Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Monday Moments

It is going to rain this week so I finished raking the front yard while the weather was nice.
I can wash walls when it is raining!

Our mostly brown is showing a bit of green
The yard is hard to rake when the grass gets growing.

I just concentrate on the front yard, the part I can see from the patio. I raked some off to each side and then called it good.  Yeah me! Cross spring raking off my list!

I went to let Annie out.  My sister's dog.

I went down to the lake, Annie hung around the house and didn't go near the lake.  I hollered for her but she has a mind of her own or my sister has told her to stay away from the lake.

There was some splashing going on down at the lake.

Snapping Turtles mate quite aggressively.  They didn't seem to mind that I was on the dock watching!

Far Side


  1. Looks like the weather is breaking for you! We could use the rain, it is pretty dry here. I'm going to do inside work too when it is raining out!
    Parts of the yard are long enough to mow and other parts aren't...lol. Looks quite shaggy!
    Have a great Tuesday.

  2. Supposed to rain here most of the week also. Grass is green here and some are already mowing. Great picture of the turtles mating, never saw that before.

  3. It's been raining every day here for a week and our grass is getting too tall to cut with the riding mower. What a mess. If it's not one thing it's another these days. Araignee

  4. Did I know you had a sister? I knew you had brothers....I'm getting old!
    No, actually I AM old! LOL! You are a better woman than I...I have not raked but I did mow over it all twice! Glad I mowed again because it's been raining.

  5. Those turtles are making quite a ruckus. I wouldn't get too close myself. We have been having quite a bit of rain lately, with more to come today and tomorrow. I like it, for the most part. :-)

  6. Glad you can cross one more thing off your to-do list. Sounds like a nice trip to the lake with Annie.

  7. I'd think snapping turtle mating might be a dangerous activity. I didn't know it was also noisy and splashy--LOL! Makes sense.

    A lot of green showing already. Once we get rain it should get much greener. :)

    Your sister's dog is well trained!

  8. Reading your posts always brightens my day!

  9. Signs of spring finally for you! Yay! We used to see snapping turtles often along the creek in one of our cattle pastures. They are very scary.

  10. My backyard is still too wet to rake and we're getting the rain today. We can use it as there isn't much green and it will help settle the dirt that blew in the big winds the other day.

    Interesting photo of the snapping turtles. Obviously they're mean suckers.

    Take care and stay well.

  11. Dennis mowed again yesterday after work. The intermittant rain and sunshine we've had has made the grass turn green quickly. Your yard looks so peaceful. I can imagine the quiet of the country.

  12. Great job raking! Your yard looks good and it shows that Spring is coming. I was around a few snapping turtles as a child. Those things are frightening!

  13. There will be more snapping turtles. It is a cute little dog. Many people are running in our neighbor hood and others are walking their dogs.

  14. Wow, I’ve never seen snapping turtles do that. We used to carry them around clamped onto a stick Up-at-the- Lake when I was a kid. I love that you have some green grass growing!

  15. I washed my car once in the rain and it worked out great. You go for it!!

  16. Oh, I'm happy to see that your greening has finally begun!

  17. Some good moments here, rain will not melt us

  18. Hubby spent a couple of days raking here and now things are starting to green up. It's slow though!

  19. that's a lot of raking. Good for you.

  20. Your yard is greening up .... ours is still brown. Wow...I thought that was a shark in your lake! I knew I shouldn't have seen JAWS all those years ago!!! Stay well and safe from sharks and snappers!

  21. Annie is such a good dog. Snapping turtles, humm, don't think I've ever seen one. It's lovely that you live near a lake.💖

  22. Raking the part of the yard you can actually see from the windows makes sense.
    It's great to see the new grass coming along.

  23. Good to see a little green showing in the yard, even if it means hurry up and get the raking done!

  24. I really miss pussy willows.... there are none here!! One of my last visits to my Mother's in Nova Scotia I waded through the swamps to pick her a bunch!!


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