Saturday, April 25, 2020

Projects galore

I stay busy.  I am still spring house cleaning..I attacked the area under the open stairs and put away winter boots and coats.  Miss Miney likes to lay under the I crawled under there and scrubbed the floor and the grout really well. I began washing the log stairs... my arm got really tired so I took a day off and did some raking in the yard.  We had a really nice day yesterday almost 70 degrees!!

I carried the electric snow thrower away...Far Guy said I may have jinxed myself. The ice chisel and one snow shovel also made it back to their non winter spots.

I almost finished my afghan this week.  It still needs a border so technically it is not finished...I have to think about what border I want...

I put it out on the couch just so I could look at it a few days.  It is very colorful!  I learned so much doing this project. Many different stitches were added to my list of crochet skills.

I am still watching Ozark on Netflix.  I got out my socks to do some knitting...a little retraining for my crochet brain.

Far Guy has been woodcarving outside.

His project is nearing completion.

We are prepared now so I can patrol for Poison Ivy soon and drag the leveler around on all our back stuff!  I am also ready to mow should the grass change from brown to green and grow.

Far Side


  1. Your afghan is spectacular!!! I had no idea from seeing the blocks that it was so huge.
    We just did our first mowing here and now we've had a freeze warning for the past few days. It's been one weird spring in so many ways. Araignee

  2. I love the bright colors and different patterns in your afghan. I was recently given a trash bag full of yarn, everything from a tiny ball to a full skein. I now know what my next project will be.

  3. Beautiful afghan!
    I've thought about mowing but I am still letting the goat and pony keep the ragged spots trimmed for now. They are doing a good job.
    Nice to be outside right?

  4. I love the new afghan. It is just the prettiest thing i've seen in a long time. Some of my neighbors have started mowing their lawns, but I'm holding out. Lawn mowing is not on my list of favorite things to do.

  5. Glad you made progress on more projects. Hope you haven't jinxed yourself with the winter equipment being put away.

  6. Great job on the afghan: it looks amazing on the sofa.

  7. I love your 'thread' work. You are very talented.

  8. Your afghan is beautiful! I love all the different bright colors.

  9. You make me tired! Such a busy lady with all of your cleaning and crocheting. The blanket turned out beautifully with all of the bright and happy colors.
    I'm curious as to what Far Guy is making with his woodcarving. Dennis has mowed the grass twice now although the second time it really wasn't needed much. It's actaully turned green this week and beginning to look like summer.

  10. Wow that is a huge afghan, very colorful and a real feast for the eyes! I am also watching Ozark, halfway through Season 2 and wondering how there can be so many evil people in one little town. :-)

  11. Oh my goodness, your afghan has turned out great! It is really large and after you add a border it looks as if it might be king size. It is a wonderful two person cuddle afghan! I think you are just the busiest person I have ever know. If you have a secret for all of your energy please share - I could use some! I'm so happy to hear you have had some warm weather. That and sunshine can lift our spirits. I've cut our lawn once so far. Then we had a little snow and a lot of rain so now it needs cutting again. I'm looking forward to seeing what Far Guy's woodworking project will be - it looks interesting!

  12. It will be a welcome change to go from shoveling white to mowing green, won’t it? I just love your afghan. It would cheer up a dreary day immeasurably.

  13. You do have a lot of energy. Your afghan looks great with the varied squares.

  14. The squares went together well and it looks sharp. II really like all that color. It would make a great wall hanging.

  15. Since I love bright colours, I love your afghan.

  16. You are keeping very busy. Your blanket is lovely and I bet it's nice and warm too.

  17. Poison Ivy is no fun. Why does hat stuff exist anyway? It makes frolicking in the woods so much less fun and carefree. Wonder what Far Guy's carving will be... Another flower?

  18. Yes, I saw 68 degrees yesterday! Whoohoo! Supposed to be warmer for a while. We'll see.
    Love the colorful blanket! Be waiting to see FarGuy's project. :)

  19. It's about time spring decided to grace us!!

  20. That colorful afghan of yours is gorgeous. So nice to hear you're putting the snow thrower and various other winter toys away. We had 61 yesterday and about 62 today. The ice piles are getting shorter and shorter. Have a great rest of your weekend!

  21. Oh, I love the afghan! It is so colorful and the patterns so different and interesting.

    I got some yard work done this week too, as we had absolutely gorgeous weather. Fingers crossed, it stays!

    Take care and stay well.

  22. You sure do stay busy! Makes me tired, just to read the description of all your projects. Glad you had some nice spring weather.

  23. I really like the afghan! And I am amazed at how speedy you are. That wood carving looks intriguing.

  24. It is gorgeous, Connie! Wow!!! It's also big! You worked really hard on that and it pretty! I love the green you used on the last round. Cherry Heart's blog (I think she's on my sidebar) has lots of blankets with lots of different edgings. There are also books just about edgings. So exciting! It is a major accomplishment! Glad you had some nice weather! We're supposed to have a few nice days and then more rain. Stay well!

  25. I love those individual square afghans but most I have seen don’t fit together well. Yours looks great. I guess the ones I have viewed were not made by a pro. I am finishing the shawl that you graciously shared the easy pattern to. Thanks so much.


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