Sunday, January 1, 2017

New Year 2017 Ongoing Projects

Happy New Year!  We had a quiet evening at home. I think we must be too old to celebrate! 

I spent some time thinking of a word that I can concentrate on this year.  Nothing really stood out, until I read a something in another blog about finishing up your projects before the New Year.

Ongoing is my word for 2017.  All my projects are ongoing. Lately I have been collecting “stuff” to begin new projects without finishing old projects.   I thought about making a list…decided it was too long but then thought it might be good to refer back to next year…perhaps for a laugh.

I have five three ring binders and a whole bunch of page protectors.  I have collected items from the grands over the years…it will all be sorted and put into their own personal binder. The binders are up to date Jan 31 2017.

I will go through my photo archives and make a folder for each Grand.  I may even print some out.

Family Tree should be worked on…at least an up to date copy should be made! Five Generation Trees were made for the grands.  Generations beyond that are in progress. Copies were given to my brother Jody and my Parents.  I am waiting on information from my sister and Cousin David on Far Guys side of the family. Each branch of the family now has a folder or a three ring binder.  Feb 20 2017  Cousin Davids Info arrived March 3 for the Abbot side of the family.  It all needs to be checked for accuracy.  Cousin Verniel sent more Yliniemi/Leinonen family history and obits of family March 6.  I am still waiting for info from my sister.

I need to go through all my photo files…that may take all year.

I should get a year or two of my blogs printed into a book.  I use blurb to create the books.

Christmas Photo Cards will go into a album of some sort. Yes a three ring binder and page protectors hold all the Christmas Greetings from relatives and close friends. Completed Jan 26 2017

Christmas letters should be dealt with some way…not sure how yet…possibly I save too much “stuff.” Many were recycled the ones I kept are in page protectors and in three ring binders.  Copies were made for the grands of the letters their Mothers wrote at Christmas time.  Completed January 27 2017

Recipes…ongoing  I have been re writing some and then entering them on My IPad in a program called Recipe Book.  Jen and I have the same program so we can send recipes back and forth.

The Farm Diaries…ongoing for how many years now…four maybe five.  I will begin this years entries with November 1924.

I should wrap up my scrapbooking projects that have been ongoing for many years.  It has been so long I think Creative Memories has discontinued the size pages I was using…but I stockpiled some of those supplies too!

I make all my own cards, so some of those need to be made too. Completed a bunch of cards March 3 2017.

Find A Grave, I have photos and obits to enter.

Family Search is another of my volunteer activities…indexing.  I find it interesting.

My Wildflower Book for Eastern Becker County.  With the advent of many ways to publish small books this may be more of a possibility than I originally thought.

I started a quilt that was all hand stitched together back in 1995.  It is called Grandmothers Garden.  My Mother put a batting and a backing on it for me…now I will hand quilt it.

I have a baptismal gown project. Completed baptismal gown on Friday June 9 2017

I will crochet a blanket for the new baby that will be arriving in May. I looked at yarn the other day…pink or blue that is the question. So I bought some yarn for a scarf for me instead! Yarn purchased March 4.  Blanket completed May 25 2017 

I am crocheting a hat for myself and have my Join As You Go Granny Square Afghan to work on when ever the mood strikes me..usually while watching TV.

The pattern for the Christmas Ornament for 2017 needs to be chosen and a prototype carved. R and D is completed June 11 2017 let the carving begin! Carving and painting has been accomplished August 27 2014 for 99 ( I think) ornaments.

I have many ongoing  woodcarving projects. Trillium completed and mailed Jan 2017.  Santa completed Jan 30 2017. 10 wooden houses completed June 11 2017.

I have the stamp and the idea for next years Christmas Card…I need some more supplies for that project! Supplies purchased Jan 24 2017

I need to sell some “stuff” on Ebay…that can be a part time job in itself!

Of course there are a few projects inside the house that need to be addressed and the whole house needs a deep cleaning/decluttering before spring.

Well now that I have listed them all…I am discouraged…when will I ever find time to do everything I want? One ongoing project at a time I guess. I suppose I can come back to this post and enter the date I completed a task…I wonder how many I can accomplish this year?
Happy New Year!
Roads Dec 31
One of the local roads on December 31 2016.  The ditches are full of snow and we have snow banks now…that is what happens when it snows and blows every day.

Special Occasion Photo Project Completed January 26 2017
Taxes to the Accountant March 8 2017 Taxes sent electronically March 29 2017
Blog Signature


  1. Happy New Year! You do have quite a list of projects! Wishing you guys many blessings in this new year. xo

  2. Happy New Year to the Fars! My goodness, you are never going to run out of "things to do"! Always something to take up on those snow days.

    Shirley H.

  3. I got tired reading your project list, so many and so much ambition. I too have a lot of "stuff" for projects. Maybe I should list them like you did, then I won't forget about them.

  4. Oh my, Connie, that is a huge list! And to think of already getting started on next year's Christmas ornament! That's organization and dedication, for sure. Happy New Year! I know you will make it a good one. :-)

  5. Your list of projects is exhausting. Maybe that should be your word for the year!
    I'm impressed! Many of your ongoing projects are similar to mine.
    Have a happy and healthy...and busy New Year!

  6. A lengthy list indeed, but you'll get there eventually.

  7. One thing I kept thinking as I read your post is that this is enough for 10 people! It's the thinking ahead that keeps us going and a list is just an agenda to keep us focused.

  8. Oh my, that is a lot of projects. I'm lucky if I get the bathroom cleaned once a week.
    But I admire you, that you make a list, and work on it throughout the year. Maybe I'll try that. Blessings in the New Year!

  9. I was going through my piles of to do and got disgusted so I stopped. Too many things to do ---I'll look at them again tomorrow!

    Happy New Year!

  10. Happy New Year Far Side and Far Guy (and Chance too)! Looks like you have enough projects going to last you five years, not only one! Good luck with them all, and be sure to take time out to just smell the flowers—when they come out!

  11. I have to chuckle! I have pages of potential projects organized into categories in my new bullet journal for 2017. Ongoing is the operative word there, too--LOL! Some of them have been transferred over many new years and that is my hope for this coming year, too--to get a lot of them done and completed aand off the list. Leah and I did get some cards off the list this past year, but that was it. I guess we should wish each other luck! (And energy and motivation--LOL!) Happy New Year, Connie.

  12. wow, that is a LOT to carry on one's plate! Happy new year, and good luck!

  13. You of all people will probably get a good percentage of all that not so much. I have great intentions but way too many projects. I need to focus and if I had to pick a word for this year....that would be it....FOCUS. I love hearing about all your projects...and to think I thought you and Far Guy just laid around watching movies all day! LOL! (just kidding) Happy New Year!

  14. No boredom at your house! It's hard for me to image someone who doesn't have a hobby: they truly must suffer from boredom.

    Happy New Year, and have fun with your on-going projects.

  15. Wow. That list of projects is daunting, but you'll find a way to prioritize it and achieve a lot of it. You are amazing, after all.

  16. Happy New Year!
    May all your projects give you joy and all your wishes come true. All the best to your family.

  17. Sometimes the having of a list helps to keep from carrying it around on you shoulders. We do now always have a written lists for groceries as we both are so bad about remembering things we need. I wish you well on you new year projects.

  18. What a list! Many of the items you listed are also on my list for this year. I need to work on our Family Tree and start scanning over a hundred years of photos! I have been busy making quilts for Christmas gifts so everything went on the back burner but those are done now and I can start fresh. I'm so bad about starting projects and not finishing them so I need to go through many UFOs (unfinished objects).

    You mentioned your Find a Grave projects. I have been interested in maybe volunteering with that organization. I love grave yards and history so I think I would enjoy it especially if I could help others. How did you get started with Find a Grave?

    Happy New Year to you and your family!

    1. Hi Bonnie, Just start an account and check out all your relatives. That is how I began, I found a few mistakes and became a volunteer to correct the mistakes. :)

    2. Thank you Connie, I appreciate your help!

  19. Did you go back to bed after making that list? Lol. I know you enjoy those activities and with this list, you will never get bored or run out of things to do.

  20. That's a lot of projects! Besides all your carving. I'll stop worrying about you being bored up there in the north woods!

  21. Happy New Year to you and Far Guy! I see from your list that there's no chance of you being bored or out of things to do.
    Also hoping for a good year for Chance!

  22. Wow that is quite a list! I guess some of it needs doing before others, so that's a place to start. No rest for the willing!

  23. Wow, you definitely have a long list of projects! Wherever you begin, I hope each one brings you some special satisfaction. Have a great 2017.

  24. That is quite a list of projects. I got tired just reading it! LOL! And I have a list that is probably as long if not longer! Happy New Year to you and yours!

  25. Lol I'm afraid to list my list for fear of utter discouragement, I think your word should become my word as it's all ongoing here too.


Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate your comments! If you have a question I will try to answer it here. I no longer accept anonymous comments. All comments will be approved before posting...due to spammers...may the fleas of a thousand camels infest every hair on his body. Connie