Monday, October 18, 2021

Fruity Lake

 We visited a  old high school friend over on Strawberry Lake.  Lakes in his area are "fruity"  Raspberry Lake is nearby as is Cranberry Lake.   Dave said that Strawberry Lake is shaped like a strawberry. 

It is a pretty lake with clear water and no weeds as far as I could tell.

We usually see Dave and Deb over the summer...someplace...not so much with pandemic.  This was their last weekend at their lake place so we were glad to see them.  Dave is going through some health challenges and is headed to Mayo Clinic soon. 

Seems like everyone has some struggles. 

Far Guy is feeling much better, his cough is finally gone.  I am still feeling the after effects of my flu shot...but no one has ever died from swelling in your butt that is as large as a grapefruit...and that is the reason I spare my arm from the trauma.  I am sore and tired.   I am not looking forward to the third Covid shot but that will not happen until November or December.

Far Side


  1. What a pretty lake. So happy to hear Far Guy is feeling better and that your flu shot only caused a big swelling. Better your butt than your arm. Keep healthy and safe with the colder weather coming on.

  2. Good thing for FG to feel better! I do know that the lake near my grandparent's house was called Half Moon because it was shaped that way.
    Swelled butt. That must be difficult to sit on!
    Hope it unswells soon.

  3. Looks like a beautiful clean lake.
    So glad FarGuy is feeling better.
    Sorry you are still dealing with the flu shot swelling and pain.
    I'm glad I got my covid shots. Will likely be dealing with side effects and unable to get my booster in November. :( If ever I needed protection, eh? Oh well. Soldier on--lol!

  4. Glad you got to see your friends, and that Far Guy is doing better.

  5. I'm so sorry you're still dealing with the after effects of your shot, Connie. No fun in any way, shape, or form!! I'm glad Far Guy is feeling better though and I'm glad you got to see your friend on Strawberry Lake. My goodness, what a GORGEOUS picture of it!! It just couldn't be any prettier. ~Andrea xoxoxo

  6. Pretty lake. Glad to hear of some health improvement!

  7. Good to hear good news about Far Guy. I hope the swelling goes down quickly for you. That does not sound comfortable.

    Best wishes to your friend Dave as well.

  8. I'm guessing there are interesting stories about most of the lakes if one researched how they got their names.

  9. I wonder what the Native Americans called the lakes. They must have names them later because how would you know it was shaped like a strawberry unless you were up in a plane? Curious minds want to know! LOL!
    I feel so bad about your reaction to shots....that's awful. I'm glad Far Guy is feeling better and I hope you do also...soon!

  10. I just looked up and find that we have a Strawberry lake and a Cherry lake in Saskatchewan.

  11. Oh, that is such wonderfully good news that Far Guy is feeling better. Sorry your flu shot is still bothering you though. I got my 4th text from Spokane telling me to get my booster NOW! They don't seem to understand I don't live there anymore. Also, I think I already told you that Mandy said I need to wait 28 days after my shingles shot because I had fairly severe side effects from it.
    I"m really glad you got to see your friends at the lake. We sure miss the friends we had at our lake.

  12. I am thankful to hear that Far Guy is feeling better. I hope it continues! You still have a pretty big swelling from that shot! I hope it goes down soon. We still have to get our covid boosters but I want to space them a bit from the flu shots that we got last week. Feel better Connie!

  13. You really do have quite a reaction from shots. I'm grateful that all I get is a sore arm with a little swelling. Your butt must be impressive! And glad to hear that FG is feeling better. :-)

  14. What a lovely lake. Glad you got to visit your friends and so glad that Far Guy is feeling better. Have a great week!

  15. Good news that Far Guy is feeling better, now if only you were, too. Hopefully soon....

  16. I've come across towns named after fruit, but never a lake before :)
    Lovely that you could catch up with your friends at such a pretty location.

  17. golfball in the butt.. that is what the army called the Japanese encephalitis shot. Good times. you had to get three shots I think.

  18. I'm so glad to hear that FG is doing well.
    Siting on a grapefruit sized swelling doesn't sound like fun either.

  19. Lovely looking lake.💖 The lakes in our region are definitely cluttered with reeds, loose strife and sludge from gas engines. A real shame. I can remember when they weren't like that. We always had weekend picnics and swimming at the local lakes when my kids were growing up.We lived in the city so getting away to a day at the lake was a real treat. Good memories.

  20. Beautiful lake! It’s good to keep busy, helps keep your mind off the shot reaction. Ouch!! Glad to hear Far Guy is feeling better, that is so wonderful!

  21. Good luck with your butt!
    And your hubby, best wishes.


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