Friday, October 22, 2021

Grocery Day Report

 They were out of Milky Way Dark I had to sub the regular Milky Way minis.   I also had a substitution on my wax paper.  I use lots of wax paper when I am painting ornaments....and baking cookies...but there are no cookies being cooled lately...just painting.   I ordered Cara Cara Oranges to see if they had them...they substituted a South Africa Orange called Midknight...I have not tried it yet.  I marked my Cara Caras  "no substitutions" and you can bet if it is not up to my rigorous orange standards...I will complain. 

We have been slowly stocking up on bath soap, laundry soap, toothpaste, shampoo and lotion. AND we have a good supply of toilet paper!  Next on my list is to check our supply of flour, yeast and sugar....and Pumpkin...because the Grands are already asking for Pumpkin Bread.  

I took my Dad to Bingo, I  got a it was a free night out for both of us!  Dad said he had fun.  He was a bit unsteady...and almost fell once...I was able to grab him and keep him  upright.   Scary for sure. 

Far Guy took off on Ranger Blue when I left for Bingo....the other day there was "this trail"  it was narrow and rocky and I decided it was not a great trail and backed out before I got too was sketchy...well guess who HAD to try it?   Far Guy reports it is just as narrow and rocky as we thought...but it also has many steep hills up and down ...he said there are huge gullies and I wouldn't have liked the trail at all.  So he had an adventure without me.

I did not get 6 Christmas Ornaments done yesterday...perhaps I can make up for it today.  The car has an oil change appointment and our electrician is stopping by to install a smart thermostat and to do some other it will be another busy day. 

It froze hard enough that the Impatiens looked sick in the morning and by late afternoon they were brown and shrunken...the blooms are now only a memory. 

Far Side


  1. I guess I should check our stock of soaps and staples. I'm always sad at the first frost, but this maybe not so sad, the mosquitoes need to go!!

  2. I love Cara Cara oranges. I would have been pissed if they would have subbed them. I bought some last week and made sure I didn't waste them since they were 9$ a bag!!!! Holy moly. So far we've been having a wonderful fall. I picked green peppers from the garden outside. So only one light frost. I think I could handle this global warming.

  3. The several freezes here did my flowers in totally, too. Leah cut them back for me last night.
    FarGuy is braver...or is it more foolish--LOL! Too dangerous for me!
    Glad you caught your dad! Have a good day. :)

  4. Can't believe we are going thru the "shortage" crap again. I still shop in store so I can pick my own substitute if needed. Glad you were able to take your Dad to Bingo and won. Have a great weekend.

  5. OHHH I like the fact that FG took off and had an adventure. That Ranger is such a great tool for getting out and about.
    Still cannot convince the other half that he might enjoy tooling around in it.

    I'm supposed to go get some stuff from the store today. Not sure if I am in the mood. But fresh fruit is on my list.

  6. Congratulations on your bingo. I do hope your dad keeps on doing so well, but he needs a steady hand, like yours. :-)

  7. Well, since I thought I better stock up on toilet paper, I ordered a case. And when I went to put it in the supply closet, I found I ordered a case last month, too. This is in addition to the supply in the linen closet. So I think we are set for a year on toilet paper. Shopping is always an adventure.

  8. I've started trying to use the online shopping service. The jury is still out...

  9. So glad Far Guy survived his adventure unscathed. I'm also sorry about your Dad's almost fall. Taking care of our parents and watching them grow older is not for the faint hearted.
    I've been trying to stock up a bit too. The shelves were looking fairly good for our shopping adventure yesterday but predictions sound pretty dire don't they?
    Enjoy your painting in between appointments.

  10. I am glad you and your dad had a good time. Glad you were around to help him. Do you think Far Guy will take you down the gully filled trail?

  11. The quality of fruit and vegetables we're seeing here isn't as good as it once was - likely because of the slow down in the supply chain. I pulled out two rotten potatoes from the bag yesterday but was able to use the rest. But I haven't seen a lot of empty spaces on the shelves - yet. I suspect that's coming.

    Sounds like quite the adventure Far Guy had and, hurray for winning at bingo.

    Take care, stay well.

  12. I HATE trails like that...I HATE them!

  13. I’m not one for riding trails with gullies and steep hills, but happy to hear FarGuy ventured out to explore. I hope he told you where he was headed. Congratulations on the bingo win!

  14. A new trail just begs for an adventure doesn't it? Will he encourage you to come along next time? I was going to sew this afternoon, but first I need to go get my flu shot and my Covid booster shot.

    1. No he knows better than to take me on that trail! I would get out and walk:)

  15. I would think you would have the same success if you did in store shopping. Many products are not available.

  16. Congrats on getting Bingo. I'm glad you were able to save your Dad from a tumble.

  17. I have been stocking up on the same type of items as you mentioned. We have been warned of coming shortages due to the back up of supplies and even Proctor and Gamble has warned of coming price hikes. Our stores already have some bare shelves and certain items have not been available at all. I figure toiletries and paper goods are not perishable so why not be safe.

  18. I went to my local Safeway this morning. There seemed to be plenty of everything.
    The first hard frost that kills the summer flowers is kind of sad, but then we get used to it. Our first frost is not in the near future, just rain.

  19. I don'r order fresh fruit I prefer Tasha to pick it out personally

  20. Glad to hear that you and your dad got to go to Bingo but scary that he almost fell. So glad you were there to catch him and keep him upright. Whew. Somedays I am so unsteady that I think I could fall too. Sorry to hear you lost your impatiens. We still have a couple pots out on the deck, but they might be going soon. I wouldn't like that trail far guy took either...I like adventuresome trails but not with too many dips and turns.

  21. I used to be game for - and instigator most times - adventurous trails no matter what they were like. NOT for a while now though lol. That's what getting older does, makes you leary of what you might not be able to handle that you used to not even think twice about. I used to drive in snow all the time, but not for several years now... not as fearless anymore lol. // Lots of empty shelves around here nowadays... some of it is due to hoarders grabbing everything as soon as it gets stocked, other is shortages in supply. Ah well, we make do and sometimes make substitutions (if I think it's okay). Some things I'll just not take a substitute for, depends what it is. // I remember trying to keep an eye on my dad and his sometimes unsteady moves... can be pretty scary sometimes. Just hafta keep your eyes on them and help when necessary. Blessings to you guys!

  22. Adventure or not, I don't think I would have liked that trail either!

  23. Glad you caughter your Dad! Does he have a walker? those oranges sound good. I usually get Cuties, the little mandarin oranges. Congrats on the Bingo win. I am with you on the dangerous would be just my luck to tip over. Tell Far Guy to be careful...does he have a cell phone with him? I need to stock's that time of year.

    1. Yes he has a walker but most of the time he refuses to take it to bingo. Yes Far Guy has his cell phone with him:)

  24. Sounds like Far Guy had quite the adventure. But I think Bingo with your Dad was enough of one for you given his near fall. Glad he's OK and you had an otherwise great night.


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