Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Chance : Too Many Balls

It has been reported that I have been getting out way too many balls.  There were four of them in the kitchen yesterday..Far Guy said “Chance, one day someone is going to step on two of your balls at once.”

Far Side has stepped on one..she cussed out loud. Wonder what she will say when she steps on two?


This is my treat ball, it keeps me busy.  Far Side fills it with kibble and since I am a working dog, I bat it around and kibble falls out the small hole and I can reward myself.


It keeps me busy in the kitchen for about five minutes, sometimes longer.  Five minutes is a long time for a Border Collie to entertain himself.

IMG_0971 Border Collies like to work, work work..all the time..all day long.  If you don’t have cattle or sheep..then you should be prepared to play ball many times during the day inside and outside.

As The State of Confusion Address is tonight..Far Side says “ If Border Collies were in charge at least their eye would be on one of the balls.” :)


  1. HAHAHAHAHAH! Love it! And I loved the new title STATE OF CONFUSION!


  2. Very apt label you've come up with. I hope you don't mind if I use it in conversation. I'll give you credit, of course. And if Bachmann can run for President, why not a Border Collie?

  3. Funny dog. A border collie for president... That sounds like a good plan. We have had several dogs as presidents.

  4. That was good, LOL!!
    And Jake says that a border collie can never have too many balls:)

  5. Heeehehehe...."State of Confusion"...that Far Side cracks me up!!!

    Chance, ya have a grand day playin' with your balls!!!

    Shhhhh, don't tell but Tiger the Wonder Dog has none. The 'Strongbacks' were bein' boys and castrated him after castrating cattle one day. Word of advice Chance...stay far, far away from the Pondeorsa!!! :o)

    God bless and have a wonderful day!!!

  6. Chance it is good that you know yourself so well. Border Collies truly are the smartest breed around.

  7. I don't think a dog can ever have too many balls. Chewing ropes, yes. Riley has chewing ropes and balls strewn everywhere. I am always afraid of tripping on them. I pick them up and put them back into his toy basket and within five minutes, they are all back out. Maybe I should get one of those treat balls for him.

  8. Absolutely! And not in your wallet! ;-)

  9. great photos. these balls are a great item. take care rose

  10. Maybe we should turn them into Border Collies! Chance would make a great address!

  11. Shelties too!!!! We are related to you and we are working/herding dogs as well!!!

    Long live our BALLS!!!!! hehehe

    Love, Dakota

  12. Great stimulus for Chance! Not only do they like to work they like something to keep their brains busy. They are so much more intelligent than we give them credit for.

  13. Love the "State of Confusion address" so so so true...sadly so true !!!
    Have a blessed tomorrow.

  14. Well, if the balls are where you can get at them, then my thought is it is okay to get them all out. My friend's dog has a treat ball but is it more cone shaped. Peanut butter can go inside one end. It takes Lady, her dog, a long time to lick that clean.
    That State of Confusion address was missed by us in this house to be viewed by news commentators - - - free of all the incessant clapping. Think of how much faster that speech would go if they had to hold the applause to the end.

  15. Missing having a dog in my kitchen (well not the tripping over him part)

  16. Ah Chance! You have never ever have too many balls to play with, or too many play times per day.

  17. Hi COnnie, I'm a new visitor who stopped in from Country Cove Life. I enjoyed visiting around your blog and reading this and previous posts. Chance is one lively dog and a great photo subject too. Please do stop by our blog whenever you have a chance. We enjoy all visits.

  18. HAHAHAHAHA ! loveed the post and photos.
    Miggy has alot of Border Collie in her and she is always on the move, she is so much like Chance in Charactor, Miggy has her teddy in her mouth and uses it to bat her ball around and chace it all over the house lol they are both very intelligent dogs! Miggy likes doggy peanut butter put in her Kong she licks it for hours ! Have a great day !

  19. State of confusion address is the best I have heard yet....


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