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  1. The book sounds like it would be very interesting. I know you are tired of the snow and frigid cold. I hope you have another book to read during the storm. Stay safe, friend.

  2. Morning, oh no!!! more snow here, all darn day.......That book sounds very interesting, Blessings Francine.

  3. Enjoy your next round of snow! And keep it over there. :) Our convention is next week and a snowstorm could make or break it.
    Sounds like a great book. I bought a couple of books on the dust bowl after seeing the PBS series, but haven't had a chance to read them yet.

  4. I do wish you would stop sending those snow storms my way! :-)

    The book sounds like a good read.

  5. we still have had no snow in our part of the woods, and I'm not missing it. Staying up in the mountains where it belongs and I can visit it there! Good luck getting through this snowstorm.

  6. I really don't want any more snow and this new storm is headed our way as well. supposed to snow here all day on Tuesday; another 3-5+ inches. There is no place to put any more snow. sure hope this is the end of Winter. Ya, Ya, I know we need the moisture, but I'm tired of shoveling. Your book sounds very interesting. I'll have to check it out.

  7. March surely is fickle. We have a similar snow shelf that is moving about as fast as an Alaskan glacier. It stormed yesterday and is still snowing a little this morning......hopefully we'll both get some warm weather soon so our "shelves" can crash to the ground and NOT land on anyone. In other words.....don't watch TOO intently ;)

  8. That first shot is amazing! We had gales and snow over the weekend, so I guess winter is here to stay for a bit longer...

  9. Sounds this morning like they are still saying you'll get hit with interesting to see if they are right and you are so right about the moisture. We got wind but nothing for moisture! :(

  10. Oh, I couldn't have resisted bashing that snow shelf off:)
    I'll be thinking of you (maybe!)as we enjoy a beautiful sunny Spring day:)

  11. Not much going on yet...but boy is there a big blop (representing snow) headed our way... like a co-worker says "guess we will have to use our sunny dispositions" for a sunshiny day!

  12. Dad talked about the dust drifts in Kansas. He said his Mom sat the table with the dishes upside down otherwise they would be full of dust.

  13. Our spring seasons can have lots of two steps forward one step back incidences. Sometimes it seems the other way as two steps back. Keep warm and safe in your upcoming storm . It's probably part of the same system that we had yesterday.

  14. Well that sucks , more snow ! March can be a teaser month that's for sure . I am just looking forward to the day light savings and the arrival of spring and pray we don't get any more snow ,all though this is March and in Ontario any thing can happen lol ! Nice photos ! Have a good day !

  15. I think I would take snow over fence high dust piles!!!


  16. Snow shelf? Looks like you had your very own glacier going on!

  17. Do you not think that naming winter storms is just about the dumbest idea ever? I don't even remember the name of the last storm to go through our area this year let alone years from now...

  18. I was nervous about driving in all the snow we were supposed to get today. So far it's only a couple of inches, and everyone is talking about it, as in "How could they get it so wrong." But we're supposed to get a lot more overnight.

  19. I love those types of books. I wrote it down on my "never-ending" list of books to read. Your roads look nice....they do a good job up there!

  20. Brrrrrr - - - -that's a LOT of stuff on that roof!


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