Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Another Day

We walked.  I organized some cards and envelopes...did some laundry.  The usual not so exciting stuff.   Finished a stack of cards.

I put my feet up and crocheted and watched the last of  Virgin River on Netflix.  Now I wait for another season to be released.  Back to Zumbo and his fabulous creations.

Our spring/fall trail is almost free of snow.  I never walk this way in the summer too much Poison Ivy.  We had rain overnight and more snow melted.

Far Guy cooked as in...put the chicken thighs I had been marinating in Sweet Baby Rays BBQ Sauce into the crock pot at the right time and warmed up vegetables.

No known virus cases in our county yet.

Talked with my Mother and Dad they are doing okay.  Dad was outside digging up a spot to plant some potatoes on Good Friday.
Stay Safe!
Far Side


  1. The poison ivy has just emerged here and it has curtailed a bit of my outdoor endeavors. Nasty stuff. Araignee

  2. My neighbors let their goats eat the poison ivy now they have none in their woods. Thankfully at this time I have no reaction to it but my brother looks at it ... and reacts.
    Not much ado here today either. Watching the heavy fog roll through.

  3. Flowers are finally starting to pop up around here. We are still under lockdown but with so many stupid people ignoring it we still have more episodes of the virus popping up. Today is our Election day and our Gov has really screwed things up royally. Oh well, such is life. Stay healthy.

  4. Doing the normal everyday things is keeping everyone sane right now. So glad the virus hasnt hit your area.
    Enjoy the changing season... we are having heavy rain in California... a blessed relief from the sunshine.. Being a Brit.. I never thought I would say that.. but its the little things!
    Stay well
    Phoebe x

  5. Good morning.. your day sounds about like mine. I just discovered Sweet Baby Rays BBQ sauce and love, love, love it. I am getting pretty creative in my cooking. You use what you got, right? Have a great day.

  6. Got your card yesterday in the mail and it brightened my day!! Sweet Baby Ray's BBQ sauce is one of my favorites. I have ribs to cook tonight in it. Yum!

  7. Our days are pretty much like yours. 5 cases here in our county.

  8. Sweet Baby Ray's is our family favorite too. My hubby uses it in place of catsup on everything now: hot dogs, hamburgers, etc. Sounds like a wonderfully routine day at your house, Connie. Thank heaven for our stay-at-home-ness routines! Love, Andrea xoxo

  9. Good food helps tame the bad stuff out there.

  10. Nice cards. Glad there is no virus in your county.

  11. Love your cards! I'm still doing mine as well, you are inspirational! In fact I just posted a blog about doing them. How long do you cook chicken thighs in the slow cooker? Were they boneless or did they have bones in? Sounds good.

  12. Glad you, Far Guy, and your parents are still doing OK.

  13. I'm impressed that your 90 something year old dad is out digging his potato patch. Love it!
    Thanks again for the card. Love that too.

  14. Ypu have been busy! You make the prettiest cards!
    Stay safe and well. :)

  15. I'm really envious because your snow has melted. We've had very little snow melt here.

  16. Staying busy is good. It does seem to be the same things each day here. I need to find a way to switch things up a bit. Good to hear about your Mom and Dad. Stay well.

  17. Glad everyone is doing well. Take care!

  18. We have over 225 people in our city with the virus. Almost 6000 in our state. Life goes on about the same every day here. I did some sewing and now I'm paying for it with back spasms this afternoon. I knew better too.

  19. We have 19 deaths at our local hospital, and almost 300 positive cases of Covid. I think I probably had it, but I'm feeling pretty good these days with just a bit of a leftover cough. :-)

  20. Nothing much has changed for me I usually spend my days home alone

  21. We can't figure it out, but Cheryl has been battling Poison Ivy all winter! Possibly some of it got on her "summer shorts" and she wore them on these "warm-ish" days here in Iowa. Thus.. re-infecting herself with the poison ivy itch. (Oh yes, we have had it all before so we know the signs.) I constantly tell her to wear long pans when mushroom hunting, but that doesn't seem to stop me from getting it either...

  22. Looks like your snow is melting from the path. I love you cards. All of them are so pretty.

  23. Nice to see that snow disappearing. It's going away here too, except for the huge mountains left by the snow plows in the early part of winter....it's going to take some time for those to disappear. Oh well...at least there's a little progress. Nice you got to take a walk and watch your program and even crocheted a bit! The days seem to keep moving along...we're not sick yet, and our daughter and son-in-law are getting over the virus so that's good news. Stay safe...stay well you two!

  24. You are fortunate that you don't have any cases yet. Our county does now, but only a small proportion of the county's population...although I suppose if it's your person who has the only case, it doesn't matter how small the percentage is :(

    Your cards are so colorful. I realize, as I look at your picture, that my eyes are desperate for more color to look at. Our home is not very colorful. I guess my eyes are starved for blue skies, green grass, and lots of flowers. Time to get back outside and garden!

  25. I find it interesting that your Dad still goes by the old tradition of planting potatoes on Good Friday.


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