Sunday, December 20, 2020

51 years and counting

 Well we made it 51 years!  I chalk that up to marrying your best friend, one with whom you trust your inner most thoughts and always has your back.  Someone you can laugh with and cry with. 

This is the photo that hangs on the living room wall... it has a keepsake from our 50th Anniversary a year ago.

A card from a special neighbor showed up in the mail.  "Time has a way of making love more beautiful"

We will have a quiet day at home...we will cook something special for supper....and thank God that we are still together, have a cozy warm home, enough food to eat and even in the Isolation of 2020 we still love each other! 

More photos of that day 51 years ago can be found here. 

Far Side


  1. We have been married so long Connie can finish most of my sentences. She can also start some of them.

    1. LOL! Happy Anniversary, enjoy your day.

    2. Happy Anniversary! I think I have heard my husband say the same thing LOL

  2. Congratulations! 51 years are quite a lot, but I stll wish you many more.

  3. Happy Anniversary and may you have many more!!

  4. Congrats ! That is so amazing and wonderful. To be stuck in Isolation and still get along is wonderful.

  5. You two know how lucky you are. Enjoy your day.

  6. Happy Anniversary! That is a wonderful milestone.

  7. Happy 51st Anniversary Connie & Gene!! The Lord keep blessing with many more years of Love & Happiness.

  8. Happy anniversary! May God bless you both and I hope you have a lovely day!

  9. Congratulations to you lovebirds!! :) :)

  10. Happy Happy Happy 51st Anniversary!!! Congratulations and may your day be wonderful and your next year married be equally as wonderful! ~Andrea xoxo

  11. Happy anniversary. Far Guy's comment made me chuckle. Blessings on you both!

  12. Happy anniversary to the two of you. Yes, nothing like marrying your soul mate.

  13. Happy, happy anniversary to two best friends. I feel the same about my Dennis. He is literally my soul mate and I think you two are the same.
    I hope you have a wonderful day just being together, (as usual this year), and remembering days past and dreaming of days ahead.

  14. HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY 51ST ANNIVERSARY! Congratulations! May your day together be whatever it is that makes you guys happy! Blessings for more years of love to come! (Enjoyed the story and photos of your wedding day!!)

  15. You are both truly blessed to have each other! Thank you for the card and letter (before I forget) and tell Far Guy that HIS letter is the best one I get every year!

  16. So lucky to make it to 51. Congratulations.

  17. Congratulations to both of you! How amazing 51 years is to celebrate and of course you both had to be babies when you married. This is such a wonderful post! I especially love your last sentence. It is so important to be aware and be thankful for those things that really matter. May you have many, many more blessed years of happiness!

  18. Best friends forever.... amen to that.

  19. Happy Anniversary! Isn't life with the right person wonderful! Hopefully we can have big celebrations a year from now.

  20. Happy anniversary! You are blessed to have each other.

  21. Congratulations! What wonderful memories you must have of being together - I hope you have many more years to make even more :) xx

  22. Congratulations! That is a lot of years of memories. Good ones for sure.

  23. Happy anniversary!! Not many people reach that amazing milestone!!

  24. Happy Anniversary - hope your day was full of memories, smiles and laughter!

  25. Wonderful and what a great couple you two make! Congratulations!! :-)

  26. Happy Anniversary to each of you! Hope your day was special. Congratulations!

  27. It's nice that 51 can just be a simple day to appreciate each other. Our 51 was this summer and I felt content in it's simplicity.

  28. Congratz! I tell Cheryl she is the best decision I have ever made. Also... The luckiest thing that ever happened to me... as the decision to get married was partly her saying "ok". 24.5 years later and we are still here. ( Take that Mother -in-law!) Great pics! Far Guy had hair! I remember when I had hair... just 10 years ago... It goes by so fast.

  29. Congratulations on 51 Happy Years! I loved going and looking at all your pictures. I hope in that last one, you two weren't standing outside in below zero weather. I had a long veil like that too! Hope you made something scrumptious for dinner tonight. All the best to you two!

  30. Happy Anniversary. The pictures of your wedding are beautiful.

  31. Dear Connie and Gene, Happy, Happy 51st Anniversary to You!!! Fifty-one years of adventure, love, and friendship is quite a treasure. Here’s to many more!

  32. If only you guys would have shared that information with me years ago!!! Happy Anniversary to the cutest couple I know!

  33. Happy Anniversary. I looked back at all the wedding pictures. It was beautiful.

  34. What a wonderful life story. Congratulations on those fifty one years! Yes, the keepsake has a wonderful way of putting it: "making love more beautiful."

  35. I'm late with this, but... Happy anniversary! Congratulations on making it 51 years. I hope you'll celebrate many more years together yet.


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