Friday, October 15, 2021


 We finally have a few days of badly needed rain.   We have not had a frost yet, possibly this weekend. 

Before the rain we managed to get Wet and Forget on the deck on the North side of the house,  the patio out front, the picnic bench, a wooden seat and the Ferris Wheel Seat. We find that wet and forget works great on moss and lichens that cover everything here in the northwoods.   It has been two years since the last application. 

I killed some thistle and some weeds.  Always a fun job for me.   I have a few more weeds to kill before it snows.   

I mulched again...not that it did much good with the wind and the rain...but 7 1/2 times out of 10 is done.  I raked some leaves away from the buildings and mulched them up.  Still more to do but until it dries up nothing more can be done. 

Thursday grocery lime Outshine bars or mixed frozen vegetables.

We got our High Dose Flu shots yesterday.  Keeping my fingers and toes crossed that I can skip the rotten side effects. 

Far Side


  1. keeping my fingers crossed for you, too. Reactions to shots are not fun. our leaves are beginning to fall. The silver maples won't lose their leaves until November. Their leaves are still green.

  2. It has rained here every day this week. Enough I say. I need to be able to mow/mulch. Hoping you don't get the side effects from your flu shot. Have a great weekend.

  3. How nice to finally have some rain!
    Boy those colors sure are vibrant. On our drive yesterday to an appt we really saw a lot of pretty colors and hillsides.
    The rain has ended for us now and I don't see any frost in sight on our weather forecast!
    I need to wash the siding of the house, but I think I will wait until spring at this point.

  4. Good luck with the flu shot. I have not had one in years, but don't get the flu at all for some reason. I shall get the Moderna booster when it is available.

  5. Still not much color here, but chillier days in the 50's and 60's are happening. I hope you don't have any side effects from the shot. I did well with just a very mildly sore arm.

  6. Your trees are turning but ours are not. We are talking about the flu shot and think next week will be the time for us. We have only two miles to get to the shot. Great Minnesota scene.

  7. I love the photo! What a beautiful spot to walk or ride.

    Fingers crossed you don't have any serious reaction from the flu shot. I had mine yesterday as well, but other than a bit of a sore arm this morning, it was fine after I moved my arm around a bit.

    Take care, stay well.

  8. My arm didn’t even ache from the flu shot - a first for me. Happy to hear you’ve received some rain. Hard frost here early this week and 3-4” of snow. I’d be happy if Indian Summer would settle in, but another storm is due to hit next week.

  9. My first year for the high dose and no side effects! It sure did sting going in and my arm ached all the way home. But actually I forgot I even got it by bedtime. The storms are headed for Ohio. My phone is beeping like crazy.

  10. Yay for finally receiving some rain! But I hope you still manage to get all your autumn chores completed before winter sets in :)

  11. Nice that you got a good rain.
    I hope you are spared any nasty effects of the jab.

  12. Love your photo!!! I hope you didn't get sick.

  13. Rain is often needed, we had some wet days this last week

  14. That fall picture is just beautiful! Prettiest colors I've seen. We just bought Wet and forget and sprayed it on the side of the house and chimney where green stuff was beginning to grow. It works!! Still have several things that need spraying.

  15. Well, I need a good rain. We've had lows of minus 6 to 8 C for a few nights. Most leaves are down.

  16. Oh that last picture is gorgeous! Glad you got some needed rain. Stay well you two!

  17. It sounds like you are happy with the Wet and Forget. We need to give that a try on our back deck. We've had rain all week too and it has finally gotten cool. I hope you don't have any problems from the flu shot. I know you have in the past. Tom and I got our High Dose Flu shots today and my arm is pretty sore but that's all - so far! We still need to get our Covid Booster but I wanted to get the flu shot out of the way first.

  18. Glad you finally got some rain. Hope you're managing to avoid feeling unwell after your flu shots this time around.

  19. There are always lots of chores in fall around here, as well.

  20. Glad you got your High Dose flu shot. I didn't have anything more than a sore arm for a couple days, thank heavens.

  21. Yes, what's up with no lime frozen fruit bars? I got addicted to the lime ones and now I can't get them! What's a high dose flu shot? I got mine but not sure what kind it was but I have been very low energy all week. My arm wasn't sore though.

  22. I found a bunch of thistle I need to dig out asap too. What do you use to kill it? I still have to get my pneumonia shot and my flue shot and my booster...and in a few weeks shot #2 of shingles. Sigh.

    1. My brother mixes it for me I believe it is Dicamba plus 2 4D. Round up is also effective...but it takes longer.


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