Monday, January 17, 2011

January Whine

Thank goodness half of this horrible month is over, I know that I am not supposed to wish my life away..but January in Minnesota sucks. 

Yesterday we went out for lunch, we tried a restaurant that used to be good..but it isn’t anymore.  I guess we should have known that when we pulled up and there was no one in the parking lot.  I observed that the place could have used a good dusting and cleaning and a floor scrub and wax too…I noticed all this whilst I shivered.  The large windows that face the lake were all frosted over and you couldn’t see outside.  It is hard to eat your lunch with your gloves on.  My feet although swathed in my 40 below zero cold.  I got indigestion, probably because their grill has not been cleaned off properly. I am not going back there anytime soon.

We came home and I took a three hour nap. Far Guy baked some Salmon for supper…he would be considered a world class chef in that restaurant we visited.

Last night I tried to watch the Golden Globe was all a bunch of people I didn’t know..( I did know Michael Douglas..and Sylvester Stallone…has he has surgery or what?).  I have not seen any of the movies..and apparently I don’t watch the right TV shows..I must be out of the loop.  

Now it is is above zero but we are headed into the deep freeze the rest of the week..and Far Guy just reported to me that Chance has Cabin Fever and needs to go for a long walk.  I suggested that Chance learn how to walk on the treadmill..but that didn’t go over very well:) 



  1. Dr. Pat thinks you have the winter blues. Get a sun lamp.

  2. Strange. The Dog Whisperer gets them running on treadmills all the time! ;-)
    I wouldn't have known anyone either. And I haven't seen Sylvester Stallone in a while, but I know a lot of movie stars get Botox or plastic surgery.

    It's always sad when a restaurant that you liked, isn't good any more. :(

  3. The tv shows sure have changed a lot that is for sure. I would prefer to read anymore. Once in a while on dish I can get a good oldie to watch. The weather here sure has turned colder also. I have to say though that you up in your state sure beat us a lot when it comes to the cold and snow. Nothing is worse than going out to eat and hopeing to have a good meal then have it turn out horrible!

  4. Too bad you wasted your time going to that place to eat. Sounds awful. I think January is just about the most miserable month on the calendar. Too much snow, too much cold, and too little sunshine to suit me. Don't even get me started on the horrible TV shows that are on. A total waste of my time. I'm like you - don't know 3/4 of the people on those award shows - don't really care either. But, I really do like the label you picked for this post...Minnesota weather sucks...very funny. Illinois weather sucks too:)

  5. I agree re the Golden Globes. I am so out of the loop for most of the TV programs that I haven't a clue who some of them are. This AM a good 20 minutes was spent on what everyone was wearing on the red carpet and how good they looked. Gee whiz. Who cares? Bombs could be dropping in Lahore and we get commentary on what the women were wearing. Oh well. Just in need of a bit of a rant.

  6. I spent the mornin' with ice tappin' on my windows and can ya'll believe I'm grillin' chicken outside today. Of course ya can...your from the North! Heeehehehe!!!!

    Snuggle in and have a wonderfully cozy evening my friend!!! :o)

  7. Ohhhh the Cabin Fever in Minnesta nahhhhh! You might have to dig out the Happy Little Snowman - just so that he can smile at you! Only 8 months and summer will be over :)

  8. What is it about dogs that they love all kinds of weather all the time. I am like you sick of winter. Very tired of winter. Ugh.


  9. What a sweet photo of Chance! I hate to go out to eat and be disappointed. I know you dread another frigid week. Hopefully you have a lot of old photos to enjoy.

  10. Dreadmill that's why he wants to walk outside.

  11. It's a shame the resturant was a bust for you.
    I think we are all feeling cabin fever.I have had enough of winter , bring on spring and summer!
    Here in Ontario Canada we are covered in snow and the temp is minus 14 below , with the wind chill its about 19 below BRRRR ! today Miggy didnt want to be outside as long as she usually does half the time I have to drag her in. Have a good day !

  12. We've gone to a place to eat where they now just microwave their little packages of food and put them on the plate. I know a lot of the places do that now but if you can't get it heated through and the vegetables are still raw, I guess you need to quit. The last time is the last time. It is a crappy day so you have a right to be a tad edgy.

  13. this winter has been a tough one. I keep telling my 87 year old friend that it's all his fault. He always tells us about how hard the winters used to be. So he ordered this tough winter to prove to us that what he always talks about.

  14. We will take some of your snow if you take our rain! The grey skies are the worst part in my opinion.

    I think Chance is smart enough to learn the treadmill :)

    Emma Rose

  15. Yes, cute picture of Chance! After your post and the comments, I must admit guiltily that I watched the awards and loved looking at the dresses and hoping for Colin Firth to win (which he did) for King's Speech.

    I'm doing okay with the month, but as you know I can still get out and around here in Bellingham. Lots of rain, but so far no really cold weather.

  16. I hear ya about The Golden Globes...I felt rather "out of the loop" on many of the awards too.
    My husband saw "The King's Speech" and adored it...I told him there is no way it would win because it wasn't "mainstream" enough or suitable for the young demographic which we seem to have moved out of looooong ago!!
    Such a shame...maybe it can pull an Oscar or two...or.....three!

  17. Now I feel guilty for my post about my fondness for January! But it's not nearly as cold where I live and it's such a nice break from the chaos of the rest of the year! Sorry you're feeling blah and frozen. Love your blog-and I'm sure my Aussie would, too, but I won't let her up on the desk chair.

  18. A nice long walk sounds like a good pick-me-up! It's thawing over here so it's like a skating rink, but we're headed back to the freezer too...

  19. What a shame your lunch was a disappointment, and I wouldn't know any of the current stars either as I don't have a TV. It's pretty miserable here in Scotland too, although warmer than December was. Just keep remembering the shortest day has passed! :-) Jo

  20. I hope you feel brighter soon - and I hope you thumb is healing - does Minnesota have a thumb wrestling club? You could start pretending you are Sylvester Stalone and "train like Rocky" for it.

    Opps. The Nyquil is talking again.

    P.s., Chance is no fool - ugh, treadmills!

  21. Ah, winter blues. We've got the drizzles and the lack of sunshine is about to get me down. Maybe a mini vacation to somewhere with blue skys?

  22. I second the "salmon, yum" comment. Nice to see you found a good whine to go with it.


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