Monday, October 7, 2024


 Some of the trees are getting a bit of color...most are just blah...

These Maples were showing off quite nicely against the blue sky! 

So far we have just two medical appointments this week...I get to go back to Physical Therapy on Thursday...yeah me I will be able to walk without pain again for a few days!   I am consistently doing my PT exercises...but I need that extra deep massage and am looking forward to it. 

We had terrible winds late Saturday night early Sunday morning...lots of twigs are in the yard.   Our lights flickered several times but we didn't lose power...the winds were 62 mph. 

A few more days and I will be done painting the Christmas ornaments...some have even been delivered instead of mailed!

Far Side


  1. Those are beautiful colors of red in the maple trees. We have a few around here that are beginning to change. Kinda scary when winds get up that high. glad you all kept power and I know linemen every where are working overtime already. Isn't it amazing the good that therapy can do for us? I admire you all for the work you have put in to making the ornaments. Excited to see them.

  2. Do you ever lose your power much & if so what do you do?

    1. We wait for it to come back on. The longest we have been without power is about 4 hours. My brother next door has a huge generator so we could hunker down with him:)

  3. We must have been on the southern end of that system because it was really breezy all day Sunday here.

  4. The maples always have such beautiful brilliant colors! Our neighbor had one across from our driveway but had it taken down. I really miss seeing it. The sky is super pretty in autumn, also. So very thankful that this is PT week. You sound like you are feeling better with more energy.

  5. Colors are just starting here, or not. Perhaps they are just delayed. You are rocking the ornaments this year! Glad you are finding PT helpful.

  6. It was also very windy here. You have more color than us, but that would be normal.

  7. I'm a believer in the power of PT. Glad it's helping. We had terrible wind on Saturday for a couple of hours.

  8. The maples are so beautiful!
    My daughter had big winds too, gusts up to 60 mph as well. She said there is not a leaf on the tree out back as it had already turned.
    Good luck with your PT.

  9. The first time I had deep massage in PT on my arm, I was so weak I could hardly drive home. It was so painful I couldn't do my exercises for two days. But gosh, did it help! I think she broke up scar tissue or something. Those PT people are magic! No color changes here. Mother Nature thinks it is late August in Ohio.

  10. The color is wonderful! A blushing reddish pink

  11. Good to get PT. I hope all goes well.

  12. Deep massage can be painful, but I agree it helps!

  13. The red maple against the blue skies is just gorgeous :)

  14. Maple is really beautiful. We have had so little rain our leaves are falling before changing color.

  15. It's very slow progress with my PT but I do it dilligently, as I have for years now. Only the exercises change depending on the target.
    My Full Moon Maple outside my office window is still green.

  16. That photo is beautiful, I wouldn't liked a deep massage and I don't like a hard massage

  17. Patience! Your trees will give you lots of color.

  18. I'm glad the PT appointments are helping.
    We heard about the strong wind in your part of the world.

  19.'re really moving along on those Christmas ornaments. Good for you! Sorry to hear about all your wind. Yikes. Sure glad we're not in Florida.

  20. You got that tree's color just perfect. Beautiful! The leaf colors are really blah here this year. It's been so dry until the hurricane rains hit.

  21. We had some really wicked winds too and also high fire danger. Luckily no wildfires here and a few trees and branches down.
    Those maples are really beautiful.

  22. I love the red maples in the fall!
    Can hardly wait for the ornament reveal.
    Hope you feel better for many days after your massage. :)


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