Thursday, January 19, 2017

1982 Again and The Big Sort

Here is our family photo taken the same day as the larger group family photo I shared the other day.
Family 1982
Yes the dog is in this one.  The cranky old photographer said “Yes that dog can be in the photo but I don’t fuss with animals.” So Snuffer just looks like a pile of fur facing the wrong direction.  I liked that photographer until that day.

The sort continues… progress is slow. ( I should not READ everything.) I did a big sort of family genealogy papers…Far Guy has a good bunch of Family History all in one place now (was that even on my original list?) I have asked a cousin on his Mother’s side of the family to share the Canadian/English History. 

I managed to get a couple of obits typed up…ran into a name problem…Almeada Clara was really Clara Almeada according to her obituary and funeral pamphlet…so I made that edit at Find A Grave.  I wonder what her birth certificate says….census records say Clara A.  Finding that info lead me down two different rabbit holes….and still no birth record…but I found one for her husband in Canada.  All this time I thought he was born in Wellington County Eramosa Twp …wrong it is West Luther Twp…I saw the record of birth online…it also said he was born on Jan 27…family history/find a grave/obituary says Jan 26.  See now I have more questions that I bargained for.  That is what happens some days.

Our weather is lovely …sunny and in the 30’s F…we sat outside ysterday…and it felt good.
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  1. What a nice picture! I should look for a picture of my family from 1982 and compare them to today's. Is that a real lake or a backdrop of one? You all look so well put together. :-)

    1. It is a real lake, my parents owned that property at the end of the lake...and yes it is a good view:)

  2. Great photo! What a good looking bunch! I see you are going down a rabbit hole too...just a different kind....yours is genealogy! Good luck and it is so interesting it would be hard not to read everything.
    It's warmer here but 90% humidity, foggy and the air just drips! So dark and gray I close the curtains on what I call 'gloomy doomy' weather. Sometimes 'warmer weather' is not all it's cracked up to be! LOL!

  3. Your photo has a backstory...should write that down one day--the cranky photographer--LOL!
    Feels like spring out there! 30s and melting!! :)

  4. Sitting outside in SUNSHINE, even cold sunshine IS a huge treat!


  5. I love the family picture...and just went back to see the one I missed. Can't seem to keep up anymore. I wonder if it has anything to do with Poppy being home more! Anyway. you should have these framed and on the wall.

  6. Lovely photo and yes if no dogs no photos for us have to have our dog in them they are part of the family to . I am of Canadian / British decent as well and it is so interesting to find out about ones family history . I would love to sit outside in the sunshine except I think the sun has forgotten us it has been mild yes which is nice but it has been gloomy rainy and dreary for days and looks like it will be like that for some time YUK ! . Come on spring I say ! Thanks for sharing , Have a good day !

  7. It's amazing how dates can be different. I think most of it occurs because of simple errors.

  8. Oh my, I hate when searching just brings about more questions. There is a set of twins in my family tree that has birth date for the twins as three days apart. Yes. Three days. And it is documented in two different places. I guess it could happen??? But no one really knows. Anyway, just boggles my mind to have info on paper or on line and no real story to explain it.

  9. It sounds like you are making headway wth "The Big Sort". Boy, do we need to do that!
    Mr. Dreamy loves genealogy. He loves the challenge of tracing folks down.
    Love the picture!

  10. Be sure to write FG's family history project on your list if it wasn't there, so you can cross it off. :-)


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