Saturday, April 18, 2020


48 years ago I was nine months and 18 days pregnant.  She was born on her Great Grandmother Meade's 79th birthday just as Grandma had predicted 7 months earlier.  We welcomed our oldest daughter shortly after noon.   We had a little bit of snow on the ground in places that year...the spring melt had begun.

We were both convinced we were having a boy and his name would be Travis.

BUT  He was a she and she was perfect.

Trica about three weeks old the dress was very pale blue.  She was baptized in that dress. The dress had lace and tiny pink rosebuds on the bodice and on the ruffly panties.  The blue booties were a gift from Far Guys Grandma Meade...she crocheted four and yellow booties and pink and white Mary Janes.

Her first birthday was celebrated in Colorado where Far Guy was stationed.

She got a new rocking chair just her size.  She wasn't feeling real well the day of her birthday...I think she was getting some new teeth.

She had a beautiful cake. But she was afraid of it!  The cake plate was a wedding gift and we still call it the fancy birthday cake plate.

She cried real tears.

Hardly seems right that we are parents of a child that is 48...but I guess the years keep flowing one to another and another.

Happy Birthday Trica!  Love you lots!


  1. What wonderful memories! Wishing all the best to the birthday girl on her special day! Araignee

  2. How sweet! Happy birthday Trisha!

  3. Happy birthday, Trica. Your pictures are priceless. Thanks for sharing her birthday with your fans (I'm one).

  4. Memories that are with you forever. I bet she doesn't even remember that she cried.

  5. Happy Birthday Trica! Blessings on your day.

  6. Happy Birthday to Tricia!! Boy, time sure does fly by so quickly. I really don't think my children should be as old as I think I am!

  7. I loved reading this story about Tricia and her first year. It's amazing how fast time flies by. Happy Birthday Tricia. I hope it's a wonderful day.

  8. Happy Birthday Trica! I think there comes a time when our kid's birthdays are harder on us than our own! My oldest will be 48 this year too. And I think the grandchildren grow even faster than our children. Maybe Trica was afraid of that clown!

  9. What wonderful precious memories to treasure :) xx

  10. What a precious gift Trica was and I am sure, still is. Poor baby, crying on her birthday.

  11. Happy Birthday to your daughter Tricia! Such wonderful memories to share with her (and us).

    Take care and stay well!

  12. Funny how little kids handle things. It made a good family story.

  13. I am glad you could slide into a girls name. Our kids third child was the same way as they didn't think they could have a girl. Forty eight does seem young at our ages but it is hard to believe how fast they have grown.

  14. Oh, what great memories. Happy birthday to Tricia! :)

  15. No wonder she cried. You put a scary clown on it! One of my early memories is crying over a scary clown.
    Thanks for sharing these fun memories. Happy Birthday to Tricia. And I know what you mean about a 48 year old child. Mine is 47.

  16. Happy Birthday! I love the old pictures! I had the opposite situation. I was convinced we were having a girl. In fact, we didn't discuss a boy's name until we were on the way to the hospital. I still recall my utter disbelief when Chris was delivered and they proclaimed I had a healthy baby boy!!

  17. Awww...Happy Birthday to your dear Trica! Such cute pictures you're sharing with us today. I love seeing the old pics....even the tearful ones. Wow, you were 18 days past your due date! Well, you ended up with a beautiful and healthy baby, so that's the important thing. Take care you two!

  18. Oh my! She really didn't like that cake at all.
    Happy birthday to Tricia; I hope she had a cake that was more to her liking.

  19. Great photos and Happy Birthday to your Tricia!

  20. What cute pictures! I know why she was crying...that creepy looking clown or whatever was on that cake!!! LOL! My Aunt had a creepy Santa Claus that made kids react the same way....and lets not even talk about clowns!
    Happy Birthday Trica!!!


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