Sunday, April 5, 2020

Ice and my messy desk

All that rain we had before that pathetic snow really showed up on Saturday morning in the sunshine.

Every little twig on the trees were coated in ice.   The ice caught the sunshine and the trees looked like they were dressed in diamonds.

We had a quiet day.  My other baby brother went on a grocery run for our parents and called me from the store...he delivered Far Guys cereal and a tomato to us.  BLT's were on the menu plan and I forgot the T.

I worked in the kitchen cleaning do silverware drawers get so crummy?   I played with coloring and desk is a mess.

I am still blocking squares for my afghan...two squares a day is slow going.  I hope to finish the blocking soon and crochet all the squares together.    I still have three shawls in the works...progress is slow....those cupboards and drawers I am cleaning are taking up valuable crochet time.

We are both feeling just fine and are safe at home.
Far Side


  1. Ahhhh! So busy but look how colorful things are at your desk!
    Glad you are both feeling well.

  2. Isn't that the truth, all those crumbs in the silverware drawer. How do they get there! Mine are always crummy.

  3. I don't know exactly how blocking works . Could you stack them on the racks more than one at a time?

    1. Yes i could but they take too long to dry that way")

  4. I agree with you...How do silverware drawers get crummy? Beats me

  5. No kidding, silverware drawers are the worst. Which reminds me....

    Take care and stay well!

  6. We saw rain, hail and snow all at once the other day. But didn't get as ice as predicted. The sidewalk was very slippery but the trees were not coated. My twin grandbabies were born 7 years ago on April 10 during a historic ice storm in Sioux Falls. Trees and power lines went down all over town and streets were blocked for days. Glad we didn't see a repeat of that.

  7. I couldn't believe how filthy my cabinets and drawers were when I ripped out all my cabinets. I guess you have to take everything out and clean them once in a while. Lol....that'll never happen.
    I'm no fan of ice after being trapped in the basement for a week because of it but it is pretty. It's like a fairy land.

  8. Your desk looks like fun. I never mind a 'mess' when it's a fun mess!

  9. We have fresh snow this morning. Most mornings this week we've had snow and then it melts during they day. It's truly the strangest spring I think I've ever seen.
    Silverware drawers. How DO they get so crummy? A mystery.
    Glad you're both feeling well and I'm praying you both, (and we all), stay that way.

  10. The ice left sculptures all over :) I saw your other baby brother and she who sees robins first while shopping yesterday ~ the stores seem to be busy.

  11. You find some good things to do to help keep your sanity.

  12. The ice-covered branches are indeed amazing. Hopefully not too many will break off though. ( That is a true Eeyore statement.
    It's good to know you're still creating. Your desk doesn't look very messy to me. Right now I can barely see the top of mine. Take care, GM

  13. It makes me feel good to hear that you are both feeling good! I need some of your "get up and go" so I can accomplish more around here. I have been having the hardest time accomplishing anything recently. By the way - I love your "messy desk" because it all looks like a fun desk!

  14. How DARE do household chores interrupt our crafting time, Connie??!! They're doing the same thing over here... how RUDE!! *lol* Your desk is a wonderful site.... lots of creativity going on there. Gorgeous!! Love, Andrea xoxo

  15. The best part of this post is to hear that you are both feeling fine. You have almost got me interested in crocheting again. Almost. :-)

  16. I had to chuckle when I read that your drawer cleaning was cutting into your crocheting time! I feel the same way some days. And I have often wondered about the crumbs in silver drawers as well. Glad you and Far Guy are faring well... stay safe and well!

  17. I have decided that cleaning a sorting are the least of my priorities right now> I'll probably regret it later that I wasted all of this time, but keeping my spirits up does not include cleaning any more than necessary, which is too much.
    Really glad to hear that you are both doing well.

  18. A messy desk is a sign of a busy mind!

  19. Icicles look so lovely from a distance
    Cleaning is happening everywhere, even here

  20. 3 shawls in the wonderful.....I know about the red and the blue one...both beautiful! And working on your afghan sure are talented, Connie. Hope to see your afghan when it's all completed! Hope your ice has all melted away by now. You sure are getting alot of cleaning done around your house. Stay in and stay well.

  21. I remember the same thing happened back when I was growing up in New York. We woke up to a sparkly winter wonderland. Only problem was, those beautiful diamonds and crystals hanging from the trees meant that same ice wreaked havoc on the roads, especially for the school buses...we had a snow day with hardly any snow on the ground. (Of course, that became a second reason for us to all be delighted.)

  22. Glad you're both doing well, and I love how you describe the frosty trees... Sounds so beautiful!

  23. You are keeping busy. I have to find a new project to start. Working on Ancestry does not count as a project. Stay safe....

  24. One of the great mysteries of the world... how DO those silverware drawers get so crumby?


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