Sunday, April 19, 2020

Keeping busy

Our trip to town last Thursday was uneventful.  Groceries were picked up.  Far Guy is getting real good at getting other supplies ordered online.  My sister in law and other baby brother were kind enough to do our Walmart shopping ...some stuff is only available in the store.

My other baby brother was by and fixed our driveway.

He has a soil conditioner attachment that works miracles fixing and leveling a driveway!

I have five skeins of yarn the same color.  It was a sale!

This is a wrap...or a scarf...Lion Brand Yarn Shawl in a ball colorway Restful Rainbow.
 This is a shawl...the front.

It is very pretty from the back.  I still have three skeins left.

I spent most of Friday in the kitchen.  All the cabinets and drawers are cleaned, I have a few of the open shelves left to do.  The window was washed and the curtain changed.  The backsplash  was scrubbed and the top of the stove cleaned...the oven was opened quickly and shut again.  Far Guy says I will probably have lots of time this spring and summer to keep on cleaning.

We are both feeling okay.  There are still just two cases of Covid-19 in our county.

Far Side


  1. I am so glad the both of you are feeling good!
    So far I have avoided Walmart, but might go in this morning very early. It is my shopping morning. I did make it 3 weeks but boy I was stretching it.
    What beautiful colors that shawl is!

  2. What a beauty that shawl is!!!
    I too have gotten good at online ordering. I am amazed at how much you can get. I just got a huge pasta and sauce shipment from The Italian Store, rice from The Mexican Store and dried beans from Rancho Gordo-all things I haven't been able to get anywhere else. I did a happy dance when Chewy brought me 100 pounds of kitty litter Who knew all these amazing little stores were out there? Araignee

  3. The shawl is really pretty.Brothers are wonderful. His toys are large!

  4. That is just gorgeous!! You have so much going on, spring sprucing-up inside and out. I feel like I have cleaned and polished everything I can. For the moment — it gets messed up and ready for a do-over pretty fast. :-)
    Did you have a pattern for your shawl?

    1. The pattern is here on You Tube

  5. Wonderful to have a brother with such machines!
    Love the rainbow shawl.
    I've had to do most of my ordering online (or before that by catalog) for the past 15 years. It's a blessing! All the folks filling and delivering those orders are heroes, too. :)

  6. I love your work. Thank you for baby brothers, eh!

  7. I'm so glad your baby brother fixed your driveway and picked up your groceries too. There are so many things that I can't get online either so I'll need to go into a store before much more time has passed.
    The shawl is gorgeous! Those colors are so pretty together.
    We spent some time in the yard yesterday and are hoping to drive to the lake today. We have some things we can do there and there are no people.

  8. Another beautiful creation that you have made! That's a great way to bring color to your still brown environment. Hoping the greening starts soon.

  9. What a beautiful shawl! I like how open and airy it looks.

    Glad to hear there aren't many cases nearby. Take care and stay well!

  10. I ordered groceries (Walmart) for the first time last week and will do it again when I need more supplies. Pick up was quick, easy, and no contact. Love the shawl - nice job!

  11. You do stay busy! You've created more beautiful scarves and shawls and still finished all that work in the kitchen. It's a good feeling to get things done.

  12. Your shawl is lovely and I bet your kitchen just sparkles! We had a jump in cases and the next county over had a medical office with 7 new cases with the employees. Other employees are waiting on results. Stay safe.

  13. I am always amazed at how much you accomplish. No grass grows under YOUR feet. Or hands, for that matter. :-)

  14. Nice that your brother came along and fixed your driveway!!
    Another beautiful shawl. Love the colours.

  15. That shawl pattern looks simple enough for me. Could you share the link. I need
    simple patterns not as skilled as you.

  16. Yes you are keeping busy. I spent some major time in the downstairs cleaning up birdseed and wood scraps. The vaccumn did wonders. I am in mowing season which means I will take a month to get into shape for doing it. I have to do the other yard soon. I am glad you can keep your people contacts to a minimum.

  17. We all need to keep busy, so far there have been 2 deaths in my local area of Newcastle

  18. Love your wrap and your shawl....such beautiful colors! Glad you're both doing fine....and still busy cleaning, cleaning, cleaning. Jim went to the store for us on Saturday and it took me forever to wipe everything down. Such is the story in this weird world of today. Take care you guys.

  19. Love the colours in your shawl and wrap. Great that you have such helpful family to see you through this time, and your talking about kitchen cleaning reminds me that I have to wash the windows in there - I keep ignoring them!

  20. Oh the wrap and shawl are beautiful! That yarn is lovely. Our county has 56 cases of COVID19 and we have had three deaths. It seems that the people around here are doing what they are asked and staying home as much as possible, wearing masks and practicing social distancing.

  21. Glad you are staying well. You are so fortunate to have relatives close by to shop for you and also do your driveway! The wrap and shawl are lovely. What pretty yarn!

  22. Glad you're both OK, and keeping busy.


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