Thursday, October 28, 2021


 I had forgotten how long it takes to paint Christmas ornaments...but I am up to 72 was a rainy day anyways.   I must focus on the ornaments!  Oh a Shiny Thing! 

I was discouraged that I have so many unfinished I  found an afghan I had worked on a long time ago...April just needs a border....I ran out of the right color yarn...bought the yarn but stashed the whole project in a drawer upstairs!   So I am going to work on it in the evenings...hope to see a finish for it in the next week or so!   I wrote about it here Projects Galore 

A barn off in the distance the other day.

Today is grocery adventure day.  Fun Fun Fun till Daddy takes the T Bird away:) You are welcome for the ear worm:)

Far Side


  1. Have a fun day, especially with grocery shopping. Hope they still have product on the shelves. Ours are getting bare.

  2. Ha! You're right, now I've got an earworm. :-)

  3. You are way better at getting projects done than I am. I can dream them up all day long, but making them happen is another story. Good luck with your groceries!

  4. Fun fun fun....yes it's stuck for the entire day!

  5. Every closet in my house is full of unfinished projects. It is discouraging. I can't wait to see a finished afghan!!!

  6. It is good that you have projects. That afghan sounds lovely.

  7. I love that song and have it on a Beach Boys CD in my car. You’ll finish that afghan in no time now that it’s out of hiding.

  8. That afghan is going to be beautiful, it already is.
    And you're right, now I have an earworm.

  9. I'm impressed with the number of ornaments that have already been painted. I have UFO's all over the place and I only hope to be as productive as you are.

    Good luck with the groceries. La la la, I didn't read the last line. ;p

  10. Looking forward to seeing what this year's ornament looks like!!

  11. Fun, fun, fun is right. Our grocery store has empty shelves and is in general stocking fewer brands of everyday items. For example, the last few weeks there were two brands of crackers. Two! In the past there were at least 10, probably more. Yet when I was in Florida the very same grocery store chain had full shelves and many brands of everything. Im tired of it. My sister goes to three grocery stores every week but I don’t want to spend that much time in stores gathering food. Bah! (Thanks for letting me get that off my chest!)

  12. UFO's are a sign of a creative and talented person! You are making good progress with the ornaments. This is my grocery day too, fun, fun, fun, NOT! ; )

  13. We are experiencing an "atmospheric river" today. It's wet!
    I got my in person grocery shopping done after doing my PT. This afternoon I am going to carve a jack-o-lantern!

  14. I'm thinking the same thing. I want to finish all my WIPs but not sure I will live that long! LOL! I love that blanket and the barn!

  15. I've gathered all unfinished projects, and those where materials are gathered with patterns/instructions but I haven't started them, and put them in the same spot so I can try and work on finishing some of them. It will take me some time, but at least they're somewhere I can't forget they even exist anymore.

  16. It is a wonderful afghan. It will feel good to get it done. I quit making lists so I don't get so stressed. I did get my downstairs cleaned and furniture rearranged for a better flow. Throwing away unnecessary plants.

  17. That afghan is glad you're going to finish it soon. You're doing great on painting those ornaments....72 is a lot! Wonder if you'll get all your groceries this week? Are you and your dad heading out to Bingo? Take care!


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