Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Lazy Winter Day

It snowed some..not the 8 to 12 inches they predicted at least not yet.

Snow on Monday

Chance doesn’t like it when the trees move.  Wind is not his friend..sticks blow out of the trees…he likes company on his trips outside when it is windy.  He needed several naps today..so did I. He and I were good napping buddies…we had a real lazy day.

Chance out in the snow March 4

The squirrels kept knocking the thermometer off the tree so Far Guy hung it on the bench.  That is the bench on the patio where I sit to take photos of the birds at the feeders.

The Turkeys have not been here for a number of days..they must be hunkered down near a corn field someplace.  The Red Polls are still here but not in the numbers that they were earlier. The normal Chickadees, Nuthatches and Downy Woodpeckers stay year round.  The Pileated Woodpecker has been back and the Red-bellied Woodpecker is still scared of me..but someday I will get a photo of him.

The squirrels were really hungry yesterday. They come into the yard tree by tree, and leave quickly tree by tree when Chance is outside. We have one black squirrel.  The other squirrels pick on him/her sometimes and chase him/her off.

Black Squirrel March 4

I took this photo through the kitchen window:)

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  1. Morning, we sure got dumped on yesterday, yuk...no Spring here........I also noticed my Redpoles are not around but my favorite the Chickadees are.......Blessings Francine.

  2. The chickadees around here have started singing their mating song, must be spring in the air. We also have those black squirrels around here, too, but mostly they are the fat grey ones. :-)

  3. Happy to hear that your snow totals ere less than expected. Ours are supposed to be less also as the storm is heading more south of us. Chance looks cute out in the snow.

  4. The bird numbers are down here too, the feeders aren't right empty at the end of the day as they usually are.

  5. Lovely photos ! Oh you have it snowing again that is tuff. We have sunshine today , it is cold right now but to warm up , no snow in the forecast for a few days at least for now . Have a good lazy snow day . Spring will be there soon !

  6. I love the photo of the black squirrel. I would love to see one. We have white squirrels at Olney Illinois.

  7. Never seen a squirrel that black..interesting. I'm with Chance, I hate the wind too! Hunkered down is definitely the place to be when it is blowing that bad.

  8. Glad you had a napping lazy day - we all need those now and then. Never seen a black squirrel, thanks for the photo.

  9. Ah the lazy snowy day...so good for the spirit.

    We have one squirrel, and he chases or tries to chase away everything else.


  10. Squirrels are just like people...if you are different they try to make you leave...

    Not good.


  11. Jake is just like Chance, doesn't like the wind. Doesn't like it inside the house either. It's on those windy nights that he wants to sleep in our room.
    It's a rare day we see any squirrels anywhere near the house. They do like to raid the hazelnut trees in the Fall though.

  12. Awesome header photos! Yes, staying in and snoozing when it's nasty is a great occupation.

  13. I don't think I've ever seen a black squirrel. Poor Chance I don't blame him for wanting someone with him - sounds dangerous even for a guard dog. This time of year is for napping isn't it - especially in the snow.

  14. Stay warm and cozy! Yes, good day for napping. It's almost 50 here and sunny but windy as all get out! I watch the girls too although I don't have too many trees but my neighbors trees hang over my yard and there's some branches still hanging from the 2009 ice storm! I've never seen a black squirrel...didn't even know they existed.
    My hometown in IL is getting socked today....sure wish I was there! LOL! Take care, all of you!

  15. I know squirrels can be the cause of a lot of damage...but somehow, every time I see a black squirrel, I just love it. Beautiful...in an angora cat kind of way, I guess...

  16. I didn't know there were such things as black squirrels since I have only ever seen brown ones. Napping is a good thing. The body needs rest and what a luxury to be able to nap when you want! It's a good pastime for that type of weather.

  17. So even squirrels pick on minorities? Oh dear.
    According to the news this evening, your area has been hit by quite a storm. Maybe it has passed you by now. I think it's about to hit poor New Jersey again.
    Spring is emerging here in the coastal PNW.

  18. Just think of all that lovely moisture you will have for spring.

  19. Jessi, our cat that will go outside, doesn't like the wind either. But it's because it blows her fur the wrong way.
    Are you having a somewhat normal winter then?
    Have a wonderful Wednesday!

  20. Naps are such wonderful things. I always think that they have been provided for the elderly as compensation for the loss of the joys of youth (not that I am suggesting that you are elderly of course!)

  21. The Canadian geese are hunkering down in open farm fields of picked corn. Large flocks of them. I too saw turkeys in bunched out in the fields trying to dig up something to eat.


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