Friday, October 1, 2021


 The Rail Road Bridge across Fish Hook River is gone. 

Yesterday after picking up groceries I had a few minutes so I went over to what is now known as Red Bridge Park.

You can see the yellow floats out there where the bridge used to be...and the guy in the boat was doing something...sounded like he was sucking up stuff.  The bridge had not been used as a Rail Road bridge for years...they said it was "unsafe"  and had to come was a great place to take photos.  Progress...not so much.

Grocery Adventures yielded a bag of rotten oranges, no apples and no wild rice...good thing I have a bunch of cooked rice in the freezer.  I called and complained about the oranges...they gave me a refund.  No apples...who woulda thunk it? 

Leaf Mulching Day 2 1/2  was a success...about 20 percent of the leaves have fallen in our yard.  My mower is working great and may actually make it through the Fall mulching...knock on wood.  I can use my brothers mower if mine fails...because I am sure the wait to get a new mower is mighty long...maybe years...a goat would be faster.

 No rain yet but they say it is coming.   Good thing too as after supper I went out to water the tomato plants and pick our daily couple of tomatoes and I smelled smoke...smoke had filled the yard....I went to investigate...just a stupid a$$ lake person that had raked his leaves into a pile on his driveway and lit them on fire.  I drove by slow and gave him the evil eye...turned around again and gave him more of the evil eye...I was tempted to stop and ask him if he had a permit to burn and a real brain but I kept driving toward home.  The woods are still DRY and a fire waiting to happen...I would bet he had no water hose nearby either. Dumb A$$.

Goodbye September hello October.  Yes I might be a tad cranky. 

Far Side


  1. Oh that is funny, that IS exactly what we called the Lake People when we were kids. My Grandfather made some great supplemental income on Lake People. Folks hired him to care for draining their plumbing and winterizing. He'd care for their cottages in the summer too. Often he'd come back with a comment about the 'Lake People'.
    We should get rain too hopefully as it is dry here but not as bad as it is in your area. I'll have to water flowers!
    My goat is sort of picky, but he and the pony have done a great job on the hillside. I have to rake out pony poo, but the grass is trimmed nicely! No hill mowing for me this week!

  2. Some people have no sense, it seems. Hope the guy got the message!

  3. In years gone by, bridges like that could be left up until they fell down on their own. These days with lawsuits, I can imagine why they were proactive about taking it down. People just don't have any common sense anymore.

  4. My Mom always had a water hose at the ready when she burned leaves in the Fall: she called it her fire department.

  5. That's a pretty spot. I imagine the bridge looked quite nice too!

  6. It sure seems strange that there are no apples available in the fall! I would think there should be an abundance. We have old railroad bridges all over our county and neighboring counties. I have a local biking booklet and there is even an "Old Metal Bridges" tour. I guess we don't mind dangerous crumbling things. We live in town and there is no opening burning allowed. I do miss the smell of small burning leaf piles once in a while. But we have a renter next door now who is fascinated with fire. Perhaps there have been some calls on the fire department nonemergency line a few times. He thought he would outsmart the caller and started burning random things behind another neighbor's garage that borders his yard. Well, Mr Merry got up at 4 am for decades to work on the railroad and five years into retirement hasn't stopped yet. The early bird isn't early enough to avoid the cranky old guy next door. Lately he has been burning random plastic . . . . I should mention that our city offers free weekly trash pickup. . . .

  7. You just had a bad shopper, there is never no apples! I just got some at the grocery store that I had ever heard of....let me go see what their name is, because they were really good. I bet they are in your store too. moment please....they are called Raves. Sort of look like Macintosh, soft like that, but tart. Really really good. I wish I lived near you, I'd do your shopping for you!

  8. That is such a pretty fall lake photo. I laughed at the "lake people' name. I hope no one called us that! It never ceases to amaze me how stupid some people can be. Do they not see the news about the fires? They can happen anywhere it's dry, not just in the west.
    I cannot believe October is here already. I'm not prepared for Christmas at all.

  9. I forgot to add that I gave up a couple of weeks ago on grocery pickup although I don't like going into the stores. I got nasty produce when I got it and they would say everything was out of stock, even eggs and bread! So I went into the store itself and there was plenty! I was irritated. I gave it two weeks try with the same results so now I have to actually go shopping.

  10. That is a beautiful location. Very tranquil looking. The strange grocery item I couldn't get yesterday was Honey Nut Cheerios! And I didn't feel like checking with the other 2 stores in town, so my husband will have to live without this week.

  11. What an idiot! Hopefully he got the message.

    The photo of the lake is simply gorgeous. I can see it as a jigsaw puzzle that would be fun to do. No rain here and so far my plan for the leaves to blow into my neighbour's yard is not the success I would like it to be.

    Take care, stay well.

  12. A beautiful view of the lake, I'd say you had a right to be cranky, people do foolish things that affect others and they don't even think of the consequences!
    Enjoy your day!

  13. That's terrible that they sold you a bag of rotten oranges! At least they gave you a refund. Leaf mulching seems to be going well and I'm sure it gives you a sense of accomplishment too. Good for you for giving the evil eye to the guy burning leaves. These days there seems to be a real shortage of common sense!

  14. Your photo is so beautiful!
    Burning leaves on your driveway? Not only is it a fire hazard, it is polluting the air, and it's a waste of good garden mulch.

  15. It's a good thing you didn't stop as you might be in more trouble than a forest fire!

  16. No apples....that sounds strange. There are always apples and right now is THE time for them too. Good that they refunded your money for the oranges that were rotten. Last grocery shopping we bought a bag of potatoes and discovered once we got home, that there was a rotten one in the bag and they had all taken on the smell. So we went right back and they gave us a different bag. Which had at least a third that had green on them. Went back ( good thing it's not far to drive) and sought out the produce manager. Told him our tale of woe, got our money back, and went to a different store for potatoes.

  17. I needed to go get groceries this afternoon but someone didn't think I was up to it. Maybe tomorrow I will go but the place will be packed. Have to wait for the cable, dish, guy to come before I can go anywhere.

  18. Your picture of the lake is beautiful today! And you're doing a good job mulching with what has fallen so far. Funny you couldn't apples or a nice bag of oranges! Hope you get the rain you need soon!

  19. Grocery Adventures and bad shoppers. The things we put up with these days! My favorite story is the "bad shopper" replaced turnip greens with a turnip.

  20. Light a fire when it is so dry? How can a person be SO stupid??
    Hopefully the rain will arrive so the fire risk can be minimized.

  21. I think stupidity is on the rise in our country. We had some abandoned bridges in Iowa and they made them part of walking/biking trails. It's too bad they had to tear it down. I wonder what that guy was sucking up.... you didn't have an oil spill did you? LOL! I's not funny at all.

  22. I still think it's weird some of the stuff they're short of. I'd have complained about the oranges too.

    Hope the idiot burning his leaves didn't start a fire.


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