Monday, March 25, 2013

Snow Stick Contest

Alrighty then!  I am all set for the snow stick contest!
Please leave me a comment stating the date and morning or afternoon of your guess.  Guess whatever date you think the ruler placed next to the snow stick will be free of snow and or ice.  We have about 28 inches of snow at the stick.  We had 31 plus inches but the snow settled some.  I am not trudging out there to get an exact measurement.

Last year the snow was gone from the stick on March 13 and in 2011 it left the stick on April 8.  I could hardly believe that last year at this time we had the start of green grass and I photographed robins through the window.  How depressing.  BUT it could warm up and start raining any day now.
Anyways.  I finished the small carvings for the Snow Stick Contest.
Carvings one
One carving will go to the Area Voices winner ( The local newspaper) and one will go to the Blogspot winner.
Carvings two
Guess away..and I hope no one guesses July.  Guesses will be accepted until Thursday March 28 at 9PM.
The carvings are from Cottonwood Bark that was collected along the shores of the Red Lake River near Fisher Minnesota.  We only collect dead bark.

I like carving with bark..the pieces fit nicely in my hand and are easy to carve.  They are painted with an acrylic paint and have a Bee’s Wax finish.  Each piece of wood has a different house in it ( In my mind)..the house on the right leans a if it was anchored someplace where the wind blows all the time and it has slowly shifted over time..and I gave it a wonky roof.  The one of the left is a Springy little house..possibly on a tropical island someplace where it is above zero ALL the time:)
Blog Signature
State the Date and Morning or Afternoon and I will post all the guesses here! 

Lanny April 8
Red April 10
Country Gal April 10 Afternoon
ladyfi  April 11 Noon
Blissed-out Grandma April12 Morning
Muffie April 13 before noon
troutbirder April 13 Afternoon
DJan April 14
West Side of Straight April 14 Afternoon
Pauline Persing April 15 early morning
Two Paws April 15 Noonish
Harriet April 15 Afternoon
Lynne Ft Worth April 15 afternoon
LD April 16 Afternoon
Maple Lane April 17 Morning
Nancy April 17 Afternoon
Dreaming April 17 Afternoon
Grandma Barb's This and That April 18 Afternoon
Blue Ridge Boomer April 19
Angela Cruz-Garcia  April 20 Afternoon
Alan April 21 morning
thecrazysheeplady April 21
Laura April 22 afternoon
Terry and Linda April 26
Kathy April 27 Afternoon
Primative Stars  April 29
Lisa April 30 morning
Iggy April 30 Afternoon
Shirley May 2 Afternoon
Jen May 4
MT Waggin June 1 Midnight
Far Guy July
Guessing has now closed..Thursday night the 28th:)  Thanks! 


  1. Morning, wow, lots of the stuff left, it was gone last year at this time here....Love your carving, wonderful......Well, I will say April 29 we will see the whole stick.....Spring Blessings Francine.

  2. I'll guess the afternoon of April 27th. Love your carvings!

  3. I will be more optimistic and guess April 14. I know it's probably not likely, but you never know, and one can hope, right? :-)

  4. I will guess the afternoon of April 20th. Both carvins are adorable.

  5. It's snow here as I type... I thought the snow was gone and done and dusted for the year.. but noooooooooooo..... :)

    Afternoon... April 30

  6. My guess is afternoon on April 15...along with income taxes the snow will be gone.

  7. I'm guessing May 2, afternoon - sorry!

  8. April 17th - PM

    I predict you will get some Chinook winds soon.

  9. April 13th before noon! (But I hope it's much earlier!)

  10. I will guess April 10th afternoon but hoping it is earlier as I am hoping spring weather shows up here to soon lol ! Oh those carvings are cute . Have a good day !

  11. Love the carvings! Mr. Dreamy got some carving tools and has just begun trying his hand at it. I can't wait to show him your carvings!
    April 17 - afternoon

  12. My guess is April 10. Any prize for being the most wrong?

  13. June 1 midnight....okay I'm just being mean! LOL I love your carvings, you've been busy whilst snowed in!

  14. I love those carvings! You are so artistic. I'm going to guess the morning of Friday, April 12. But what do I know?

  15. I was going to say the 20th, but since that's taken I'll go 21st :-).

  16. I'll take April 11 - my son's birthday -at noon.

  17. April 17 morning. We are having flurries today in GA!!

  18. Ok. Once again. I do believe I'm 0/6 on this one but 7 has always been lucky for me.... The afternoon of April 13th, sez he. :)

  19. I'm going to go with April 18th in the afternoon.

  20. April 14 afternoon Love these two little houses! Hope I'm right so can add to my collection!

  21. The way things are going at the moment - 21st April (morning)

  22.'s still snowing at my house....April 19th....the day the humming birds are due to return...Enjoy

  23. April 15. We have snow cover this morning. Snow started on Sunday afternoon and continued all day yesterday. Lots of school delays and closings because the roads are icy. Ice is what I think about when I think of winter in southwestern Ohio. Temperatures are often perfect for ice and sleet.

  24. I noticed someone else chose April 15. Make that April 15 early in the morning.

  25. April 26th UGH That is depressing...I hope it is sooner not later!


  26. Well, listen, I have no idea about snow. It is a perplexing thing to me. I do know that I am usually very jealous of you and your Minnasnowda. I usually love it when we (finally) get snow in April and the hyacinths wear little snow crowns. But to tell you the truth, I'm to far into no snow this year to go back. It seems to be so bad that I am happy to hope for no snow for everyone else too. So here's my hope for you, may your snow be gone by April 8th, twelve more days. I would have said sooner but I would like to think I have a chance at one of your clever little houses. I adore them. But mostly I hope that for you I am dead on with my prediction.

  27. Well, I have never lived where it snowed being from Fort Worth and all, but I think about April 15th in the afternoon.

    Deanna M.
    Fort Worth, TX

  28. Ya-hafta laff at FarGuy's prediction... of course if it comes true, I'm assumin' you are moving some place warmer!

  29. Guessing has now closed..may the best guesser win:)


Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate your comments! If you have a question I will try to answer it here. I no longer accept anonymous comments. All comments will be approved before posting...due to spammers...may the fleas of a thousand camels infest every hair on his body. Connie