Monday, October 11, 2021

Some Grands and Great Grands

 Some of our Grandchildren were at the party.  It was so good to see them!



Maddie and Cee Cee

Cee Cee and Hey Mikey running around! 

Hey Mikey

Cee Cee after running around , falling down and getting a dirty face! 

The scratch on her cheek is from a kitty cat...I think she grabbed the cats tail.

We missed Adam (he had a stomach ache) and Miss Paige who is away at school.  

Far Side


  1. Nice you got to see several of the grands and great grands.

  2. Oh wow that is so great! I do miss seeing my grands. They are spread far and wide.

  3. Great photos & smiles! I had to look twice at Savannah’s colorful fun eyelashes.

  4. It was great to see there grandkids!
    That pic of CeCe looking at her Mom is phenomenal! You caught such a great expression of that child's love and joy for her mama.
    Someone has fed Hey Mikey some Miracle Grow! He has grown fast. Seems like he was just a toddler a year or so ago.

  5. So nice to see them--almost all of them. They are all so grown up now, my goodness!

  6. Such wonderful grands! I love the Hey Mikey and CeeCee pictures especially. How did they get so big so fast? :-)

  7. Quite the crew you have there!

  8. That's wonderful that you had some time with the grands and great grands. Mikey is like our Eli, all arms and legs. :) And oh my goodness, CeeCee isn't a baby any more. The photo of her and mom is precious.

  9. S0 much fun to see the young members of the family. You caught an excellent expression on Noah's face. All of the pictures are good of the family.

  10. The smiles show how much they love being together with family! And those littles are so cute!

  11. What a delightful party for your parents! Love all the photos, every one of them. Blessings!

  12. It's lovely to see your grands and great-grands!!

  13. So great they were able to come to the party! The larger a family circle gets, the harder to round up the herd. Looks like you got to see a bunch, though. Screen time is great, but nothing is like hugging those faces in person.

  14. How wonderful it is to see some of your grands and great-grands! I know that was a real bright spot and blessing in the celebration this weekend. I can't imagine how wonderful it must be for your parents to be able to see great-great grandchildren! I don't think that has ever happened in our family. They all look wonderful and have grown so much. I can just see Cee Cee chasing after her big brother all the time and Maddie chasing after them both!

  15. They're all so cute...big ones and little ones. So glad you got to see them.

  16. One of the extra benefits of having a family celebration ' lots of family comes, including kids!

  17. Such fun pictures of everybody. Glad you had such a nice party!

  18. Those great grands are growing like weeds! How fun to see them all!


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