Saturday, October 30, 2021

Miss Paige meets Tilly

 Paige stopped by on her way through from school to see her beau.  It was so good to see her!  The last time we saw her was mid July.  School is going well for her and she says that it is lots of work but she likes it.  Next semester she needs volunteers so she can practice being a Dental we volunteered to help her out.

She drove Tilly.

"Where is the seat belt?"   "How do you put it in gear?"     "How old is this car?"

She drove a couple miles down the road and now has a new appreciation for power steering. 

She said "I don't want to back it into the garage."  So Far Guy took over. 

Thanks for the visit Miss Paige! 

Far Side 


  1. She is beautiful too! How fun was that? Power steering haha. I have forgotten about the fact the older cars didn't have it.
    Was the shift on the steering wheel? That is how I recall some cars!
    That is so neat.

  2. Hard to remember when cars didn't have seat belts. Paige is such a beautiful person, it just shines out of her.

  3. My favorite was when my daughter asked her grandpa how to put the windows down in his truck which only had hand cranks.

  4. What a wonderful visit & a beautiful young woman. Karen

  5. What a beauty!
    I guess driving an old car is comparable to kids learning cursive writing.

  6. Miss Paige is gorgeous - - - much prettier than Tilly! Far Guy looks super happy to see Paige. Very happy that school is going well for her and that you all had a nice visit!
    I do remember driving before power steering. We probably all had better "definition" in our upper arms and backs though.

  7. This post made me happy. It is wonderful to see grandchildren. Fun to show them something "from the old days".

  8. Such a pretty young lady! Bet it was really fun to let her drive, and see her reactions to driving such a fun piece of history! I had forgotten how hard it was to NOT have power steering. I failed my first driving test at 15 mainly because our car didn't have power steering and I had such a hard time parallel parking without it. LOL

  9. Power steering! I could hardly turn a car without it even back when I was young.
    She is such a pretty girl. :)

  10. What fun! I'm sure Tilly was an eye opened for Paige. Lucky you to have a dental hygienist in the family.

  11. Connie, Miss Paige is just gorgeous. Her sweetness glows from within and it's obvious that she loves her grandparents. I'm so glad you were able to see her.
    I love that she drove Tilly. Power steering made such a difference in my life. Ha! Our first truck didn't have it and I about wrenched my arms out of the socks trying to turn corners! I was a skinny little thing back then.

  12. Ah, no seat belts. That's right. Well, now it's wrong.
    Paige is lovely.

  13. Today's young don't what a big difference power steeringg is

  14. Paige is such a sweet and beautiful girl! That's great she got to see and drive Tilly. A lot has changed with cars since we were kids. I remember when there were no seatbelts and the cars were so big. (of course I was smaller then!) I'm glad she got to stop by and see you both.

  15. Miss Paige learn a lot in a very few minutes from a beautiful old car.

  16. How lovely it is when the grands stop by to visit. I loved her adventure with Tilly. Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

  17. I hope Tillie is getting some seat belts when she has her spa treatment this winter! What fun to have Paige come and visit. I had to drive a car just in a driveway that had no power steering. Gosh, we must have had strong arms back in the day.

  18. What a great visit! And fun that she tried out Tilly bet that was interesting seeing what questions she had. Best wishes to her in her next semester!

  19. Paige looks terrific! Glad she came for a visit and glad she got to try out your new old car. How fun.

  20. I would be scared to drive a car that was highly valuable and not my own. If I so much as put a scratch on it, I would feel terrible. I can see why she did not want to back it up... especially without power steering!

  21. How fun that you'll both be Paige's volunteers!

    I just caught up on reading all your's been such a long time. I think I lost an entire month. Maybe two! You've been busy! Especially with those Christmas ornaments.

  22. What a beautiful young woman. I wish I could volunteer for a teeth cleaning. I could probably use one. Glad she's enjoying school even though it is hard work.

  23. I am glad the grand daughter could stop by. The car had to fascinate her and sort of be a jolt back into a history she would not have imagined.

  24. Glad you got to see Paige, and that school is going well for her.


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