Thursday, April 16, 2020

Yarn, snow and busy work

My new yarn arrived, the walk to the mail box was worth it!

I am happy with these earthy colors.

It snowed off and on all day....some were real flakes and some was graupel or snowy balls.

I worked in the kitchen again yesterday.  Progress is slow...I have 1 cupboard and 3 drawers left. I have an open cupboard above the microwave...Far Guy said he could skip his upper arm exercises because I took my sweet time cleaning under the microwave while he held it up in the air.

I finished up a shawl while watching Love Wedding Repeat on Netflix...I give it an 8 out of is a romantic comedy.

I made steak enchiladas for supper.  New York Strip Steak fried to perfection...sliced thin and dumped on a soft tortilla shell rolled up and covered with green enchilada sauce and some cheese...yummy.  Better than any restaurant. 

Far Guy helped me with the cupboards, ran his vacuum,  did dishes, worked on his woodcarving and walked inside.

This is day 37 of Isolation for us.

Far Side


  1. I think I could live in isolation with you if you make me a steak enchilada once in awhile. Glad your yarn arrived and you like it. I think I found some I'm going to order from one of the websites you suggested. Just have to go find the pattern to remember how much I need. :) Thank you!

  2. Glad your yarn arrived and you like it. Also glad you and Far Guy are still OK, and keeping busy.

  3. Love the rich colors of the yarn.

  4. Those colors are awesome. Your day sounds a lot like mine except instead of crocheting I am out walking. Can't wait for this to be over. Stay healthy

  5. Those colors are comforting!Love the deep rich tones. I don't think I am as creative as you are while cooking!
    I'm not sure how many days for us. I know hubby was out once to see his mom in the start of March and I have had to get groceries and feed so I've had to leave home.
    Otherwise not much happens here either.

  6. It's definitely getting harder to stay inside as the weather warms up. Today I'll go on another solitary walk somewhere. I think we are all getting cabin fever. Well, except you, it seems. You're doing great on day 37.

  7. I am hoping spring arrives for you soon. But until it does, sounds like you have plenty to keep you busy. Busy is good.
    That Netflix movie is on my list.

  8. Your dinner sounds amazing! You are going to be so happy when those cupboards are finished.

  9. Beautiful colors!!! It's cold here again too. No snow, of course but we did make a fire last night and today's wind chill is just plain mean. Araignee

  10. Very pretty yarn colors! We've seen rain and snow off and on for a week. It was very foggy when I got up this morning and we may see temps in the 40s today. It's supposed to be 60 by Sunday. But my pessimism has kicked in and I'll believe it when I see it.

  11. Beautiful colors - pulling the brights out was a good decision. Snowing and cold today but not as much felllast night as was predicted.

  12. Going on 6 weeks here and a sudden jump in the numbers of people who have 'it'. I am very worried about people who can not work and bring in money. I'm not sure if the economy will ever recover.

  13. Those are beautiful yarn colors. So subtle and as you said, earthy. We had cold and wind but no snow yesterday. Today has dawned with a brilliant blue sky but chilly. The enchildas sound wonderful.
    Wishing you a Far Guy a great day today. Stay warm inside.

  14. Oh those yarn colors, Connie! Yes, worth a trip to the mailbox indeed! I admire you for sticking to your cleaning goals. I've got the goal of painting my bedroom and... well... let's just say I'm not as "dedicated" as you are. *haha* I had to laugh out loud about Far Guy's not needing exercise! Those steak enchiladas sound heavenly!! Love, Andrea xoxo

  15. Very pretty yarn colors. Sounds like you don't have much left to go in the kitchen--nice!
    I'm on day 36 today. It's gone faster than I thought it would. Hang in there. Spring will come one day. ;)

  16. Oh I like those colors! I don't need any more yarn, but.....

    Your kitchen must be huge. That's a lot of cupboards and drawers to clean. Take care and stay well!

  17. The yarn is beautiful. I see growth in that new shawl you are working on. Maybe this will be one of your last snows!

  18. You are doing well with your isolation. Really love your yarn colours, you will have fun working them up. Stay safe, keep laughing :) Mxx

  19. I am an earth tone color person, these are so pretty! I have been busy deep cleaning too, doing a little at a time works for me these days, dh reminds not to rush as it looks like we will have plenty of time to finish.
    Our weather has has changed too, we are having cold temps. with frost at night, no snow!
    Stay healthy and safe,

  20. Steak enchiladas ... sounds good. Will we get to see the finished shawl? I hope so!

  21. I was so sure I had already left a comment but it's nowhere to be seen. Just so you know I was here. Love the colours of that yarn.

  22. Good change in the colors.Unless they are presents or surprises we would like to see them all. :)

  23. Lovely photos, still no snow here going to be sunny and 26 degrees

  24. Love the colors of your yarn. Love the sound of your dinner! You sure are getting a clean house! Take care you guys!

  25. Can't believe you are still talking about snow. We are into strawberry season already and pushing into air conditioning territory. Yeah, in no time at all, snow will sound pretty good around here!

  26. The Steak enchiladas sound sounds great! Snowed all day here in Iowa. Didn't stick, but it adds to the somber mood of the times. I'm looking forward to the sun again!

  27. We have been in the house for three years now and my wife said she didn't like the counter arrangement. We flipped it all around the sink and I am still going to the wrong side of the sink to use my Keurig coffee maker.

  28. Hope you folks are doing okay with the isolation. I MUST go to the pharmacy on Monday and I don't wanna!


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