Saturday, October 16, 2021

Quiet Day

 We saw this nest along one of the trails in the area.  It is a wasp nest. 

We have gone on this trail before and this is the first time we have seen the nest. 

We had a quiet day on Friday.   I had a nap in the afternoon.  I am feeling a bit "off"  my Covid shot arm really hurts...not sure if that is a coincidence or not....the weather changed.   I often have intense itching in that arm.   I got the flu shot in the butt...the injection site is swollen to the size of a softball and has a temperature.  I am tired and chilled, but I am often tired because I am old. 

We started painting the Christmas Ornaments...the first few test ones turned out great so painting is a go.   It will be a process and I hope to be done by November 1st...we will see. 

Far Guy made Halibut and a baked potato for supper...raspberries for dessert.   He is a good cook. 

We may get our first freeze overnight. 

Far Side


  1. Hope your shot reactions don't get any worse than that. Glad the painting of the Christmas ornaments is going well so far. Good luck finishing them by your deadline.

  2. I'm so sorry about your ouchies! I suppose it is better than the disease itself. Add it to the regular aches and pains just adds insult to injury! Hope you feel better soon. We get our flu shots this morning.

  3. Ouch! I know my doctor had told me to take those shots as least a week apart. Eeeks. You are very reactive to shots. What a bummer.
    I can recall my mother taking us for walks in the woods in the fall and we'd find an empty wasps nest and bring it home.
    I'd rather leave them alone!
    I hope you feel better over the weekend. Lucky you that FG can cook!
    Rich would make me water and toast!

    1. I just got the flu shot. My Covid booster won't happen until November or December.

  4. Sorry to hear about your sore arm. Mine was, too, but when it went away I totally forgot about it.

  5. Oh gosh, so sorry for your side effects. Hopefully that means you are developing GREAT immune responses and double hoping that these have subsided today so you can enjoy the weekend.

  6. I hope you feel better soon, Connie.
    Can hardly wait to see your Christmas ornaments this year. They are always delightful. :)

  7. Yep, it's cold here too, Connie. UGH! Halibut sounds wonderful! I hope you feel better soon from your shots. ~Andrea xoxoxo

  8. Oh, I'm sorry you're not feeling well. To be honest, my "covid" arm hasn't been the same since the shots. I have a hard time lifting that arm above my head without help from the other one. It's like the muscle was damaged somehow. Who knows? Do I get the booster? I'm a little concerned about it but don't know what to do. A dilemma I think many are facing.
    You two are going gangbusters on those ornaments. I'm so impressed. I hope I'm a winner this year! Yes, I'm already crossing my fingers and toes! Ha! I think you both do such beautiful work.
    I hope you woke up much, much better today. It was 39F last night here, I fear a hard frost isn't far away.
    Blessings and hugs,

  9. Last night was our second freeze. My yard is gone, which is a good thing and a sad thing. Terry is slowly getting better, what a long road we have been walking.

  10. Perhaps the flu shot aggravated the Covid arm? Hopefully the symptoms are done with soon and you're feeling better...even if you're tired.

    That is quite the wasps nest. A sign of a long hard winter?

    Take care.

  11. Hope that wasn't a killer wasp nest like they've found here near the Canadian border. Feel better real soon!

  12. How exciting that you are at the painting stage on the ornaments! I am always excited to see what your ornament is each year! I hope you don't have any more side effects from that flu shot. We got ours yesterday and my arm is more sore than usual, slightly red and very hot to touch. I can't remember if we have had the extra strength flu shot before. You two relax and enjoy your weekend!

  13. Good luck with your flu jab reactions!

  14. I always get a really sore arm after a vaccine - flu or COVID. Hope you're feeling better soon.

  15. Impressive wasp nest. I'm fortunate. I rarely have a reaction to the flu shot (even the high dose one I've gotten the last several years) other than a sore arm that lasts two or three days. For whatever it's worth, my 3rd COVID shot (got it a week after the flu shot) wasn't as bad as the second one was. Husband had no side effects whatsoever - hope it worked! Considering the alternative, I'll take a Fauci Ouchie any day. Alana

  16. I've found the same thing about wasp nests. You walk by them all summer and never see them.

  17. I find that as the leaves fall more nests can be seen ( but so far only birds nests, not wasp).
    I hope your sore arm and butt feel better soon.

  18. Sorry to hear you are hurting.
    I had almost no reaction or soreness with either the flu shot or the Covid booster. I know I am fortunate that way.
    It is 65 degrees this afternoon, a perfect day for working in the yard. I may have overdone it.

  19. Sorry to hear you're not feeling so well after the flu shot. Sure hope you feel better fast. That's great that your Christmas ornaments are turning out so good. How nice that far guy is a good cook....what a nice break for you sometimes! Feel better soon.

  20. Halibut is awesome! Sounds like a good day.

  21. What a wonderful kind husband you have, cooking tea for you like that. I'm hoping you are feeling much better now.
    That wasp nest is quite a size - don't think I would want to get too close to it if it had occupants!
    Have a good weekend :)

  22. Both shots sound horrible. I hope you are feeling better today! Do you always have such a reaction to the flu shot?

  23. I'm so sorry that you aren't feeling well. I've put off getting my flu shot (and Covid booster) until after this quilt show - just in case I had side effects. I usually don't but couldn't afford to be under the weather this weekend.

  24. I'm sorry you are having adverse reactions with your shots. We get our flu shots on Tuesday and will wait a couple of weeks to get our COVID booster. I know they say you don't have to wait but in case I have a reaction to the flu shot I don't want to deal with a COVID reaction too. I hope you feel better soon.

  25. I never heard of anyone getting the flu shot in their butt. It's terrible that you have such reactions. Thank goodness we're retired so we can lay down and take a nap and not do anything if we don't want to.
    My vet used to have a big nest like that in his office....minus the wasps of course.

  26. You guys are moving fast on your ornaments. Hope you feel better soon!!

  27. Good to hear Far Guy is cooking again :-D. Sorry about the shot. I've been knocked pretty far down for almost two weeks now. Covid was negative, so guessing it was the flu. Not fun.


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