Thursday, January 20, 2011


Leftovers in the fridge..sometimes leftovers are a good thing.  I get out of cooking..and so does Far Guy. I got super organized the other day and made menus for 18 days and then went to the grocery store and got everything that we needed to make that happen.  I also made a list and put it on the IF I am napping the list is right there and supper can be accomplished  even while I am sleeping.  Chance is the only consideration..he likes to be fed just about 6 o’clock..that must be the time that his tummy alarm goes off, which just so happens to coincide with the time of the Fire Department pager test, which more often than not rouses me from my afternoon nap. 

Leftover embroidery floss..I used to cross stitch and have lots of leftover floss. Once a year I use some..I finished my quilt square for the cousins quilt that will be given away next August at the family picnic.  This years theme was Patriotic.  I did plain embroidery this time.. It took me a few days to complete. It was both good and bad for my thumb..good exercise..but bad because it was frustrating.  One should not cuss and embroider at the same time. My cousin Diana will take all the squares and put them together into a quilt top..then we will quilt it.


Leftover Christmas Cards..I set aside some of the more beautiful Christmas Cards..I made gift tags..

IMG_0978 IMG_0979


I have a bone folder..but I couldn’t find works to just use a pen to crease the fold flat.  You can punch a hole and add a string or you can just tape these to next years packages.

Leftover junk..I cleaned out the junk drawers in the kitchen..there are two of them..the extra junk that was weeded out must go to it’s proper place. Not just in a bag on my desk..where it is now.   Everything has a place and everything in it’s place..and lots of “stuff” went into the garbage.

Left over projects, I have  just a few, projects started and never completed. I hope to get a few of them completed during these below zero days. It was –6F this morning, that is –21C:(


  1. You have been full of activity and got so much done.

  2. Ahh this is why I love winter, dealing with leftover projects. I need another dump of snow and a good hard freeze so that I have to quit doing outside things (and making more projects) and get to the things that just lay around indoors awaiting my induced paralysis.

    I really like your angel, so very sweet. And I really like how much you get out of one CC front flap, terrific and I will be stealing your idea!

  3. Love left overs for dinner, the other day I made a huge batch of chicken stew in the slow cooker, well we had that many different ways and I didnt have to cook for a while woohoo ! even Miggy had some with her kibble lol . I try to clean stuff up as I go every day, we have only been in thie house for 2 years and so we havent accumilated junk yet but I am sure we will over the years ! Have a great day !

  4. That's a frickin heat wave compared to our -10 below. -35 with the windchill

  5. I always cook up huge 'vats' at a time. I began this when I was teaching. I always had a frozen entree that I could just nuke, add a baked potato, salad and whaaaa~la!!! It's so dang convenient I just continued when I retired. Heheheheheee!!! Sorry, it's that word 'retired' always cracks me up!!! I'm busier than ever. :o)

    God bless ya and I'm so glad your hand is workin' well enough to take care of all your leftovers!!!

  6. I love the quilt block you embroidered. You sure are organized in the kitchen with meal planning. Sorry your weather is so bitter cold. Spring can't come fast enough!

  7. You are just sounding too organized!!
    I love leftovers, and can never understand it when people say they don't like them. Lots of things have more flavour the next day, and anything that saves me having to make a meal is a wonderful thing.

    I would love to have a few days of light powdery snow on the ground, blue skies, and just cold enough to keep that snow powdery. You can keep your cold:(

  8. I absolutely LOVE to cook and no way in friggin hell would I plan a menu for 18 are insane woman, simply insane!!! lol

  9. Good idea with the left over cards! I will have to remember that. We have leftovers quite a bit. I make meals on the weekend for the hubby to take for the work week and then during the week the kids and I finish up what is left. Usually by wednesday I am ready to cook something different!

  10. What Nezzy said. Glad you are feeling well enough to do all this work, and I also cook up massive amounts and then put the stuff into small containers. The microwave gets lots of workouts in our humble kitchen.

    You are so much more organized and ambitious than me, it's hard to believe we are both related (as in being women of a certain age, that is). :-)

  11. You are an inspiration - - especially the menu!!! I love the idea of using the greeting cards for next year's gift tags. You are very clever and a "green" person. You have contributed to recycling.
    - - - and I love the square you embroidered - - very pretty.

  12. I whine about how cold we are down here but you are going to be so very cold tonight I already heard 29 below on the northern border. Stay inside and stay warm and eat leftovers and all that other stuff you bought.

  13. Leftover projects and napping sounds the perfect way to spend some cold days!

  14. Menus, cooking, food ready for over two weeks at a time, cleaning out drawers, you are on a spring cleaning jag in the middle of winter.

  15. You are an inspiration...especially on the finished projects!

  16. What a great idea to make gift tags out of Christmas cards! I've got to try this one!

  17. I just love this heart thank you for the inspiration,

  18. Sounds like someone is feeling a little snow bound...LOL.

    Jen @ Muddy Boot Dreams

  19. You are amazing with all your creative ideas. Your quilt square is really nice. It is going to look good on that quilt.


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