Saturday, October 5, 2024

Red Leaves

 The leaves are slowly beginning to change.  We have had a few chilly nights and that helps color things up.  Usually we are past peak by now....strange weather. 

I was out mulching leaves and noticed this Oak...a Red Oak with nice fall color. 

I got my stitches out on Thursday, my face feels much better without the stitches, so I am back to mostly normal activities.   I am on a three month recheck program now since I had skin cancer. 

Far Guy got his Flu shot at one of his Doctors appointments this past week.  I did not have mine yet.  He had little to no reaction. 

Far Side


  1. Both my grandfather and mom had issues with skin cancer, always getting spots removed and biopsied for all their adult lives. My mom was really religious about slathering me with sunscreen and I have been too as an adult. I'm really hoping to avoid having to go through what you have been experiencing these past days.

  2. I'm making the appointment for our flu and Covid shot. Though if I start this other med for bones, I have to wait or get it done 2 weeks before my appt with the endo.
    Uffdah. Decisions!
    I bet it feels better without the stitches.
    Oddly around here, the oaks are the last to change. Things are starting to move quickly again this year as we are back in drought.

  3. Isn't it wonderful seeing the first signs of Fall. such a bright red leaf. 🍁❤️. thankful you got your stitches out and it is great that you will be checked every three months. Good to keep a check on it. We get our flu shots next month. Happy Saturday.

  4. We're seeing a touch of color, here and there finally. Usually our ash trees have turned golden and dropped their leaves about now. I love seeing the fall colors.

  5. The maple trees are turning orange and yellow. We need to get our covid and flu shots. I bet it feels better without stiches.

  6. Sometimes stitches can be very uncomfortable.

  7. Love red leaves! Have you had your first frost yet?

  8. Red and deep orange leaves are my favorite.
    Glad your face feels better now that the stitches are gone.
    Hope you have a quieter time for a while now that your barrage of appointments are behind you. Happy fall weekend. :)

  9. I don't do the flu shot, they have always made me sick in the past. Did get the latest Covid booster, though. No problems there, except for an arm that is a little sore. Will take all the help that I can get in that department.

  10. Autumn tree colour is so beautiful. We seldom get much here as we don't get cold enough.

  11. Color is happening here too, especially in the non-native landscape trees. Our big leaf maples are tending ti turn brown instead of golden this year.
    I'm glad your face isn't hurting. Time to smile! :-)

  12. I plan on getting flu and Covid shot middle of the month. Usually they make me ill. Not looking forward to them.

  13. We did flu and covid this past Monday, so many cases of covid in our neck of the woods already. I told the pharmacist we would be back soon for the updated shingles. (we had ours in 2016, the year before the updated version). I no sooner came home that an anti-vax neighbor shared she has shingles and they have gotten worse every day this week. I quickly made our appointments for this coming Monday. Nothing like that for a kick in the pants!

  14. Glad to hear you got those pesky stitches out.

  15. I'm sure it was a big relief to get those stitches out.
    Love those red leaves. I've spotted some in the park where we walked today. I think they were Maples.

  16. So many vaccines to think about, but I know people who have had the shingles one and of course got the shingles anyway! That of course is the same with Covid.

  17. Your leaves are beautiful. Not much changing here yet. Glad you're feeling a bit better. That always helps!

  18. it's supposed to be up over 30C here today! There's some colour on the trees - mostly the maples - but almost everything else is still green


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